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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Chasing The Present
What's the story with purple genetics, everything commercial turns purple these days, it might look pretty in photos but it never was desirable beyond a novelty.

I've had some nice purple it's not all crap but it's nothing on green imo and the opinion of others I trust.
View attachment 19045707
They're not even out of wk5.

What's happened to green?
Colors lend towards stoned / sedation, green & even more so Limey lend towards getting high / bliss / euphoria / pick me up, pick your poison, everyone is different but I definitely prefer the same as you…

Of the millions of seed I hold, 98% + is green and near 0% commercial, shit come to think of it I’ve only bought seed a handful of times this century and once the past decade…

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
Part of the purple and black in modern weed may come from leds: high intensity light and low temps tend to favor anthocyanin accumulation in plant tissue. High irradatiation response, same with purple stems.
Probably not the exact same as pure genetic purple buds but i believe its the same pigment.


Well-known member

I’m thinking a few of those came from me directly so it’s good to see things go full circle lol. I don’t think the clone game is the problem though
No. They didn't. I can almost guarantee they didn't come from you.

There are a lot of circles in this community. A lot of them overlap. But not once have I ever heard you mentioned or attached to anything I work with. Not trying to burst your bubble it's just facts.


ICMag Donor
And one more thing....I am so sick of reading about how we deliberately bred out the stinky skunk weed. Oh it stunk so bad people were getting busted...bull shit!! Nobody in their right mind would deliberately wreck such a great tasting and smoking strain or strains. Nobody! Hate to say it folks but the mystical skunk weed bred itself out from careless breeding practices. Unfortunately the greatest terpenes were very recessive and lost when bred. I laugh every time when some millennial new age dope grower says that. Ya we got rid of skunk weed. Lol bull shit. Cannabis terpenes are always changing and evolving. I remember in the early 90s there was no purple weed. There was no og kush. There was no diesel. These strain did not exist yet. Unfortunately the dominant diesel and og kush terps washed away and clean skunk or pine terps that we had in the 80s. Gone ..forever. and the Columbian gold and Panama reds? Same deal. All were crossed with the new at the time(late 80s) Dutch genetics for better resin and faster flowering. Gone forever.

Or Truth Hurts like I like to say

Skunk purposely bred out 😆 🤣 😂
Any breeder who purposely bred out the Skunk from Skunk would quickly bring it back within a few years after the realisation that it was the worse move they ever did ? , and as a breeder you keep previous generations of seeds and clones if exceptional wouldn't they ?.
If you bred out the Skunk for real( and lost clone of course) you would quickly revert to the previous batch of seeds and pull the Skunk back out again wouldn't you ? , there no reason whatsoever to lose the real Skunk unless the clone was lost and you didn't have any previous batches of Skunk or hybrid skunk seed to pull it back out from seeds.
Normally the loudest strains I've ever worked with are extremely dominant in x's not the opposite.

Hype/fame has led the sheep to this small watered down genepool we have these days.

Some people can do say whatever they want , and people dare speak up or get jumped by said person's 🤡 patrol.

1,000's of the same GSC/Gelato/Zkittles hybrids in seed form , but watered down from the Original every time making an x , making it a shadow of or anywhere near the good qualities it started as.
People just select for the pheno most heavy to the GSC/Gelato/Zkittles not the 50/50 but as close as they can to the Original making 1000's of strains of a watered down version of what they used in the 1st place making everything so similar, and nothing near the quality of the world's best strains we know from decades ago , get worse year after year.
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ICMag Donor
I'd like to see fem and autos ditched,one narrows the pool ,the other pisses in it.
I say this all the time, if the market didn't only want Fems we wouldn't make them.

It's 100 x easier to produce Regular seeds but the customers want Feminized seeds 9/1 Fem/Reg customers sales so we have to.

I produce Regular and Feminized and won't ever stop but Feminized seeds keeps the bills paid.
Luckily there is a big resurgence of Regular seed buyers coming back and even some seedbanks who only stock Regular seeds from seed companies.
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CocoNut 420

Well-known member
The bag appeal of purple weed is money but I don't think green weed is at the risk of going extinct any time soon.
Idk man, circa 90% of the plants I grow will show at least some purple, strains that weren't purple like skunk or nl are turning purple these days, it's not like you can select something based on experience it's a lottery finding green, or it has been for me in the last 4/5 of perpetual.

Its sad af that one needs to be a aficionado on genes and breeders to get through the minefield of shite out there.


ICMag Donor
I know I've got to stay out of this fucking thread because I'm a old dinosaur and I don't have any altruistic notion about the "gene pool" . I'm a practical man and my problem with feminization has to do with availability and stabilization, without the strength and robustness of the staminate plant.

When I started a thread about feminization a couple of weeks ago, it turned into a clusterfuck that even _I_ couldn't even participate in, for fear of getting kicked out of yet another cannabis forum.:mad:

But I totally and 100% agree with your statement!(y)

Glad the "gene pool" I've been working with for the last 25 years has been 100% under my control and not diminished by chemical manipulation or cannabinoid dilution. :cool:
Of course Regular seeds are very important to keep our genes as they were .

