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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Well-known member
So @mudballs , he’s saying you can’t take a landrace to a different region and expect the same results without acclimation. what you think ?

Genotype x Environment = Phenotyoe


Well-known member
We should stay away from each other...let's leave it at that...im not gonna be allowed to go into why ...so let's just stay away from each other


Well-known member
This thing about plants needing years of acclimation to show the proper effect is complete bullshit.

Anyone that has grown the same clone indoors and outdoors knows you can't tell a difference in the effect.

Same thing when you harvest the same clone outdoors in spring, summer, autumn or winter. Completely different environmental conditions. Plant morphology will change, resin coverage will change, calyx to leaf ratio will change. Effect will stay the same.

Edit - I've grown my favourite maple leaf clone easily over 25-30 times, in 3 different houses, under LEDs, fluos and HPS, outdoors in every season, small pots, big pots, in the ground. Effect was exactly as expected every time.
This guy is right, kro-mags response is reprehensible and incorrect


Well-known member
Indeed I'm not english native speaker and I lack scientific knowledge on many subject but I still can react to something I find absurd, saying years of acclimation are bullshit is one I find very absurd.And mixing the clones with the seeds don't fit, they don't have the same mechanisms, one has his DNA set who can react on a epigenetic level and the other is the result of its DNA and environment, change the environment change the way the DNA express itself.


Well-known member
I wouldn’t waste my time, explaining yourself. What you said was very clear, he knows exactly what you meant.
No...no i dont cuz this is genuinely some fkn stupid shit
"one I find very absurd.And mixing the clones with the seeds don't fit, they don't have the same mechanisms, one has his DNA set who can react on a epigenetic level and the other is the result of its DNA and environment"
genuinely low IQ, didn't do homework shit...and you fktards that clicked like button are even worse. When i said "now ur thinking" he was displaying critical thinking more than just insulting or faulting a post...i applaud the process of critical thinking regardless if it's right or wrong...congenial dissemination of a topic is fkn foreign to you new generations...these flickering lights turning off and on got you living in a false reality
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Well-known member
No...no i dont cuz this is genuinely some fkn stupid shit
"one I find very absurd.And mixing the clones with the seeds don't fit, they don't have the same mechanisms, one has his DNA set who can react on a epigenetic level and the other is the result of its DNA and environment"
genuinely low IQ, didn't do homework shit...and you fktards that clicked like button are even worse. He was displaying critical thinking more than just insulting or faulting a post...i applaud the process of critical thinking regardless if it's right or wrong...congenial dissemination of a topic is fkn foreign to you new generations...these flickering lights turning off and on got you living in a false reality

You don’t read well do you ? 👇🏼. He was talking about having to acclimate a landrace when taken far away from its native environment. Nothing to do with growing the same clone in your 4x4. Way different scenarios.

So your saying that is not true ? That I can take a southeast Asian variety to NorCal and it’s gonna express the same way ? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound ?

Let me be doubtful, you can't take a plant from her native climate and expect the same results in a different one even with years of acclimation.
it is the basic of biology:
-phenotype= genetic + climate, changing the climate change the phenotype expression.


Well-known member
Fkn hate having to even be exposed to some of you in an effort to help all

You can always choose to eliminate yourself from the pool. Or, maybe change your environment and it would bring out a different expression.

Genotype x Environment = Phenotype


Well-known member
No...no i dont cuz this is genuinely some fkn stupid shit
"one I find very absurd.And mixing the clones with the seeds don't fit, they don't have the same mechanisms, one has his DNA set who can react on a epigenetic level and the other is the result of its DNA and environment"
genuinely low IQ, didn't do homework shit...and you fktards that clicked like button are even worse. When i said "now ur thinking" he was displaying critical thinking more than just insulting or faulting a post...i applaud the process of critical thinking regardless if it's right or wrong...congenial dissemination of a topic is fkn foreign to you new generations...these flickering lights turning off and on got you living in a false reality

Let me translate it for you. He’s saying you guys are twisting his words. He was talking about landrace seeds and you guys tried to switch the argument to clones.

He’s saying the DNA of a clone doesn’t change, but with seed populations there are all types of gene frequencies. So that’s why he said “mixing the clones and the seeds don’t fit “

Clear enough for you @mudballs ?


Well-known member
I guess shorty was wrong on his assertion of acclimatisation for landraces... Even for his suggestion on taking some back to their natural land...

Maybe he use the wrong terminology for what he was describing but if we think about what he was saying, I don’t think he’s wrong at all

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