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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
Youve had your interactions, I've had mine. The hippies i use to know were peace loving through and through. But things never stay the same

Justice for all 😅. in a better world buddy
Said it before, and I'll say it again, hippies were a far more broadly behaved group than you make them out to be. I could introduce you to a couple hippie-to-the-bone folks from the old days, not wannabes from the last 20 years, who fragged their own second lieutenant in 'Nam, as he was an ego-driven jackass who took risks that endangered his platoon numerous times. Lesser of 2 evils. End of problem, and likely decent people saved by it.

I'm sufficiently older than you, Rob, thus graced to have known a bunch of hippies, including some in your 'hood in Austin, as I informed you of before... who've been politically active since the 1960s..

Running into a couple Deadheads 40 years after the fact hardly makes you an expert on hippies.

I was on the road at 13 in the early 70s, being treated as a surrogate younger brother by many who were draft-resisters, dodgers, and deserters, as well as the 'back to the land' crowd, some of whom took me in on their remote off-grid farm in the late mid-70s.

My advice: stick to what you know, not what you think you know.

And I absolutely love peace, Rob... Just not enough to turn a blind eye to heinous shit that shouldn't be happening at all in the first place. And I've gotten involved in many places and instances and in more than one country when it was needed. Not ashamed of that at all.
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moose eater

Well-known member
"My non-violence does not admit of running away from danger and leaving dear ones unprotected. Between violence and cowardly flight, I can only prefer violence to cowardice," (Mahatma Gandhi) said in 1924. Then he added that "non-violence is the summit of bravery."

I love MLK, Gandhi, and others. I'm simply not as patient and/or as brave as they were.


Well-known member
as the system devolves and gets worse. the peace and love shtick will only go so far and last so long.


Well-known member
My advice: stick to what you know, not what you think you know.
Im not claiming to know more than you. Im just giving you the experience i had with hippie culture. These guys just smoked bud all night and partied all day. These were the days shortly before social media grabbed people by the balls. They didnt even think about politics and looking back it wasn't such a bad quality

And Austin has definitely never been my hood, just lived there for a bit many moons ago. Theres no hippies left there anyway. Just hipsters. Invasive locusts that pretend to embrace culture just long enough for them to destroy it and push everyone out. You can bet with the warming trends that they will be in your hood fucking things up soon enough. All they need is a place where they can wear capris 8 months a year
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Well-known member
not that i was even alive at the time but wasn't much of the hippie culture found out to be weird CIA ops to basically spin counter culture folks off into outerspace with all the hippie energy shit as a distraction while the CIA coup'd governments and destroyed black people etc etc etc


Well-known member
The ones in Austin had it made in the shade. Forget government assistance they were getting free food from restaurants all day and they always had a couch, in most cases beds, to crash on and never had to pay for any of it. Never payed for weed either. Communities are always friendly like that until the rich and fabulous find out about them and ruin the place

moose eater

Well-known member
not that i was even alive at the time but wasn't much of the hippie culture found out to be weird CIA ops to basically spin counter culture folks off into outerspace with all the hippie energy shit as a distraction while the CIA coup'd governments and destroyed black people etc etc etc
The 'monsters' 'we' create, eh?

There are some allegations re. Leary and others being shills of sorts.

Wasn't my crowd.



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Some of us dumbasses still live in a restricted state, but are surrounded by legal states.

moose eater

Well-known member
as the system devolves and gets worse. the peace and love shtick will only go so far and last so long.
Well-scrutinized clarity of conscience in all things. What is just and what is not, with a lot of room for uncomfortable self-assessment/introspection, and as little ego involved as can be humanly achieved. Nationalism and ego are death knells...

That's why we have a conscience. Though all too many spend a long period of time mastering distancing the better inner voices.

Unfortunately, we live in a system that teaches to distance a true objective conscience for most of our miserably shallow lives.

"Made by Mattel and/or Hasbro"

And our form of invasive species is gifted with the added feature of being able to justify or rationalize all sorts of totally unnecessary and unjust bullshit. No alewives or vetch ever did that.


