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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Well-known member
So you’re tired of other people having an opinion you don’t like? That seems mature.

The irony of one of the most disagreeable people in this thread whining that he’s being criticized for his opinion is just too much.

Be careful up on that high horse. At your age a fall can be a major issue.

No, I’m tired of seeing people cry about a problem that they’re unwilling to do anything to address. That sounds very mature doesn’t it?


The Mad Monk
No, I’m tired of seeing people cry about a problem that they’re unwilling to do anything to address. That sounds very mature doesn’t it?
The only person crying about a problem they’re unwilling to do anything about is you.

You keep crying about other people seeing the state of cannabis genetics in 2024 differently than you do.

You insist they show proof of what they are doing to address the “problem” as they see it, and if it isn’t sufficient for you then you deem them unfit or incapable or stupid.

Yes, that all sounds very mature.

And just for the record, your contribution to the gene pool has been to sell popular clones that are otherwise available? Just want to make sure I have that right.


The only person crying about a problem they’re unwilling to do anything about is you.

You keep crying about other people seeing the state of cannabis genetics in 2024 differently than you do.

You insist they show proof of what they are doing to address the “problem” as they see it, and if it isn’t sufficient for you then you deem them unfit or incapable or stupid.

Yes, that all sounds very mature.

And just for the record, your contribution to the gene pool has been to sell popular clones that are otherwise available? Just want to make sure I have that right.
He's a legend in his own mind he will be by shortly to tell you all about it.


Well-known member
And just for the record, your contribution to the gene pool has been to sell popular clones that are otherwise available? Just want to make sure I have that right.

Available now everywhere, yes. seven years ago? I think not my friend and we both know that. Everything was still being heavily hoarded, even then. I got things in peoples hands that otherwise didn’t have access to it at the time. I would like to think a lot of good came from that.
Hell, you act like you know me well enough to know some of the seed preservation I did, and shared with the community 🤣


Well-known member
How does that matter hahahaha.... So now only some still exist so that bit of the genepool is eroded or changed forever! Hard not to get away from that, just like with human populations things change and nothing stays the same forever!! Now it's today's ridiculous strain and seed market hahaha what are you moaning about it for? If you don't use it?
You state if people work with these strains then they can surpass the current hybrid selections we have, well who is doing it? Who is shifting thru thousands of seeds and doing the work?
I think you're out to lunch with your thinking, where's all the Acapulco gold etc ??
It's not me putting value on modern hybrids it's the friggin world ffs, go see what sells on the streets.
How you looking at the genepool in its entirety then? You going round farmer to farmer, country to country? Are you fuck....

It's like you don't understand how we and strains/seeds got to were we are ffs ..

Actually come to think of it that must be some good shit to smoke to get you like that, pass it on...

People often talk about the "thousands" of seeds people had to sift through. I highly doubt that thousands of seeds were gone through. Hell, some of the early stuff was created in a damn basement where they didn't have the room to go through thousands of seeds. Where did the "thousands" of seeds come from? How many thousands? Was it two, three, four thousand?

I 100% do not believe that it takes sifting though thousands of seeds to find something special. But that story lives on and will continue to live on as long as people think that breeding cannabis and making crosses is some difficult task. It's not. But with everything cannabis there are those that make it out to be this plant that can't be hybridized successfully without going through thousands of plants. So many cannabis growers have never grown anything else so they buy into all the stories and myths floating around the internet and on the forums.

It take's going through thousands of seeds to find a keeper.
It takes special fancy nutrients to grow cannabis.
Hell, there's even a convoluted 20 step process to even start a seed. You can't just put a seed in soil like almost every other plant seed.

Debating anything with cannabis growers usually ends in name calling by people that are stuck in the hype. They have believed and parroted certain things and when those beliefs are called into question they get defensive and lash out. That's fine as I actually find it entertaining and it gives me an opportunity to be the adult in the room.


Active member
People often talk about the "thousands" of seeds people had to sift through. I highly doubt that thousands of seeds were gone through. Hell, some of the early stuff was created in a damn basement where they didn't have the room to go through thousands of seeds. Where did the "thousands" of seeds come from? How many thousands? Was it two, three, four thousand?