But to me the new generation has selected for the new shiny looking car instead of how she drives , looks , smells are number 1 to the new kids , taste is 3rd I'd say and potency isn't even Included.

I was speaking to someone the other day about Zkittles and Zkittles hybrids and said Highs are so weak and the guy said I got work to get on with and don't want to be blazed all day.
I said I love weed to with minimal Highs like Soma's famous NYCD Red Grapefruit cut , so delicious in my top 3 ever but hardly any High , but so tasty she always deserved a spot in my room( if she still existed ?)
But nowadays everything is daytime Highs on the new Candy craze , smoke a 2 gram joint and your ready for the next joint immediately ? , back in the day a 1 gram Joint had you sitting good smiling and they still do on certain strains.

We had weak strains back then and potent strains but nowadays it's 90% same genepool of weak hitting but a nice faint Fruity/Candy smell perfectly trimmed for the looks only crowd

Il take a shit looking nug that taste and Hits all day over a perfect looking bud with a little smell/taste/High
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ICMag Donor
There are some in the USA that are more focused on preservation than growing the latest hyped strain but we're a very small minority and definitely not large scale. I've been growing nothing but ACE and RSC for years. Making seeds of everything along the way.

The USA has a much different mindset than people living in the European region. We're a relatively new country compared to others and don't have the rich cultural heritage that European countries have. I think because of that there isn't as strong a desire among many for preserving the past. Here people throw perfectly good items in the trash not because they no longer function but because they have to have the newest. We waste as much as we consume which is not the case in other countries.

Americans are driven by vanity and greed. Nobody wants to grow the old stuff. They want to grow the latest Orange Dragon Peanut Butter Crumble Cake strain before everyone else so they can brag about it and hear the "Wow" reaction from their friends. Americans are also as focused with the equipment, charts, graphs, meters, brand of nutrients, etc... as they are actually growing the plant it seems at times.

For instance, I've had people call me a fool because I'm still using an HPS. They tell me I need to get an LED. When I ask them why they can't come up with any legitimate answer and can only say I'm living in the past. I may well be a fool but it isn't because I have an HPS in my tent. I like the past and see no reason to throw away a perfectly good light that produces exceptional bud. I like the here and now and look forward to the future as well. So many here in America don't care about the past. It's just what's next, I have to have it first, Look at me! So with that mindset being so prevalent it's not surprising that people have no interest in growing something that doesn't have the "Wow" factor or isn't trending on Instagram. It is what it is and isn't likely to change.
Its true

People want the highest tested thc strain these days ( but does it hit the hardest ? , not from my experience , the numbers are not everything at all , low the varieties at 15% can rock you compared to some 20% plus strains).

Like I said previously and this guys says it's all bred for different things these days. They want a White widow style frost on these new deserts ( long Trichome stalk with tiny head , instead of old school small stalk fat Trichome head which prodcues those heavy hitters) they want 20% plus thc or they don't even want to grow/smoke it , they want the latest hyped limited edition strain , and it's us old timers that want that face melter , mind expander and missing flavours from 90's, not the latest candy smell in a strain.

Some of these new hype strains are real good but it's like 1 out of 100 of the Super hyped strains that really tick a box ( not all boxes at all )

Back in the day super hyped was guaranteed something special but what people want these days ( new young hype crowd) is very different to what others like us are looking for
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Well-known member
Idk man, circa 90% of the plants I grow will show at least some purple, strains that weren't purple like skunk or nl are turning purple, it's not like you can select something based on experience it's a lottery finding green, or it has been for me in the last 4/5 of perpetual.

Its sad af that one needs to be a aficionado on genes and breeders to get through the minefield of shite out there.
As Rocket Soul said your light is responsible for the purpling, since I switched to LED I have a lot more purple buds, except in the summer run. I have 2 plants who were intense purple on the run before with colder temps but on this current run they are green mostly,there is a few spot of purple on the flowers and the underside of the leaves are totally purple.
About the "gene pool" in 2024, there all sort of cannabis easily available, autos, fems, regs, hybrids, pure sativa, pure indica, landrace, CBD, many niches in those different offerings. Most who complain about the gene pool only see it through the mainstream seeds business who is only a fraction of the global gene pool. With all the different networks of growers who specialized in rare cannabis strains, heirlooms,landraces,clone elites and all the hobbyist who make their own seeds, there is unlimited possibilities to breed, grow,smoke great cannabis today. Stop focusing on the 3/4 genetics used ad nauseam in the mainstream seeds business, there is so much more available today so easily to all of us here.There is no reason to complain of such great situation.And if all those different type of seeds are not enough yet, you can go strain hunt.


ICMag Donor
That’s what I mean though, it kind doesn’t make sense. If a person is really worried about the preservation of the genepool, to the point they get online and bash what people are doing in current times, why worry about what someone might do with genetics you give them ?
If the goal is to preserve genetics, why try to keep the genetics exclusive ? Is almost the same as people reversing clones so they can sell you the seeds but will never let anyone access the clone. either way it does nothing to help move cannabis forward
Thats what seed companies do , we offer you a slice of that good pizza we are eating , you want the whole Pizza ?.

