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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
*not all people on public assistance are mooches but there are a few out there
i despise the corporate mooches and corporate farms more than plain old lazy folks, lol. paying millionaire farmers NOT to grow something in order to artificially inflate that commodities market value is a disgrace. they slash their property taxes by declaring/using it for agriculture, then get paid to not farm. good "work" if you can get it...:rolleyes: i can hear a few muttering out there "they're smart businessmen ". i think they are thieves whether it is actually illegal or not. "get away from the trough, ya damn swine!"


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i despise the corporate mooches and corporate farms more than plain old lazy folks, lol. paying millionaire farmers NOT to grow something in order to artificially inflate that commodities market value is a disgrace. they slash their property taxes by declaring/using it for agriculture, then get paid to not farm. good "work" if you can get it...:rolleyes: i can hear a few muttering out there "they're smart businessmen ". i think they are thieves whether it is actually illegal or not. "get away from the trough, ya damn swine!"
dont get me started on taxes brother!
we can agree that all the tax breaks they hand out is one of the sweetest plum a politician can offer
/im a fan of flat taxes for income across the board, no deductions
local taxes (sales tax/ property tax) are local issues
but even then there will always be shenanigans and it all adds up


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
you are right and its both side playing us my friend

i actually support the military spending (its like saying defund the police), who will keep the peace?
a us carrier group, (its not just battle ship) has more power of force than half the nations in the world
but lets take that off the table and see how thing goes, if the us dident wield a big stick who do you think would fill that vacuum in the world?
There's a lot of bad things you can say about the US, but if it's a choice between the US, China, or Russia being world police, I'll pick the US.

It was noticeable in the Pacific how more expansive the Chinese seemed to become during Trumps last reign.

moose eater

Well-known member
Which of those three nations has the greater/greatest frequency and/or number of alleged and definable war crimes under their belts?

moose eater

Well-known member
i despise the corporate mooches and corporate farms more than plain old lazy folks, lol. paying millionaire farmers NOT to grow something in order to artificially inflate that commodities market value is a disgrace. they slash their property taxes by declaring/using it for agriculture, then get paid to not farm. good "work" if you can get it...:rolleyes: i can hear a few muttering out there "they're smart businessmen ". i think they are thieves whether it is actually illegal or not. "get away from the trough, ya damn swine!"
Then there's the successful larger corporations that pay zero or very little in income taxes, and their CEOs collect pay via 'bonuses' instead of salaries, thus putting them into a much lower tax bracket as individuals, too.

But we can bitch about the woman raising three kids on her own, who is in that situation for a number of possible reasons, while we hand $trillions of dollars in tax credits to thieves in silk suits.

That, by the way, is another symptom of the technical definition of 'fascism.'


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
There's a lot of bad things you can say about the US, but if it's a choice between the US, China, or Russia being world police, I'll pick the US.

It was noticeable in the Pacific how more expansive the Chinese seemed to become during Trumps last reign.
all the way man
i love american and i was born with a silver spoon in my mouth the day my mom left her home country and came here to build her new life
we all were

i have done ok for myself, but i come from a family of overachievers so ive seen what can be done with hard work

moose eater

Well-known member
I take your point, but one is still kind of a democracy, for a while anyway.
That 'one' is a corporate charade of a democracy, wherein a candidate rarely if ever gets onto the primary ballot, let alone the general, without the money and endorsements provided by one of the 2 national orgs, and without corporate sponsorship, and sponsorship of the major national orgs, they have not a chance more often than not. 'Cause it's all about the M-O-N-E-Y.

And the mightiest or biggest of the mega-donors and corporations, the Oligarchs, often give equally or similarly to both sides' candidates or orgs, because THOSE specific mega-donors and corporations are more or less guaranteed to not be touched by any changes in policies and be left to business as usual.

The entire set of choices is a charade to put forth the illusion of choices, when the only choices are the choices they tell you exist. And that's not a true democracy, especially when looking beyond the smoke.

