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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Active member
They aren't all gone far from it and you can get them . There's so much out there to explore. For me the “ pool” selections and hybrids take a second place to preserving landraces. First I do a controlled open pollination to do my best to preserve all the genetic diversity. So we have something to select from down the line. Like I said before ,Angus of TRSC has collected so many that apparently no has grow yet So get some seed of one or two and give them a go if you can . If we all could preserve just one and we communicate, collectively a lot could be acomplished
Where's all the good Thai sticks gone? Either it's go ne or there's no demand, we got some Thai import like we used to years ago and it was shite, now either my memory is gone or modern day hyb rids have well surpassed the quality
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Active member
Those Thai Sticks from the 70's were something special. People were getting baked from smoking that weed. I've found similar effects from some of the heirloom strains I've grown in recent years.

The best weed to be found is not some modern day hybrid. It's an heirloom that nobody grows except for a small number of us.
Where are these Thai sticks now?

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
It's all about dominant and recessive genes. Look at America. 100 yrs ago over 50% of people had blue eyes. Now within 100 yrs less than 10% of people do. Blue eyes are recessive and easily bred out. Skunk and pine terps, pink pistils are recessive and easily bred out. Heck in another 50 yrs everybody in America will be brown. Genes are genes. Plants and animals
Is there any threads on recessive traits in cannabis? i am very interested in this as a new breeder and working on conserving landraces. so you say Skunk & Pine and Pink hairs are anything else? Thankyou


Well-known member
Where's all the good Thai sticks gone? Either it's go ne or there's no demand, we got some Thai import like we used to years ago and it was shite, now either my memory is gone or modern day hyb rids have well surpassed the quality
I think weed is like wine,some years are way better than others and the genetics and the climate just clicked,some of the Thai years were outstanding


Well-known member
So it seems the general consensus is , what we had in the 80’s and 90’s is far superior to what we have today. Also, most people are not happy with what is offered in the current market. So the question is, what is the solution ?


Well-known member
To me it seems simple. If the theory is true about the strains of yesteryear being much more superior, why isn’t anyone showing the market what their missing and getting people to change what they consume ?

Old Piney

Well-known member
Where's all the good Thai sticks gone? Either it's go ne or there's no demand, we got some Thai import like we used to years ago and it was shite, now either my memory is gone or modern day hyb rids have well surpassed the quality
So from what I've learned commercially available Thai stick wasn't grown in Thailand for the most part in the first place ,it was grown across the Mekong in Lau back in the day. Today cannabis is legal in Thailand and as a result as we might predict the old strains and traditional cultivation techniques have gone to the wind. They are now growing hybrids under government supervision with the government trying to make a buck supplying domestic demand. As I see it's a combination no demand, but because no one is willing to grow it or smuggle it out illegally. The drug cartels are making way to much money on drugs like fentanyl to bother smuggling a bulky thing like Thai sticks.So again it is the law that is the biggest threat to the gene pool, I'm sure the farmers in Thailand and Lou would be delighted to grow and export good Thai weed and the seeds .I believe Angus over at the Real Seed co has a blog on Lau Thai weed production not to mention a lot of Lou strains available I will find it and post up a link
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This is a part of my land.
We live in a agricultural region which produces cattle,sheep,wheat and taters commercially.

I think I grasp what it takes to work a plot of land and all it entails.
The people doing the most talking in this thread know the least about the subject at hand.
The same guys crying no one shares with them..........weird how that works.
I laugh at you cuz you're funny to me you sound like children snug in the warm embrace of ignorance.


Well-known member
View attachment 19048064 This is a part of my land.
We live in a agricultural region which produces cattle,sheep,wheat and taters commercially.

I think I grasp what it takes to work a plot of land and all it entails.
The people doing the most talking in this thread know the least about the subject at hand.
The same guys crying no one shares with them..........weird how that works.
I laugh at you cuz you're funny to me you sound like children snug in the warm embrace of ignorance.

