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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
"The theory that glass from a teleprompter caused Trump's wound requires a broken teleprompter. There is no evidence to support the notion that either of the teleprompters at the rally was broken at any point during or after the attempted assassination."

so my theory mite be rite on...


Well-known member
The reality is this whole thing looks just off. They are not going to give us any relevant info and I like how the media is now bread crumbing little bits of irrelevant info about the shooters phone history like they couldn't comb the whole damn thing in a matter of minutes.

I don't know how they pull this mass hypnosis off but this feels as unreal as other events in the past, like the Charlottesville car ramming.

That crowd just wasn't acting naturally IMO.

Its just my feeling I'm not claiming it to be truth but that's my takeaway. Yes someone died, as usual there are more questions then answers, and typical Manchurian candidate as the shooter.

Now the media is in lock step again, left and right, I would argue the puppet masters up to their games again and Trump is just as much compromised and in on it as the rest of them.


Well-known member
a 4th possibility is that he cut his ear b4 even coming on stage, and fell to the ground while ripping off the skin colored bandaid and reopening the cut, hence the blood...

who's coming up with possibility number 5...

I got you



Well-known member
The .223/Nato 5.56mm is known to sometimes have a tumbling affect, which is why what is simply a high speed .22 caliber bullet can cause so much damage.

Compared to the traditional, pre-MacNamara .308/Nato 7.62 x 57 it's a horrible round for humans in many ways, and the AR-15 is anything but an accurate target rifle.

A serious shooter hitting a target from a short distance of about 130 yards (or MUCH further out) would've either used a long-range 7mm magnum or a .308/Nato 7.62x57.

But he borrowed the thing from his dad and went with what he had on hand.
The 5.56 round is plenty accurate up to 500 yards, after that you definitely want something better. Sure a high power rifle would be better could have aimed for the chest and it would rip through a vest, of course then you'd be trying to climb on the roof with a much bigger rifle.

Now depending on what he had for a scope definitely matters, iron sights I would definitely be very close, but dead center would be pure luck. A decent scope I'd get a bullseye, but taking a shot at someone important, it's going to be a little harder than having buck fever. Most people including me get a rush of adrenaline when lining up a shot on a big buck takes a second to line up the perfect shot cause your blood is pumping so hard. Likely I wouldn't have done any better than that kid, I'm sure he seen the snipers and people on the ground yelling "he's got a gun" if I hadn't taken my morning shit I'd have probably shit my pants. Lol

Now the biggest thing is, that kid should have been dead minutes before the first shot. Trump should have been taken off stage minutes before the first shot as well. Obviously they wanted Trump dead and decided to let the kid try. He bought a damn ladder that morning set it up on the building and climbed up. They seen him using a range finder and just let him go on his way to try shooting Trump. That kid was way too sloppy, they let him take shots for damn sure. I can see if the kid climbed a tree at 4am and just chilled in a saddle camouflage and all but being that sloppy yeah they tried letting Trump get assassinated.

On the upside, now Trump doesn't even need to do anymore outdoor rallies, he won, no contest, not even a slight chance Biden can win. They either kill Trump even more obviously than the first attempt or he's the President. Of course they kill him, he's going to be a Martyr and shits really going to go down, open season on anti Trump politicians and media. Then Biden is going to be like, "but, but, they're supposed to need F16's not AR-15's." Lol, yeah we just need guns, obviously we wouldn't be going up against troops, we'd be ambushing politicians. F16's is how you kill innocent people and create a hell of a lot more fighters.


Well-known member
no moron, it was the glass that caused what little damage he sustained. but, if the bullet had actually touched him the shock wave from that bullet would have caused additional tissue damage beyond just the hole from the bullet. you don't know shit about ballistics. the shooter fired a 5.56 nato round with an average of 1478 ft lbs of energy. when a bullet travels through a substance it is pushing a shock wave radiating outward from the path of the bullet as it goes through the substance. this shock wave creates additional damage in soft tissue. it creates a wound track that is usually much larger in diameter than the bullet itself.
Lol, Shockwave!! Yeah no, it's been debunked. A skimmed ear is a skimmed ear.