This site may or may not still be as good as it once was as a tool in political translation and activism. Once upon a time, and maybe still, this site provided a 'connect-the-dots' understanding of the realities between paid speeches written by semi-anonymous third parties, and the politicians spewing disingenuous screed to garner support, based on their poll-readers' most recent interpretations of data, while lighting up who they're actually working for/with. As in, "Follow the money." Again, symptoms of the technical definition of 'fascism.'

Choreographed disingenuous soulfulness, as it were. And delivered with c-grade acting skills, too. Yet still gobbled up by way too many. Just look at Trump's lying and pivoting when asked recently about Project 2025. Reactions purely based on his poll-readers telling him that it wasn't such a hot idea.

Like the hooker in Full Metal Jacket, disingenuously telling the troops, "Me love you long time." yet the partisans and gullible eat that shit up. "Did you hear her??!! She said she loves me!!!"

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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Then there's the successful larger corporations that pay zero or very little in income taxes, and their CEOs collect pay via 'bonuses' instead of salaries, thus putting them into a much lower tax bracket as individuals, too.

But we can bitch about the woman raising three kids on her own, who is in that situation for a number of possible reasons, while we hand $trillions of dollars in tax credits to thieves in silk suits.

That, by the way, is another symptom of the technical definition of 'fascism.'
its easy to point at the 1%ers, but compared to the rest of the world WE(all of us americans/wester first world folk) are all %1ers
even the poorest of the poor in america live better than half the world
being a ceo isnt just a job anyone can do, kind of like those do nothing sport stars or entertainers? where is my million dollar paycheck for doing nothing
im not going to b about some lady raising three kids on her own, but a lot of that comes down to life choices
but education and a chance to work and make her life better would go a long way
instead of spending all this money on mooches, (the bottom 1%) why not focus more on the working poor, that lady raising three kids on her own
/btw, be sure to pass her my number! 😘

moose eater

Well-known member
its easy to point at the 1%ers, but compared to the rest of the world WE(all of us americans/wester first world folk) are all %1ers
even the poorest of the poor in america live better than half the world
being a ceo isnt just a job anyone can do, kind of like those do nothing sport stars or entertainers? where is my million dollar paycheck for doing nothing
im not going to b about some lady raising three kids on her own, but a lot of that comes down to life choices
but education and a chance to work and make her life better would go a long way
instead of spending all this money on mooches, (the bottom 1%) why not focus more on the working poor, that lady raising three kids on her own
/btw, be sure to pass her my number! 😘
Pop, the tax codes are tilted toward the benefit of the corporations, because that's who 'your' government is working for, on both sides of the aisle.

And the CEOs don't need anyone making excuses for their theft. They already have fleets of attorneys for that.

Look how few of the Wall St fraudsters have done time in prison since the Keating 5. Equal protections under the laws?

How many of those who handled biz irresponsibly and got bailed out by your tax dollars via the TARP had to return their private planes/jets and imported sportscars they bought with questionably received gains?? None.

moose eater

Well-known member
Pop, the tax codes are tilted toward the benefit of the corporations, because that's who 'your' government is working for, on both sides of the aisle.

And the CEOs don't need anyone making excuses for their theft. They already have fleets of attorneys for that.

Look how few of the Wall St fraudsters have done time in prison since the Keating 5. Equal protections under the laws?

How many of those who handled biz irresponsibly and got bailed out by your tax dollars ion the TARP had to return their private planes and sportscars they bought with questionably received gains?? None.
Teddy Roosevelt saw this beast growing how long ago? (Answer: before this speech, in 1910). And he addressed it herein, and at other times, too.

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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Pop, the tax codes are tilted toward the benefit of the corporations, because that's who 'your' government is working for, on both sides of the aisle.

And the CEOs don't need anyone making excuses for their theft. They already have fleets of attorneys for that.

Look how few of the Wall St fraudsters have done time in prison since the Keating 5. Equal protections under the laws?

