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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member

That's pretty close to THE reality.

Most politicians' first or primary objective is re-election. Their second objective is to please those who put them there; the corporations or Oligarchy. Their third objective is party supremacy in numbers. The fourth, if you're lucky, MIGHT be addressing constituents' needs.

And to help the voters believe the fallacy that their 4th priority is really their first priority, they hire poll-readers/statisticians and paid speech writers, so they can bullshit the voters at every opportunity with empty rhetoric.

But it's the delivery with c-grade theatrics that people fall for that ought to have thinking people scratching their heads. Or are the average voters and partisans really that gullible when talking to used car salespeople too?

Verbal contracts are legally binding in many/most states. Imagine if such binding legal 'encouragement' were to be applied to all political representatives, and if a person could prove that the representative failed to follow through on campaign promises, that despite the reps broken promises the ability to have kept them was there, and they abandoned their verbal commitments, and they could then be held accountable in court.

Imagine what politics might look like during the silly season of incessant political ads if the binding nature of verbal contracts were to be enforceable in court concerning the utterances made by politicians wanting the voters to elect them?

moose eater

Well-known member
Ike would not recognize what the GOP has become, and they would denounce him as a RINO if he was still alive. he was the last good president we've had, or are likely to have.
Sure he would. He'd most likely see them as a hybrid cross between Mussolini and Jim Jones.


Well-known member
You have a system where you go and elect the representatives who do not serve your interests but instead that of the chosen people,

The migration that has you concerned is a symptom of this, one of many that are organized by those who are also starting the wars.

the quote you wrongly attributed to voltaire was actually from the mouth of a racist piece of shit!

"A quote shared on social sites is wrongly attributed to the French writer and philosopher Voltaire. White nationalist Kevin Alfred Strom penned the quote.
Examples of social media posts misattributing the quote to Voltaire are reviewable (here), (here), and (here).
The quote, which reads, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” was quickly identified by some users online as a quote by Kevin Alfred Strom."

below is someone you are not allowed to criticize.

fact check! or are you not interested in facts, just propaganda?

and, once again you are dodging a direct question about what passages in the book justify loving jesus and hating jews simultaneously. you mentioned the "book" so which book exactly and what passages support your ludicrous claim?


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Well-known member
Ike would not recognize what the GOP has become, and they would denounce him as a RINO if he was still alive. he was the last good president we've had, or are likely to have.
i have to disagree with ya.... LBJ got quite a few things done, and clinton toooo i think did a pretty good job.... i do agree with ya tho, another good president going forward is hard to see


Well-known member
probably... how about LBJ with vietnam , or george bush of the iraq war... both needless and who made out like bandits... the defense co's..
lbj inherited vietnam from kennedy. but then he blew it up. this was at the height of the cold war. capitalism vs communism. on a global basis. but as ike alluded to just 4 years earlier, the military-industrial complex was already well established by the time of the vietnam war.

i think it's important to think of what was going on in the world at the time. russia and china were building their own versions of the complex and were dead set on making communism the world-wide type of government.

ike said that we could no longer wait for a war to begin to get ready for it. we must be ready for it at all times. he was right.

in the wake of ww2 there was no choice but to develop an ongoing war machine. to do otherwise would have given most of the world to the communist.

the world shrank in size during ww2 and has been shrinking ever since.

there are spheres of influence and power voids that must be considered. since ww2 if a power void existed someone was going to fill it. it became a matter of displacement. they were trying to displace the west and the west was trying to displace them. the world became too small to stick our heads in the sand and just let it happen.

when the nuclear age began the race was on and there was no way to stop it. tit for tat. a non-stoppable spiral of weapons development by the major powers. our theory was that the west was richer and that the cold war would culminate in financial ruin for russia. and it worked. ronald reagan broke the back of the soviet economy by playing a poker game with them, bluffing and outbidding until they folded. remember the star wars initiative? we were threatening to blanket the earth with orbiting war satellites equipped with lasers and particle beam weapons. we actually couldn't afford it either but the russians didn't know that.

the soviet union was the only other real superpower during the cold war and when it broke up in 1992 and russia went back to just being russia they lost 1/2 of the population and about 2/3 of the natural resources they once controlled. even though russia still had a large nuclear arsenal they became a second class power and by default left the US as the only real superpower in the world and we remain that today.

although we have invaded countries since then we did not invade them to keep them as russia has. putler fully intended to take all of ukraine when he invaded 2.5 years ago. the ukrainians were only able to stop them with massive western aid.

that aid would not have been available if it were not for the west's ongoing military and industrial development.

so, a military-industrial complex will always be here and is needed to counter russia's and now china's aggression.

the problem with it is lack of accountability. unfortunately, greed and corruption are still part of human nature and we need better controls to regulate the industry and stop corruption.

you hear folks say that "the money for the military could be better used for other things". this is true but we really have enough total money for everything. it is just being misdirected into the pockets of corrupt officials and ceo's of the major corporations involved in weapon production.

we had a good reason to invade afghanistan but no real reason to invade iraq. i voted for bush2 and immediately regretted it.

so i guess we have war criminals too. netanyahu is a war criminal but so are the leaders of hamas.

i think that anyone who starts a war is a war criminal. it's time for the human race to grow up.


Well-known member
That's pretty close to THE reality.

Most politicians' first or primary objective is re-election. Their second objective is to please those who put them there; the corporations or Oligarchy. Their third objective is party supremacy in numbers. The fourth, if you're lucky, MIGHT be addressing constituents' needs.

And to help the voters believe the fallacy that their 4th priority is really their first priority, they hire poll-readers/statisticians and paid speech writers, so they can bullshit the voters at every opportunity with empty rhetoric.

But it's the delivery with c-grade theatrics that people fall for that ought to have thinking people scratching their heads. Or are the average voters and partisans really that gullible when talking to used car salespeople too?

Verbal contracts are legally binding in many/most states. Imagine if such binding legal 'encouragement' were to be applied to all political representatives, and if a person could prove that the representative failed to follow through on campaign promises, that despite the reps broken promises the ability to have kept them was there, and they abandoned their verbal commitments, and they could then be held accountable in court.

Imagine what politics might look like during the silly season of incessant political ads if the binding nature of verbal contracts were to be enforceable in court concerning the utterances made by politicians wanting the voters to elect them?
Politicians don’t promise much anymore. They just say the opposition is Hitler.


Well-known member
do you think he'll take that big maxi pad off is ear tonight so we can see that extensive damage?
maxi pad! another good one. nah, he's going to wear it until it falls off. he's milking it till the cow runs dry.

if he had any part of his ear hit he would have substantial damage. even a nick would have taken a chunk off. a 5.56 typically fires a 65 grain bullet traveling at 3200 fps. the resultant energy is about 1478 ft lbs. the average 9mm fired from a handgun is only about 350 ft lbs. there is a shock wave traveling with the bullet that would have caused damage beyond the path of the actual bullet.

tonight they are bringing out the intellectual heavyweights, hulk hogan and dana white of the ufc, to speak. you don't want to miss that.