Well-known member


Well-known member

I often leave stashes on both sides of the Border, plus whatever kibble I carry through on some trips, but had a first. Stopped to fix some of my better homemade grub I'd had in my freeze cooler for a week-and a half (smoked dry-rub pork ribs), and was prepping the grub, retrieved my stash from the bush nearby that I'd left there on my way into Canada, and was heating coffee water for the Melitta drip system, when for the 3rd or 4th time I walked past the bear-proof trash bins at the site I often use, no one else there, and realized there were 2 cannabis dispensary packets underneath the bear-proof trash bins, still in the store-provided wrapper, with goodies inside. I was gifted by the Cosmos about a gram and a half of Gelato S6 and slightly less Apple Fritter; the Apple Fritter (sativa) sample being QUITE fucking potent, as I would discover shortly thereafter at Bear Creek, just east of Dot Lake.

I've left things of similar sort before, in similar presentation, especially in winter when access to the bush is sometimes less available, but this was the first time the roulette wheel stopped on my number.

Found a dead (but not mangled or bloody) barred owl in the remote road near Aishihik Lake, apparently clipped by a vehicle, but not too munched, and thus, I harvested a couple of the better wing-tip feathers to bring home in a stash spot, thinking, "You know, this might be the trip they run a US Fish and Wildlife dog on me for wildlife stuff, and the smell of the owl feathers leads to the LSD, Rx amphetamines and weed." Murphy often likes me way too much. But it was not to be, and the crossing coming home was uneventful. Pleasant and jovial, even.

I'd guess the single wing length on this bird, from shoulder to longest feather on the wing tip, was close to 24 inches, maybe a bit less.

View attachment 19042375

I'll be making some sort of colorful wall hanging from the feathers with narrow colored yarn. I dig the fuck out of owls, especially larger ones, as they're magnificent critters. Very cool indeed.

I got one decent orange-with-fat lake trout, but not at Aishihik, and not in my boat, but rather a friend's marine canvas and white bending oak, old-school Canadian (square-stern) freighter canoe he built decades ago.

Lots of time to watch campfires in a place where there were times that I was the only person there.

Trout's whole in the freezer, gutted but head on, awaiting a meal where it is sized to the number of attendees. In its current condition, due to not being filleted while the guts were still in it, which would've provided better 'form' for filleting, it'll no doubt be roasted with some Earl Grey or similar black tea in the belly cavity with some lemon juice, sweet onion slices, a touch of seasoned salt and a touch of black pepper.
so, the bears are getting careless with their stash! owls are cool! we have several different species that appear around the house. one is a great horned owl. and some smaller ones i have not been close enough to identify.

i love boats and have studied boat design. i've built 3 work boats for diving. i couldn't buy the kind of boats i needed so i built them. large flat bottom dories with 30 degree flaired sides and an upswept bow for heavy seas.

they will carry a huge load safely in rough seas and plane off at low speed. you give them a lot of throttle to get them up on plane and then back it off to where they're just barely hanging on plane. typically around 10 knots. very fuel efficient. 2 40 hp yamaha enduros with large diameter low pitch props were all you need.

i liked 24 ft with an 8 ft beam.

here is a pacific dory that uses the same design.


moose eater

Well-known member
so, the bears are getting careless with their stash! owls are cool! we have several different species that appear around the house. one is a great horned owl. and some smaller ones i have not been close enough to identify.

i love boats and have studied boat design. i've built 3 work boats for diving. i couldn't buy the kind of boats i needed so i built them. large flat bottom dories with 30 degree flaired sides and an upswept bow for heavy seas.

they will carry a huge load safely in rough seas and plane off at low speed. you give them a lot of throttle to get them up on plane and then back it off to where they're just barely hanging on plane. typically around 10 knots. very fuel efficient. 2 40 hp yamaha enduros with large diameter low pitch props were all you need.

i liked 24 ft with an 8 ft beam.

here is a pacific dory that uses the same design.

View attachment 19042400
The wood-hulled double-end dories were a pretty common design many years ago, able to take waves pretty well from either the stern or the bow. I briefly lived aboard an older one, a smaller wooden crab boat in Kodiak's harbor in the later 1970s (later 1978 through very early 1979), and a former friend in SE Alaska had a hand-troller commercial salmon boat that was a double-end dory with a cabin onboard.