I 100% do not believe that it takes sifting though thousands of seeds to find something special. But that story lives on and will continue to live on as long as people think that breeding cannabis and making crosses is some difficult task. It's not. But with everything cannabis there are those that make it out to be this plant that can't be hybridized successfully without going through thousands of plants. So many cannabis growers have never grown anything else so they buy into all the stories and myths floating around the internet and on the forums.

It take's going through thousands of seeds to find a keeper.
It takes special fancy nutrients to grow cannabis.
Hell, there's even a convoluted 20 step process to even start a seed. You can't just put a seed in soil like almost every other plant seed.

Debating anything with cannabis growers usually ends in name calling by people that are stuck in the hype. They have believed and parroted certain things and when those beliefs are called into question they get defensive and lash out. That's fine as I actually find it entertaining and it gives me an opportunity to be the adult in the room.
Again beliefs Vs reality, how many truly elite plants are out there?


The Mad Monk
Available now everywhere, yes. seven years ago? I think not my friend and we both know that. Everything was still being heavily hoarded, even then. I got things in peoples hands that otherwise didn’t have access to it at the time. I would like to think a lot of good came from that.
Hell, you act like you know me well enough to know some of the seed preservation I did, and shared with the community 🤣
Wow. So is that why you have such an ego nowadays? Because you think you did something special by selling clones?

I grew practically every cut you sell 10-14 years ago. 7 years ago most of them were old news.

Let’s be real. You whored out cuts for profit despite the fact that you 1) didn’t select any of them yourself and 2) act like it was some act of charity. Robin Hood over here stealing cuts from the hoarding elites to share with the masses. You’re such a mensch.

Name one line you “preserved” and the size of the P generation, please.


Well-known member
Wow. So is that why you have such an ego nowadays? Because you think you did something special by selling clones?

I grew practically every cut you sell 10-14 years ago. 7 years ago most of them were old news.

Let’s be real. You whored out cuts for profit despite the fact that you 1) didn’t select any of them yourself and 2) act like it was some act of charity. Robin Hood over here stealing cuts from the hoarding elites to share with the masses. You’re such a mensch.

Name one line you “preserved” and the size of the P generation, please.

No you didn’t. And the ones you did , you act like it was available to everyone. Fuck outta here 🤣. I’m not acting like anything. Just stating some facts how I’ve at least helped spread genetics around. A lot I did for free.

Ok I’ll go first. What do you think about the Xmas bud line. You think that’s worthy enough to say it’s great that was preserved ?


Well-known member
Again beliefs Vs reality, how many truly elite plants are out there?

Some of us are not sold on these "Elite" plants. Some may be of the belief that some plant is elite. In reality many of us do not.

Some of you will pay thousands for a clone. Some of us won't pay more than $50-60 for a pack of seeds. I can guarantee that some of us are growing just as good weed from our packs of seeds than those that spent ridiculous amounts of money on some elite clone.

Most everything in the cannabis world runs on hype. Most of these "Elite" strains have been hyped to hell and everybody just has to grow it. Once they do they claim bragging rights and then move onto the next hype. You can fall for the hype if you want.


Well-known member
So it seems the general consensus is , what we had in the 80’s and 90’s is far superior to what we have today. Also, most people are not happy with what is offered in the current market. So the question is, what is the solution ?
I would push that back until about 2006 or so.

There was so much variety out there in the market. At least in the 215 California market. Although LA was flooded with OGs, I could still find genetics that vastly differed from eachother. There was just more of a selection.

Now whenever you go try to get something that you think is new, you come to find out it's just a new Gelato/Runtz/Zkittles hybrid/cross/s1.

I've been on hiatus from being able to run numbers so there are long periods I go without personal smoke so I venture out into the market. This is what sparked this whole debate between me and my buddies.


Well-known member
I would push that back until about 2006 or so.

There was so much variety out there in the market. At least in the 215 California market. Although LA was flooded with OGs, I could still find genetics that vastly differed from eachother. There was just more of a selection.

