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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
What else do you need. . If you believe Trump didn't say that you are a fool. The beginning of the end for AMERICA! This will not end well

trump's final words were "esper was weak so i had to run the military". had to, just like hitler, in his second term after being democratically elected, said, "germany was being threatened by communist from the inside, so i had to take control of the government"

sounds eerily familiar!


Well-known member
Oh good grief. I don't need your money.

trump had one path back to the White House and that was Joe Biden. They were portraying him as a senile old man and doing a good job. That was their plan. They don't have a backup. All that work they went through. Is he wearing a diaper? Did he soil himself? He can't find his chair behind him, blah blah blah...

Now trumps the old man and he's going to get the same treatment without anyone holding back because of Biden.

All they have left is trump and his hate filled rants in front of crowds a quarter of the size he claims. The party of law and order my ass. trump went on a frenzy selling pardons to anyone with enough money before he left office. He shares a stage with a man released from federal prison just hours prior. Harris is a former Prosecutor that upheld the law and sent felons to prison. See where I'm going with this?

It's over. trump will never occupy the White House again and after the 2024 election nobody will have any need to kiss his ass and he'll be just another crazy old man retired in Florida where he'll spend the rest of his days riding around a golf cart at Mar A Lago complaining about everything and everyone while his sons try to keep the family business going by selling trump branded cheap Chinese junk.
As I thought. A broke pleb that has no money to back up his weak prediction. Ignore……


Well-known member
tRump is an incoherent fool. Makes up names like a 3rd grader I’m looking forward to the next debate when we have a prosecutor and a convicted felon
Have you seen Kamala try to talk? Remember her campaign 4 years ago when she won zero states?

He’ll call her gay or something, everyone laughs, she loses.


Well-known member
i would if i had read it, which i have not, sorry
i haven't read the whole document either yet, it's 936 pages describing a complete, ultra right, fascist, takeover of society, like it or not. just the things posted on this thread that were quoted from it should worry any american who is devoted to the idea of freedom. it will take many of your basic freedoms away.

it was coined by the heritage foundation, who is headed by kevin roberts. he is the one who said, on the air, that "we are going through a second american revolution and it can be bloodless, if the left allows it to be."

they intend to force these changes on society at large, without the democratic process, if need be.

when the document first came out, and the contents were starting to be understood, the general reaction was so strong it caused trump and the RNC to immediately play it down. at first, trump said he didn't know anything about it. then he said there were parts of it he didn't like, but wouldn't say what parts. then he says he didn't know anything about it again a few days later. well, which is it, did he know or not?

it's seems odd that he wouldn't know anything about a document that was written especially for him. and why wouldn't he acknowledge that fact? the writers included 140 former trump admin employees.

sen marco rubio, when asked about the document on air, tried to minimize it, saying that it was just the output of a "middle of the road right wing think tank."

there is nothing middle of the road about it. it is extreme right, ultra far right, and if forced on society as kevin roberts stated, fascist. remember part of the definition of fascism includes, "forcible suppression of opposition". that is not the american way, it is not democracy, and it does not respect the constitution or the bill of rights.

anyone who truly believes in freedom should vote against it. you'll be hearing a lot about it in the next 4 months.


Well-known member

"The question is which person is more likely to create an environment I can thrive in economically."

come on, man! this sounds like you are saying that all you care about is yourself and money. i don't believe that's true. i think you are a better man than that.
The world is a collection of individuals trying to make decisions based on their own best interest. If people stuck to that philosophy we wouldn’t have half the problems we do now. People worried about the best interests of others (which is impossible to know) are the cause of wars and the welfare state.

If you have even just a couple real principles and do what’s best for you and your family, you won’t hurt anyone. The ends justify the means isn’t a principle.


Well-known member
this morning, just 36 hours after biden quit, the DNC reports over 100 million in contributions. that's 2.77 million per hour. you are witnessing the beginning of a tidal wave, a tsunami.
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Well-known member
The world is a collection of individuals trying to make decisions based on their own best interest. If people stuck to that philosophy we wouldn’t have half the problems we do now. People worried about the best interests of others (which is impossible to know) are the cause of wars and the welfare state.

If you have even just a couple real principles and do what’s best for you and your family, you won’t hurt anyone. The ends justify the means isn’t a principle.
what you are describing is a world order where everyone just pursues their own selfish interests. i cannot believe that you really think that would be the best world to live in.

we all have selfish interests, we all want to live better, but shouldn't this be tempered with compassion for others less fortunate?


Well-known member
what you are describing is a world order where everyone just pursues their own selfish interests. i cannot believe that you really think that would be the best world to live in.

we all have selfish interests, we all want to live better, but shouldn't this be tempered with compassion for others less fortunate?
If you truly follow your best interests, you won’t hurt anyone, and you’ll make the world a better place. Helping others can be in your best interests. But controlling people or funding foreign wars isn’t.

Being selfish and self centered is different than your best interests.


Well-known member
now they are disavowing it, only after realizing that the public reaction was going to hurt their campaign.

trump collaborated on the document. 140 former trump admin employees helped write it.

they are so worried about it's impact on the election that they are changing the name of the document from "project 2025" to "agenda 47". same document, different title.

and now you think that he won't try to implement it just because he says he won't? come on, man!


Well-known member
If you truly follow your best interests, you won’t hurt anyone, and you’ll make the world a better place. Helping others can be in your best interests. But controlling people or funding foreign wars isn’t.

Being selfish and self centered is different than your best interests.
project 2025 is all about controlling people. and i have to disagree about the distinction between "best interests and selfishness" who is the most self centered candidate to come down the pike in our memory? who suffers from extreme narcissism? trump is so obviously afflicted with this mental illness that a first year psych student can see it.


Well-known member
As I thought. A broke pleb that has no money to back up his weak prediction. Ignore……

I'm a broke pleb? Typical maga response. Start name calling. That's why trump is destined to lose. Americans are sick of this crap.

I was mining bitcoin back in 2013. Take a look at where it's at today. You might want to rethink your ridiculous name calling comment. Like I said, I don't need your money. And I would definitely not use some escrow account recommended by a stranger on the internet. You can think anything you want but when you engage with personal insults most people with critical thinking skills know you're just acting on emotion and nothing more. Grow up.


Well-known member
If you truly follow your best interests, you won’t hurt anyone, and you’ll make the world a better place. Helping others can be in your best interests. But controlling people or funding foreign wars isn’t.

Being selfish and self centered is different than your best interests.

You just described trump


Well-known member
i posted the results of the top 10 polls averaged before biden dropped out. they showed trump with just a 1.7% advantage in a possible matchup between him and harris.

a preliminary poll presented this morning now shows that trump's advantage has shrunk to just 1% in 36 hours.

later this week or early next week we should be getting another full set of polls to average. it's going to be interesting.

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