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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Chasing The Present
You've told people to reread what you've typed twice now in this thread. Maybe it's you that just doesn't get it?

This was really productive until you felt a need to defend yourself. This is an opinion based discussion. Be open minded or stop posting in this thread. It's simple.
Only defending myself to the trolls. Not you. I gave opinions in this thread. Don’t really care if anyone thinks differently.
Relax Gents, smoke a few hits we all love the same plant, your both good fellas :)


Chasing The Present
This isn't a seasonal or lighting thing for me, I've only recently made the change to led from hid, with hid I noticed the same thing summer and winter and yeah it's the same with led
It's summer here atm and purple is already showing at 5 wks
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View attachment 19045897
It's just the start of it.
That one variegated leaf is very intriguing to me; purpling is also a sign of a few different mineral deficiencies though it doesn’t appear to be your case - thx for sharing


Active member
Flavor for days. Red eye, giggle weed. Cotton mouth. That stuff is a thing of the past. And ya I've been growing since the mid to late 80s so I was around thru the Golden Era.
Isn't it generally the case that the first 2-3 years of smoking weed will always remain the best? You can't get back the experience you had at the age of 20, even if you had the exact same weed you smoked back then. If you think there was something in the 80s or 90s that is irretrievably lost, then it's probably the carefree feeling of being young and the magic that unfolds when you smoke weed and see things with completely different eyes for the first time.

Many people mix this nostalgia with the supposed loss of things they used to consume and which were supposedly the best back then... be it the music, the clothes, the food or the weed. I'm in touch with people in their early 20s who smoke the stuff that is in circulation today, having the time of their lifes, and they'll be talking about it in 30 years just like you talk about your 80s weed lol


Well-known member
Isn't it generally the case that the first 2-3 years of smoking weed will always remain the best? You can't get back the experience you had at the age of 20, even if you had the exact same weed you smoked back then. If you think there was something in the 80s or 90s that is irretrievably lost, then it's probably the carefree feeling of being young and the magic that unfolds when you smoke weed and see things with completely different eyes for the first time.

Many people mix this nostalgia with the supposed loss of things they used to consume and which were supposedly the best back then... be it the music, the clothes, the food or the weed. I'm in touch with people in their early 20s who smoke the stuff that is in circulation today, having the time of their lifes, and they'll be talking about it in 30 years just like you talk about your 80s weed lol
Well you obviously were too young to experience the hay day of the initial landrace crosses. I'll bet you an ounce you weren't smoking in the 80s to early 90s or you would KNOW the stuff wasn't just peoples imagination. There is a reason why people still talk about the stuff 35 yrs later. My father still talks about the stuff and he surely wasn't in his 20s back in the late 80s.


Well-known member
I say this all the time, if the market didn't only want Fems we wouldn't make them.

It's 100 x easier to produce Regular seeds but the customers want Feminized seeds 9/1 Fem/Reg customers sales so we have to.

I produce Regular and Feminized and won't ever stop but Feminized seeds keeps the bills paid.
Luckily there is a big resurgence of Regular seed buyers coming back and even some seedbanks who only stock Regular seeds from seed companies.
Fem seeds also protect the original source from knockoffs,weed is almost worthless where I live,seeds cost more than product.


Active member
Well you obviously were too young to experience the hay day of the initial landrace crosses. I'll bet you an ounce you weren't smoking in the 80s to early 90s or you would KNOW the stuff wasn't just peoples imagination. There is a reason why people still talk about the stuff 35 yrs later. My father still talks about the stuff and he surely wasn't in his 20s back in the late 80s.
Yeah, I didn't consciously experience the 80s. Yet, I had my own "stoner" hey day in the mid 00s and I sure can say that the weed of this era had a different taste, a different smell and a different buzz and at some point it was gone – and smoking weed wasn't longer what it used to be. The question remains whether the weed actually changed or whether you are making the mistake of confusing your own nostalgia with hard facts.


Well-known member
Yeah, I didn't consciously experience the 80s. Yet, I had my own "stoner" hey day in the mid 00s and I sure can say that the weed of this era had a different taste, a different smell and a different buzz and at some point it was gone – and smoking weed wasn't longer what it used to be. The question remains whether the weed actually changed or whether you are making the mistake of confusing your own nostalgia with hard facts.

I personally think a bit of both but lean more towards the weed changing. Chimera made a great point on his interview. He explained how the current model for the market is THC driven.
He said what they found is when you hit a certain threshold, everything has a lethargic effect. So in current times, it’s makes sense why things are left to be desired. Everything is so homogenized and all driven towards this current market model that all these super polyhybrids produce very similar things.


Well-known member
Fem seeds also protect the original source from knockoffs,weed is almost worthless where I live,seeds cost more than product.

I think you should start to see that changing in time. I already see the downward trends on price for seed. The market is so saturated now with seeds that it’s headed that way. Good for the consumer but maybe not so good in the long run. I feel if it goes to low, the people producing quality will eventually shift away from the market. It’s strange times ahead


Well-known member
90% of today's genetics are washed out garbage. Legalization is making it worse and speeding up the process. If you've got something special you better hang onto that mother as long as u can. Dont ever ever BX the thing until you absolutely have to cuz once BXed that pheno is gone forever. No matter how many BXes back to the mother. Never the same. Learning to clone and preserve desirable existing genetics is the only way to save the genepool. Back to the basics. Dig deep in your basement drawers to find your oldest seeds. Those are the genetics we need right now.


Well-known member
90% of today's genetics are washed out garbage. Legalization is making it worse and speeding up the process. If you've got something special you better hang onto that mother as long as u can. Dont ever ever BX the thing until you absolutely have to cuz once BXed that pheno is gone forever. No matter how many BXes back to the mother. Never the same. Learning to clone and preserve desirable existing genetics is the only way to save the genepool. Back to the basics. Dig deep in your basement drawers to find your oldest seeds. Those are the genetics we need right now.

I think reinserting those things in to seeds is the best thing we could do aside from going back to what building blocks are left.

At some point these clones can succumb to pathogens and then you have a real problem if you never backed them up. I really think that’s what people are misinterpreting as genetic drift when these old clones seem to not perform as they once did


Well-known member
I think reinserting those things in to seeds is the best thing we could do aside from going back to what building blocks are left.

At some point these clones can succumb to pathogens and then you have a real problem if you never backed them up. I really think that’s what people are misinterpreting as genetic drift when these old clones seem to not perform as they once did
Yes agreed clones only last so long. I agree on seeds only if you have male and female of same genetics to breed. If you have a clone only than STS is best option to retain the specific expression you are trying to capture. But yes seeds are the most ideal situation if possible.


Well-known member
This thread has 4 pages in just over a day. When i check the forum and see a thread move like that i usually think somebodys not having a good time, best not to even get into that thread. We could just aswell try to talk vaccinations or which religion is the best by now.

The current state of the genepool and direction it’s headed has always been a hot button topic. This discussion has been going on for years. I think this one is going quite well considering others I’ve seen