How many of those who handled biz irresponsibly and got bailed out by your tax dollars ion the TARP had to return their private planes and sportscars they bought with questionably received gains?? None.
it goes every which way but loose
have you taken a ride on the bullet train in california?
of course not, because it goes nowhere
but good use of billions of taxpayer money to fund... 9wanking motinon)

/all while our schools are underfunded and the roads are like a third world country
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Well-known member
"A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

part of dwight david eisenhower's farewell address january 17, 1961

moose eater

Well-known member
it goes every which way but loose
have you taken a ride on the bullet train in california?
of course not, because it goes nowhere
but good use of billions of taxpayer money to fund... 9wanking motinon)

/but our schools are underfunded and the roads are like a third world country
My State pays undue/'dishonest' tax credits to major oil producers, amounting at times to $1.2 to 1.6 billion dollars per year, in a State where they already pay less than market rate for our oil, and the bill was written by a past governor's (Parnell's) oil buddies, and Parnell had previously been an oil company lobbyist and an oil company attorney. The bill (SB21) was passed by 1 vote, with 2 State senators (Miciche and Meyer) voting for it at the behest of the very oily Pete Kelly from Fairbanks, who opposed enforcement of the ethics rules that would've had them abstain from voting.

Both of them were Conoco Alaska Mid-level management, and Conoco continued/continues to pay their salaries while they sit/sat in legislative seats. Bribery?

I personally know the cost of state-merged-with-corporate fascism and the costs to the Commoners, who, ironically, are shareholders in the State's resources via the State of Alaska Constitution's Article 8, Sections 1 & 2.

And having just completed yet another -long- drive on those roads, they're still, overall, a piece of shit.

Though they're being patched specifically along the route being used by Black Gold Trucking to haul ore from out near Tetlin Junction to the Fort Knox mine up the Steese Hwy (about 250 miles each way, hauling double-trailered HEAVY ore trucks on our roads), while the 80 miles from the Canada Border to Tetlin Junction is a total pile of shit, the mine is owned by foreign interests, the Tetlin Native shareholders are being screwed in the process and finding they were lied to about the benefits, etc., etc. ad nauseum.

Again, all symptoms of the technical definition of 'fascism', with the government catering to corporations who are not even their actual constituents, while neglecting taking care of their own actual constituents.
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Teddy Roosevelt saw this beast growing how long ago? (Answer: before this speech, in 1910). And he addressed it herein, and at other times, too.

a great man and i am a wholehearted advocate of his strenuous life!

i once was artistically inclined and a friend and i had a screen printing business catering to the local music scene
if there was extra space on a sticker sheet i would fill it with my own stuff and hand them out to friends
the rough rider!

rough rider.jpg
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Well-known member
i despise the corporate mooches and corporate farms more than plain old lazy folks, lol. paying millionaire farmers NOT to grow something in order to artificially inflate that commodities market value is a disgrace. they slash their property taxes by declaring/using it for agriculture, then get paid to not farm. good "work" if you can get it...:rolleyes: i can hear a few muttering out there "they're smart businessmen ". i think they are thieves whether it is actually illegal or not. "get away from the trough, ya damn swine!"
Same here. If the best you can do is a hud certificate and some welfare, go ahead and live it up. But paying billions in subsidies to already profitable companies is nuts.


Well-known member
i agree and think public spending needs to be cut at all levels
from do nothing city workers to the mooches on public assistance* america needs to tighten its belt and put that money back into its people
schools, infrastructure and public safety should be top of the list

*not all people on public assistance are mooches but there are a few out there
is that like trump saying, the people coming over the border are murderers,rapists, the worse of the worse, and i'm sure they are a few good people too???

moose eater

Well-known member
Can anyone spot the dozen points of poorly founded speculation in this?

The school mate who knows the shooter was incessantly bullied can't say how or why. But he knows it happened a lot. He seemed to have missed all sorts of details despite knowing the core issue. And no comment about any interventions by other students or school personnel, including himself?

Then there's the rant about the AR-15, while living in a country that allows for civilian ownership of class III-permitted select-fire weapons in at least 31 states.

And the partisanism from both sides offering up poorly correlated points often does very little but to further cloud the issues.

Though the commenter also makes some valid points, too.

Anyone else recall Trump telling his supporters at his rallies to punch protesters in the face? I do.


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