Now whenever you go try to get something that you think is new, you come to find out it's just a new Gelato/Runtz/Zkittles hybrid/cross/s1.

I've been on hiatus from being able to run numbers so there are long periods I go without personal smoke so I venture out into the market. This is what sparked this whole debate between me and my buddies.

Online though, none of that stuff was readily available on the forums. That’s why the seed market was so booming, because none of those clones were assessable to the public. They were extremely hoarded and exactly why I decided to make as much as I could available to everyone.
The only people that were ever mad about that were the people that were using that leverage to take advantage of peoples wallet. I can’t believe I’m being called out about that in a preservation thread lol. It’s a good thing to get things out to people from a preservation standpoint. People may not like me, but I think it’s hard to argue The fact that the gene pool will better when more is available to everyone to work with


Well-known member
Some of us are not sold on these "Elite" plants. Some may be of the belief that some plant is elite. In reality many of us do not.

Some of you will pay thousands for a clone. Some of us won't pay more than $50-60 for a pack of seeds. I can guarantee that some of us are growing just as good weed from our packs of seeds than those that spent ridiculous amounts of money on some elite clone.

Most everything in the cannabis world runs on hype. Most of these "Elite" strains have been hyped to hell and everybody just has to grow it. Once they do they claim bragging rights and then move onto the next hype. You can fall for the hype if you want.

After chasing a lot of these clones down for years, and finally getting to grow them, I would have to say that I would agree with you on that. Some of them, while they are great, are not really what I would consider so elite that you couldn’t find just as good in seeds.


Well-known member
View attachment 19048064 This is a part of my land.
We live in a agricultural region which produces cattle,sheep,wheat and taters commercially.

I think I grasp what it takes to work a plot of land and all it entails.
The people doing the most talking in this thread know the least about the subject at hand.
The same guys crying no one shares with them..........weird how that works.
I laugh at you cuz you're funny to me you sound like children snug in the warm embrace of ignorance.
Yeah but you didn't help him, you laughed at him if you have all that knowledge you should have given it to him, but you didn't so instead I have to confront your evil intentions to harm him instead of help him and give him the correct information he's looking for


Well-known member
Yeah but you didn't help him, you laughed at him if you have all that knowledge you should have given it to him, but you didn't so instead I have to confront your evil intentions to harm him instead of help him and give him the correct information he's looking for

Hey, I don’t need any help. You guys that think the sky is falling and the gene pool is about to collapse because of feminized seeds are the ones that need help LMAO.


Well-known member
View attachment 19048064 This is a part of my land.
We live in a agricultural region which produces cattle,sheep,wheat and taters commercially.

I think I grasp what it takes to work a plot of land and all it entails.
The people doing the most talking in this thread know the least about the subject at hand.
The same guys crying no one shares with them..........weird how that works.
I laugh at you cuz you're funny to me you sound like children snug in the warm embrace of ignorance.
I recognize that terrain. Ive got family in Moore on the east side;)


The Mad Monk
No you didn’t.

Yes, I did.

This is your list, right? I’ve grown 17 of the listed varieties. 17/24. Not too shabby, huh? And how many did I get from you, Joe? Two? Please, tell me more about what I have grown.

And the ones you did , you act like it was available to everyone. Fuck outta here 🤣. I’m not acting like anything. Just stating some facts how I’ve at least helped spread genetics around. A lot I did for free.
Never said they were available to everyone. Another useless straw man. That’s your forte, huh?

You are acting as if they were rarer than ant’s teeth and only through your act of generosity they were shared with the community. Get a grip.

The fact is you sell clones for a profit (which is fine). But you’re acting like your sole motive was altruism. Bullshit. The likely reason is because the flower market probably tanked where you are and you needed to pivot to clones to make a buck. That’s a charitable read of the situation.

Ok I’ll go first. What do you think about the Xmas bud line. You think that’s worthy enough to say it’s great that was preserved ?
Go first? I asked you a direct question about your stated preservation efforts. Care to answer or would you like to move the goal posts yet again?