These days you need to guard your genetics to a certain extent or some newbie or a company who has many investors will beat you to the punch or with the marketing campaign and hype machine they have we will never get any credit for our work.


ICMag Donor
I will say this though the average Joe seed buyer is definitely better of these days with the amount of seeds companies and varieties available , and if doing some research will be far better of with seed quality than 30 years ago

BUT us Connoisseur's have been left behind and lost alot of the special varieties we had/want and we Connoisseur's need to REALLY do some research before buying seeds or accepting clones.

Fortunately there is still some great companies doing nice work but 90% of them don't have that Hype machine or investors like the others 10% so still rely on mouth of word and customer photos/logs/reviews/etc etc


Well-known member
And one more thing....I am so sick of reading about how we deliberately bred out the stinky skunk weed. Oh it stunk so bad people were getting busted...bull shit!! Nobody in their right mind would deliberately wreck such a great tasting and smoking strain or strains. Nobody! Hate to say it folks but the mystical skunk weed bred itself out from careless breeding practices. Unfortunately the greatest terpenes were very recessive and lost when bred. I laugh every time when some millennial new age dope grower says that. Ya we got rid of skunk weed. Lol bull shit. Cannabis terpenes are always changing and evolving. I remember in the early 90s there was no purple weed. There was no og kush. There was no diesel. These strain did not exist yet. Unfortunately the dominant diesel and og kush terps washed away and clean skunk or pine terps that we had in the 80s. Gone ..forever. and the Columbian gold and Panama reds? Same deal. All were crossed with the new at the time(late 80s) Dutch genetics for better resin and faster flowering. Gone forever.
It's not a "we", it's one person, Sam, who said he did that in the development of Skunk #1. To match his tastes and breeding goals.

And why did no one else keep the roadkill skunk around? Well I recall Tom Hill saying in his Potcast episode that (in his opinion) it disappeared quite simply because the high was lacking. Matter of opinion sure, if you liked it so much why didn't you keep it around? What kind of odor control were you using in the 80s btw? Were people even on ozone generators yet?

CocoNut 420

Well-known member
Recently i've been growing more seeds from preservation runs and artisan breeders in the forums.

Recently I flowered some kush and found that pledge (furniture polish) scent I'd forgotten even existed, kush these days is some fk up version that simply isn't kush.

Skunk is another example that's changed, I grew some preservation lost skunk last crop (ugorg blues x exodus) that's a different league to what sensi calls skunk and lots of others, the last Swiss skunk I grew was shit and yeah it turned frickin purple 😧

I've got some other lost skunk crosses to try so I'm expecting much greatness from them 🤞


Well-known member
It's not a "we", it's one person, Sam, who said he did that in the development of Skunk #1. To match his tastes and breeding goals.

And why did no one else keep the roadkill skunk around? Well I recall Tom Hill saying in his Potcast episode that (in his opinion) it disappeared quite simply because the high was lacking. Matter of opinion sure, if you liked it so much why didn't you keep it around? What kind of odor control were you using in the 80s btw? Were people even on ozone generators yet?
I think there were many more skunk renditions than the supposed one and only that Sam made. I think we give that guy more credit than he deserves. In his own words he said his skunk was sweet and not roadkill. Well ok there you have it right from the horses mouth. The skunks I've grown up with in mid 80s to early 90s in northern Michigan were indica skunks. So definitely not Sam's creation. My father grew them outdoors at 45th parallel. Harvested mid to end of Sept at 45th parallel. Roadkill as hell Indica not 75% sativa. Definitely not Sam's creation.


Well-known member
I think there were many more skunk renditions than the supposed one and only that Sam made. I think we give that guy more credit than he deserves. In his own words he said his skunk was sweet and not roadkill. Well ok there you have it right from the horses mouth. The skunks I've grown up with in mid 80s to early 90s in northern Michigan were indica skunks. So definitely not Sam's creation. My father grew them outdoors at 45th parallel. Harvested mid to end of Sept at 45th parallel. Roadkill as hell Indica not 75% sativa. Definitely not Sam's creation.
Do you know where your dad got the seeds?


Well-known member
Do you know where your dad got the seeds?
Some old Michigan hippy. But I do know he also grew 80s SSSC Friesland. Dank pine and pink pistils not skunk. He said the skunk was bred to grow outdoors in northern Michigan. Unfortunately it got weak and it bred itself out my the mid 90s but him or I will never forget the smoke...as well as the SSSC Friesland. Nothing today will touch that stuff.


Well-known member
It was called Afghani. My friends and I called it Lizard Weed because it so bright florescent green with deep forest green leaves. Exact color of a lizard. I am 100% sure that it was NOT Dutch Skunk or Sam Skunkman so called Skunk.
Ok so it was an Afghani with a skunk aroma profile. Different than Sam's Skunk #1 hybrid, sure.