Well-known member
Lol, Shockwave!! Yeah no, it's been debunked. A skimmed ear is a skimmed ear.

another with comprehension problems. i didn't say the wave from a near miss caused damage. i said that if the bullet had touched him we should be seeing more damage than we are seeing.


and, i also said that if it turns out the bullet did touch him it was the red cunt hair of touches. which is a nick, not a hole. trump said the bullet "pierced" his ear. meaning a hole was made. there does not appear to be a hole in the ear. reading is fundamental.

moose eater

Well-known member
The 5.56 round is plenty accurate up to 500 yards, after that you definitely want something better. Sure a high power rifle would be better could have aimed for the chest and it would rip through a vest, of course then you'd be trying to climb on the roof with a much bigger rifle.

Now depending on what he had for a scope definitely matters, iron sights I would definitely be very close, but dead center would be pure luck. A decent scope I'd get a bullseye, but taking a shot at someone important, it's going to be a little harder than having buck fever. Most people including me get a rush of adrenaline when lining up a shot on a big buck takes a second to line up the perfect shot cause your blood is pumping so hard. Likely I wouldn't have done any better than that kid, I'm sure he seen the snipers and people on the ground yelling "he's got a gun" if I hadn't taken my morning shit I'd have probably shit my pants. Lol

Now the biggest thing is, that kid should have been dead minutes before the first shot. Trump should have been taken off stage minutes before the first shot as well. Obviously they wanted Trump dead and decided to let the kid try. He bought a damn ladder that morning set it up on the building and climbed up. They seen him using a range finder and just let him go on his way to try shooting Trump. That kid was way too sloppy, they let him take shots for damn sure. I can see if the kid climbed a tree at 4am and just chilled in a saddle camouflage and all but being that sloppy yeah they tried letting Trump get assassinated.

On the upside, now Trump doesn't even need to do anymore outdoor rallies, he won, no contest, not even a slight chance Biden can win. They either kill Trump even more obviously than the first attempt or he's the President. Of course they kill him, he's going to be a Martyr and shits really going to go down, open season on anti Trump politicians and media. Then Biden is going to be like, "but, but, they're supposed to need F16's not AR-15's." Lol, yeah we just need guns, obviously we wouldn't be going up against troops, we'd be ambushing politicians. F16's is how you kill innocent people and create a hell of a lot more fighters.
Yes, people reportedly saw the kid on top of the roof and yelled to cops near them 90 seconds before the first shot was fired.

I don't think the rest of your theory holds too much water.

No, the .223 nor the 5.56 Nato round are sniper quality cartridges.

Kennedy wasn't doing a rally at the moment when he got hit.

"Anyone can be gotten to."


Well-known member
Yes, people reportedly saw the kid on top of the roof and yelled to cops near them 90 seconds before the first shot was fired.

I don't think the rest of your theory holds too much water.

No, the .223 nor the 5.56 Nato round are sniper quality cartridges.

Kennedy wasn't doing a rally at the moment when he got hit.

"Anyone can be gotten to."
especially if the shooter is willing to die in the attempt.

the thing is there is no official information yet, no one is talking. we may never know what motivated the kid. it's all conjecture at this point.

he's got to take the lame ass bandage off at some point. then we'll see if there is a nick taken out of the ear.

i've hurt myself worse shaving.


Well-known member

It is generally recognized that when a high-velocity missile strikes the body and moves through soft tissues, pressures develop which are measured in thousands of atmospheres. Actually, three different types of pressure change appear: (1) shock wave pressures or sharp, high-pressure pulses, formed when the missile hits the body surface; (2) very high-pressure regions immediately in front and to each side of the moving missile; (3) relatively slow, low-pressure changes connected with the behavior of the large explosive temporary cavity, formed behind the missile. Such pressure changes appear to be responsible for what is known to hunters as hydraulic shock—a hydraulic transmission of energy that is believed to cause instant death of animals hit by high-velocity bullets (Powell (1)).
— An Experimental Study of shock waves resulting from the impact of high-velocity missiles on animal tissues[8][9]
Frank Chamberlin, a World War II trauma surgeon and ballistics researcher, noted remote pressure wave effects. Col. Chamberlin described what he called "explosive effects" and "hydraulic reaction" of bullets in tissue. ...liquids are put in motion by 'shock waves' or hydraulic effects... with liquid filled tissues, the effects and destruction of tissues extend in all directions far beyond the wound axis.[10] He avoided the ambiguous use of the term "shock" because it can refer to either a specific kind of pressure wave associated with explosions and supersonic projectiles or to a medical condition in the body.
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Well-known member
At that point he could just have a surgeon cut a little gouge out of his ear. If the attempt was real then I wouldn't downplay the effect of being within 1 inch of have a part of your scull shot off would have on an individual. Its politics, seems they find a way to spin an assassination attempt into a positive which is insane on its face but normal in our world.