Well-known member
man he really slips into pre covid joe here for half a second when he says there's no way out kid. i'm not ageist because i would still take bernie but clearly joe declined.



Well-known member
Harris is the first person running for office to change positions on anything. Nobody else has ever changed. Not even trump. :rolleyes:

In the history of the United States Harris is the first and only one to change her position on any issue.
sure you can change positions but changing them to objectively worse positions raises some flags. should be obvious but for the democratic party who's future is with the more "progressive" wing of the party, those young people and people who vote based on policy in general see these moves as a clear sign harris is yet another neoliberal status quo toteing middling who will be taking her orders from wall street just like obama and every other politician.
how much longer will electing corporate mediocrity work when facing an increasingly fascist opponent? democrats need to stand on working class policy, not run from it. abandoning the working class has literally given rise to a reactionary nationalist fascist insurgency.


Well-known member
No it isn't worth debating. The fact that she has African in her bloodline isn't up for debate.

Back when her father was growing up it was a time of extreme prejudice. A black man if even allowed to vote his vote would likely end up in the burn barrel. He's been running from his heritage his entire life. It was likely out of necessity to get ahead in life.

The fact remains that after the abolishment of slavery and they could no longer round up Africans like cattle, put them in chains, throw them in the hull of some rat infested ship, and enslave them to work on plantations, they started using indentured servants from India to work the sugar plantations. Jamaica was one of those places. There were also a significant amount of free slaves in the Caribbean and the people from India and the freed slaves had offspring together.

"After the end of slavery, the European-led West Indian sugar colonies tried the use of emancipated slaves, families from Ireland, Germany and Malta and Portuguese from Madeira. All these efforts failed to satisfy the labour needs of the colonies due to high mortality of the new arrivals and their reluctance to continue working at the end of their indenture. On 16 November 1844, the British Indian Government legalised emigration to Jamaica, Trinidad and Demerara (Guyana). The first ship, the Whitby, sailed from Port Calcutta for British Guiana on 13 January 1838, and arrived in Berbice on 5 May 1838. Transportation to the Caribbean stopped in 1848 due to problems in the sugar industry and resumed in Demerara and Trinidad in 1851 and Jamaica in 1860."

"Importing indentured labour became viable for plantation owners because newly emancipated slaves refused to work for low wages. This is demonstrated in the sheer number of freed slaves in colonies that imported Indian workers. Jamaica had 322,000 while British Guiana and Barbados had about 90,000 and 82,000 freed slaves, respectively."

So while yes Harris isn't technically African American she has African Jamaican heritage and as such has African DNA and can 100% claim her Black heritage.

And no, you can't claim to be African American unless you actually have African in your ancestry. I can and do because I've never ran from my heritage.

I've tried to be cordial in our exchanges because I understand than many don't understand race issues because they've never experienced them. Many like to believe that they don't exist and that everything is wine and roses. It isn't and it sure wasn't when Harris's father was living through the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's. It was probably in his best interests in order to get ahead by denying his Black heritage and that's apparently what he chose to do. I can't fault him for what he felt was in his best interests at the time. Things have gotten better but racism still exists in America. Just a few months ago while walking my dogs early in the morning some ignorant piece of crap drove by and yelled the "N" word at me.

Donald J. Harris possibly made a conscious decision decades ago to not acknowledge his African heritage and chose to claim that he was some Caucasian Hindu. But that's only if you believe that lunatic joe brown who'll say anything to get people to listen to his yesterday's news ass. He's a washed up relic just looking for an audience.

My sister did a DNA test. What would you call me? Am I German because that makes up the largest percentage of my DNA? Do I have enough African to be able to call myself Black? Many Blacks like joe brown would say no. Most Whites would say yes.
View attachment 19042242
she is not african american . stop with the nonsense. she was raised in canada too

stop being a race baiting prick too while you are at it

i have no interest in your ability to use a dodgy dna test and i have no interest in your genetics what so ever. the only thing i'm certain on is that you are 100% a tyrant
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