You have zero to add to this discussion. It’s very clear


The Mad Monk
So it seems the general consensus is , what we had in the 80’s and 90’s is far superior to what we have today. Also, most people are not happy with what is offered in the current market. So the question is, what is the solution ?
Huh? Are you actually reading this thread? The consensus is that everything is fine, in fact it’s never been better. That is what you and many others have been saying.

Just for the record, I am not in the “the 80s and 90s were better” camp. But I do disagree with the actual consensus emerging in this thread that everything is great and anyone saying otherwise is an idiot or hoarder.

To me it seems simple. If the theory is true about the strains of yesteryear being much more superior, why isn’t anyone showing the market what their missing and getting people to change what they consume ?
First, this is a bit of a straw man. Are you capable of having a discussion without being snide and petty all of the time, Joe? Every post from you in this thread is either passive aggressive or bullshit sarcasm. Grow up.

What have you done? Slap a bunch of popular clones you didn’t find with pollen from a line you didn’t make? Groundbreaking.

This thread could be a little more productive if some of you weren’t so sensitive and quick to anger because someone dares to disagree with you.


Well-known member
What have you done? Slap a bunch of popular clones you didn’t find with pollen from a line you didn’t make? Groundbreaking.

Yet you have been in my DM’s on Instagram how many times for clones 🤦🏻‍♂️. No need to even respond dude. You probably just don’t even realize me under a different name


The Mad Monk
Yet you have been in my DM’s on Instagram how many times for clones 🤦🏻‍♂️. No need to even respond dude. You probably just don’t even realize me under a different name
I know exactly who you are. How is me inquiring about clones 1) a bad thing and 2) remotely relevant to this discussion?

Weak move, Joe.


Well-known member
Huh? Are you actually reading this thread? The consensus is that everything is fine, in fact it’s never been better. That is what you and many others have been saying.

Just for the record, I am not in the “the 80s and 90s were better” camp. But I do disagree with the actual consensus emerging in this thread that everything is great and anyone saying otherwise is an idiot or hoarder.

First, this is a bit of a straw man. Are you capable of having a discussion without being snide and petty all of the time, Joe? Every post from you in this thread is either passive aggressive or bullshit sarcasm. Grow up.

What have you done? Slap a bunch of popular clones you didn’t find with pollen from a line you didn’t make? Groundbreaking.

This thread could be a little more productive if some of you weren’t so sensitive and quick to anger because someone dares to disagree with you.

I’m just tired of all the crybabies whining about the gene pool needs saving. Yet what is anybody doing. You can criticize me if you want to but we both know I’ve done a lot to get genetics in the hands of people did otherwise didn’t have access in the time where people were extremely hoarding these clones. I’m not even gonna go into detail about the seeds because I don’t even want to hear anybody else’s mouth about me trying to toot my own horn. point is, I care a lot about this plant and have been doing a lot for years to try to help further it. So you and anybody else that wants to criticize me for my opinion can go fuck themselves


Active member
To me it seems simple. If the theory is true about the strains of yesteryear being much more superior, why isn’t anyone showing the market what their missing and getting people to change what they consume ?

I would say for the same reason that flavorful corn isn't grown in fields. Roundup ready, drought resistant, GMO corn is what farmers grow. It make better business to grow plants that don't have any issues and have shown to be awesome indoor plants vs. trying to indoor some lanky sativa.


The Mad Monk
I’m just tired of all the crybabies whining about the gene pool needs saving. Yet what is anybody doing. You can criticize me if you want to but we both know I’ve done a lot to get genetics in the hands of people did otherwise didn’t have access in the time where people were extremely hoarding these clones. I’m not even gonna go into detail about the seeds because I don’t even want to hear anybody else’s mouth about me trying to toot my own horn. point is, I care a lot about this plant and have been doing a lot for years to try to help further it. So you and anybody else that wants to criticize me for my opinion can go fuck themselves
So you’re tired of other people having an opinion you don’t like? That seems mature.

The irony of one of the most disagreeable people in this thread whining that he’s being criticized for his opinion is just too much.

Be careful up on that high horse. At your age a fall can be a major issue.

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