Well-known member
another with comprehension problems. i didn't say the wave from a near miss caused damage. i said that if the bullet had touched him we should be seeing more damage than we are seeing.


and, i also said that if it turns out the bullet did touch him it was the red cunt hair of touches. which is a nick, not a hole. trump said the bullet "pierced" his ear. meaning a hole was made. there does not appear to be a hole in the ear. reading is fundamental.
Well just a matter of time before someone shoots a freshly killed pigs ear and we will see it's not going to leave a much bigger hole than the bullet. Now sure it hits you dead center in the chest it's going to displace a lot more meat especially on the exit wound.
i've hurt myself worse shaving.
I would probably lie about that one. Lol, I've gotten tiny cuts shaving, never enough to drip blood like that. You should be more careful and wear shoes in the house, safety first, then teamwork.


Well-known member
View attachment 19035056

Frank Chamberlin, a World War II trauma surgeon and ballistics researcher, noted remote pressure wave effects. Col. Chamberlin described what he called "explosive effects" and "hydraulic reaction" of bullets in tissue. ...liquids are put in motion by 'shock waves' or hydraulic effects... with liquid filled tissues, the effects and destruction of tissues extend in all directions far beyond the wound axis.[10] He avoided the ambiguous use of the term "shock" because it can refer to either a specific kind of pressure wave associated with explosions and supersonic projectiles or to a medical condition in the body.
Just like a plane can take down skyscrapers, perhaps the physics are not jiving here. Maybe we would get someone to volunteer to have their ear nicked by a high velocity round and see what the actual damage would be.

To me it wasn't much blood, and mysteriously no blood on his hand. And it appears the secret service had washcloths available (must have been for sweat)?


Well-known member
Well just a matter of time before someone shoots a freshly killed pigs ear and we will see it's not going to leave a much bigger hole than the bullet. Now sure it hits you dead center in the chest it's going to displace a lot more meat especially on the exit wound.

I would probably lie about that one. Lol, I've gotten tiny cuts shaving, never enough to drip blood like that. You should be more careful and wear shoes in the house, safety first, then teamwork.
yes, i agree that the bullet hitting a thin piece of flesh is not going to leave the same damage as a chest wound. i think that is obvious. but you have just said that "it's not going to leave a much bigger hole than the bullet."

so you agree that it could leave a bigger hole than the bullet? and, in light of your statement, if there was a hole at all, the hole should be visible as perhaps a slightly larger hole than the bullet diameter, which is .22 of an inch. so do you think we should be seeing at least a .25 hole in the ear? i don't see any hole in the ear.

another factor to consider is that to make a clean hole the ear would have to be perpendicular to the bullet path. the ear would have to stick out like dumbo's. if there was any angle at all and it appears that there was an acute angle because trump's head was tilted towards the shooter, there would be a longer wound track instead of a hole.

"I would probably lie about that one" yes, i believe you!


Well-known member
Just like a plane can take down skyscrapers, perhaps the physics are not jiving here. Maybe we would get someone to volunteer to have their ear nicked by a high velocity round and see what the actual damage would be.

To me it wasn't much blood, and mysteriously no blood on his hand. And it appears the secret service had washcloths available (must have been for sweat)?
yep, there's a bunch of loose bolts here that are hard to explain.

first, a spokesperson for the pa state police says that he thinks trump was cut by glass, then the state police shut up and won't make any more statements. can't get any info from the emergency room techs.

i find it difficult to believe that the secret service detail didn't have a man stationed at every possible shooting position. i don't know much about security but it would be the first thing i would do. stand at the podium and identify all possible shooting positions, then put a man or two at those positions.

the fact that the kid was running around the place for some time and climbing onto a building with a rifle in his hands without interception is highly suspicious.

when you start looking for conspiracies the theories break down rapidly under the scrutiny of logic. it is too illogical to think that trump's people would expose him to gunfire from an untrained kid who was such a poor shot that he couldn't get on the rifle team at school. after all, someone died and others were hit by real bullets. so the idea that trump and co staged it all is highly illogical.

and just as illogical is the idea that the left somehow got to this young republican and convinced him to try to kill a former president at the expense of his own life.

so i think that we have a screwed up kid with ideas of fame taking his father's gun and trying to commit an assassination combined with incompetence from those assigned to protect trump.

nothing more or less. no big conspiracies here.