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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

So Hai

Well-known member

That is the same flag that was at the rally. It was the flag that put the hit on Trump.

are you sure it is the same flag that he made out with in 2020?
it looks smaller to me,


Well-known member
so, is everyone ready for another day of shit slinging?

@zachrockbadenof, @buzzmobile, thank you so much! i can put away the tissue box now!

back to business, from eric trump

On Wednesday morning, Trump’s son told CBS News the bullet wound to his ear gave his father "the greatest earache he's ever had," adding that the “nice flesh wound” didn’t require any stitches.

no stitches means no piercing. no hole in the ear. something cut his ear superficially. it could have been the red cunt hair of bullet touches or a piece of glass, we don't have any clarification beyond that.

a tiny wound requiring no stitches but needing a 3" square gauze bandage. why not a band aid?

could it be political theater?

still nothing more from the pa state police or anyone else. no definitive info on whether or not a teleprompter was damaged. or if a bullet struck some other object near the podium.

nothing but lame ass conspiracy theories.
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Well-known member
a tiny wound requiring no stitches but needing a 3" square gauze bandage. why not a band aid?

could it be political theater?
well years ago i fell off my bike (bicycle ) at nite riding in a dark park, 10-12 feet into a brook on my head (prob explains a lot), and put a nice hole in my head - for many months afterwards, when i would go out to the various bars/disco's, i always wore a oversized bandage for the sympathy vote from young ladies , and it worked very well ...


Well-known member
tell the widow of the firefighter its an illusion.....
lots of shots rang out, and according to witnesses perhaps from multiple directions. Would not someone dying and/or wounded be needed to make any trickery that much more believable?

I'm not claiming to know anything, or be right, but I am not accepting this incident at face value is all. Most people are not for one reason or another. My inclination is Trump was in on this plan, otherwise right now heads would be rolling, yet despite the known incompetence of the SS, has Trump himself come out against them?

If it was a real assassination attempt on him that he (trump) believed was orchestrated on the inside by the left, he would have unleashed a call for civil war already IMO.


Well-known member
lots of shots rang out, and according to witnesses perhaps from multiple directions. Would not someone dying and/or wounded be needed to make any trickery that much more believable?
can u post where it is written shots from multiple directions .... that i did not hear... and yes someone dying/wounded makes any plot more believable


Well-known member

So Hai

Well-known member
really? do you have any evidence that crooks was groomed by federal agents? and now you're saying that the air pressure wave ruptured the skin. a page back you were laughing at the idea and now you're all over it. again, i did not say the pressure or shockwave was the initial cause of the damage.

you "so it was the shock wave that caused damage not the actual bullet, ok. he tilted his head, and it swirled right by didn’t even touch him it was just the wind. what a disappointment, indeed, for some."
Yes. You didn’t say that the pressure wave caused the damage, that was me saying the wind did it while you where arguing for the ”telepromter glass”.

you're not so hai, you're only so high!

where are those references to the relevant passages in the book? that say to hate jews but love jesus?
Try read it cover to cover and see for yourself what is written, the gospel of John alone has 70+ references to jews and essentially all are pejorative. Yeah I do not reason from feelings as you suggest, that is what you do and have done since before bringing up Jesus.

Your inability to separate the so called wheat from the tares does not make me conflicted. A good parable for you to consider as any.

you, obviously, support trump in this election, what do you think he will do about funding the israeli's attack on gaza. he's more pro israel than the democrats because the evangelistic base that supports him is pro israel.
I couldn’t care less a out who wins your election. What I support is something more along the lines of balcanization than anything. To be clear, I am talking about the division and break up of your country along the established conflict lines.

Balcanization for america,


Well-known member
Seeing is believing. I've also seen many a magic trick that looks real. There is great power in illusion and deception. But you are entitled to believe whatever you want.

I would say this, based on your theory, and the secret service is corrupted to that degree, then why like this. They could take out Trump in much easier ways at so many time. Car crash, Plane crash, mystery illness, heart attack (that would be plausible given his shape)

Obviously I am no fan of the man, and I am further disappointed that so many in our nation are. To the point of near worship, at least groupie level. And I get it, he gives them a sense the purpose and belonging that they were desperate for. But regardless, I would prefer he not be assassinated, and instead would wish that people see through his bullshit and oust his ass.

Finally, no matter how Trump dies, even if it were natural causes, at this point his groupies wouldn't accept it. It would damage them too much emotionally, until they latch on to the next scarier clown that fills his void in the vacuum created.

For my own sanity I need to ignore Trump. Better to work on people around me, there is more power in that. Until one of them kills me for it.
Lol, The best thing is come November Trump is going to be our President for the next 4 years and you're going to be crying every minute of it.

Biden doesn't make me lose any sleep, but he's a complete idiot, can't even debate coherently. He's really an embarrassment to the country, clearly suffering from dementia, clearly not writing any of his executive orders, definitely not reading and comprehending any bills. Obviously someone is telling him what to sign and what to say. The only thing that bothers me is who? Jill, Hunter, Obama, Hillary, Black Rock? Probably Black Rock, I'm sure they all answer to the ultra wealthy corporations.

Of course, besides inflation they haven't effected my life at all, I own my home bought with cash so the Interest rates don't effect me, I drive older vehicles no interest in a 2024 model vehicle too much computer crap in them, they're going to cost a small fortune to operate for the next 10 years with all the added maintenance and repairs. The best is the cars that require subscriptions just to use what's already installed in the damn cars!! They release a new 90's Toyota pickup without any bells and whistles I might consider buying new or a 90's Camaro, absofuckinlutely. I'm just not a fan of cars or trucks in 2024.

Now the Trump victory is 100% inevitable, we're going to pump oil like never before. Low gas and heating prices. It's going to be a great thing for the US economy. Tariffs on China will boost manufacturing in America, I'm sure most will go to other countries, but hopefully countries that are more friendly to America, be nice if we can get goods made in Argentina, they need money, we need products and I kind of like their President.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Tariffs on China will boost manufacturing in America, I'm sure most will go to other countries, but hopefully countries that are more friendly to America,
I agree that this will be the effect, although doubtful it will happen very much within the 4 year period. There will be an increase in US manufacturing brought about by the Biden administration policy/implementations which the subsequent administration will take credit for, as happened with Jimmy Carter and Reagan.

Another effect of the tariffs [if happen] will be an enormous economic boost to Mexico, as they have established dealings with both the US and China.