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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Well-known member
Hybrids like Skunk#1 and Super Skunk had more influence on the growing scene than any other cannabis plant, it was used to make the transition from outdoor to indoor growing and change forever whet people could expect from their flowers.
@dogzter Do you something else to contribute except your maniacal laughter, it starts to creep me to have you doing that at all my posts.


Active member
You talk about history and then call some modern day hybrid the building block where it started. If there was an in depth book written by an actual historian using all of the historical data available on the history of cannabis, Super Skunk would be mentioned in the last few pages of the last chapter if it was mentioned at all.
Yet were talking about the state of the genepool in 2024, pretty modern... So yeah SS, NL etc pretty important to modern history and have had a big influence in the genepool of 2024

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
:ROFLMAO: Vertical, i got a good chuckle from that.

You hit the nail on the hammer though. water is the new gold
The issue of water is relative. In a marginally rainy area, where the rain is not enough to support any normal crops, you may still have a shot, it all depends on crop value. Say you can get 3 hectares of land that wont support normal agriculture; if youre using 2 hectares just to collect water in order to grow on one hectare you may be able to make things work. Especially if the crop value is right and from the looks of how much people are arguing here it definitely looks like there may be some value to it, lots of passion. If you factor in that this low rain area might also be quite sunny; say you put solar panels on those two hectares which also double as rain collection, and collect whatever subsidies... Well its an equation that has to be solved but damn it if im going to say its impossible. You just have to find a place where youre project is sufficiently outside of the box to beat the metrics whatever everyone else is doing.


Well-known member
Yet were talking about the state of the genepool in 2024, pretty modern... So yeah SS, NL etc pretty important to modern history and have had a big influence in the genepool of 2024

The initial post by the OP is ambiguous. "What do you think of the current state of the cannabis genepool in 2024 on a macro scale?" | "There's no wrong opinion or answer."

I'm giving my opinion just like you and everyone else. When I think of the gene pool I look at more than just the famous strains. What gene pool did they come from? Do those genetics still exist? Are they available? That's what I'm thinking about. Not some hybrid that won the cannabis cup one year.

So yes those strains might have importance but in my opinion they are of lessor importance than the original landrace strains used to create them as far as the gene pool is concerned.


Well-known member
The issue of water is relative. In a marginally rainy area, where the rain is not enough to support any normal crops, you may still have a shot, it all depends on crop value. Say you can get 3 hectares of land that wont support normal agriculture; if youre using 2 hectares just to collect water in order to grow on one hectare you may be able to make things work. Especially if the crop value is right and from the looks of how much people are arguing here it definitely looks like there may be some value to it, lots of passion. If you factor in that this low rain area might also be quite sunny; say you put solar panels on those two hectares which also double as rain collection, and collect whatever subsidies... Well its an equation that has to be solved but damn it if im going to say its impossible. You just have to find a place where youre project is sufficiently outside of the box to beat the metrics whatever everyone else is doing.
What type of water collection are you talking about, morning dew or rain? Maybe there is a way to collect both on the same surface, IDK. Interesting ideas anyway, always better than no can't do.


Well-known member
The initial post by the OP is ambiguous. "What do you think of the current state of the cannabis genepool in 2024 on a macro scale?" | "There's no wrong opinion or answer."

I'm giving my opinion just like you and everyone else. When I think of the gene pool I look at more than just the famous strains. What gene pool did they come from? Do those genetics still exist? Are they available? That's what I'm thinking about. Not some hybrid that won the cannabis cup one year.

So yes those strains might have importance but in my opinion they are of lessor importance than the original landrace strains used to create them as far as the gene pool is concerned.
Just like the chicken and the egg, better have both to make more eggs. But me i prefer doing an omelette;
More seriously having the building blocks is not a guaranty to keep the hybrids made with them because the chances you have the same genes recombinaison is next to none. If you want to preserve cannabis first modern hybrids you have to keep them as they were done not what made them.Cannabis genes are not LEGO pieces.
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Active member
The initial post by the OP is ambiguous. "What do you think of the current state of the cannabis genepool in 2024 on a macro scale?" | "There's no wrong opinion or answer."

I'm giving my opinion just like you and everyone else. When I think of the gene pool I look at more than just the famous strains. What gene pool did they come from? Do those genetics still exist? Are they available? That's what I'm thinking about. Not some hybrid that won the cannabis cup one year.

So yes those strains might have importance but in my opinion they are of lessor importance than the original landrace strains used to create them as far as the gene pool is concerned.
But those original landrace strains/selections are long gone, so without time travel we are here pissing in this current drug cannabis pool! Can new selections from landraces be done? Sure but will they be integrated into pool? Who knows...

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
What type of water collection are you talking about, morning dew or rain? Maybe there is a way to collect both on the same surface, IDK. Interesting ideas anyway, always better than no can't do.
Rain, and were not even doing the whole roof and always have a fair bit of loss. When it rains its fairly heavy but farmers suffer drought and water restrictions in the whole area. Ive been meaning to look at metrics of this but havent gotten around to it. Seems like God smiles at us here since everytime were at the brink, both us and our whole part of the country it starts to rain heavily. We have well water but its fucked for hydro/ro: very high ec and purines.
Were not in the worst possible place in spain but weve had to work hard to make things work.
Water management is as old or older than civilization (maybe even a cause and reason for it) what were doing now was childs play to for the Old ones, working of stone tools and without the wheel. You just need a combination of smart/desperate and the will to do it.


Well-known member
Rain, and were not even doing the whole roof and always have a fair bit of loss. When it rains its fairly heavy but farmers suffer drought and water restrictions in the whole area. Ive been meaning to look at metrics of this but havent gotten around to it. Seems like God smiles at us here since everytime were at the brink, both us and our whole part of the country it starts to rain heavily. We have well water but its fucked for hydro/ro: very high ec and purines.
Were not in the worst possible place in spain but weve had to work hard to make things work.
Water management is as old or older than civilization (maybe even a cause and reason for it) what were doing now was childs play to for the Old ones, working of stone tools and without the wheel. You just need a combination of smart/desperate and the will to do it.
There is a huge project in Africa to reclaim some growing grounds on the desert, they use a old technique dating from antiquity times, they create some half moon who are bit more elevated than the soil and it makes a water trap,they can grow some trees making lots of fruits without watering them thanks to this method.
This is an idea for the poor americans who can't afford to water cannabis plants.


Well-known member
But those original landrace strains/selections are long gone, so without time travel we are here pissing in this current drug cannabis pool! Can new selections from landraces be done? Sure but will they be integrated into pool? Who knows...

How does that matter? Some still exist in very similar form as they did decades ago when these modern hybrids you put so much value on were created. It's probable that if more people started working with these strains that hybrids surpassing the ones you put so much emphasis on would be created.

And integrated into what pool? Todays ridiculous strain and seed market?

My philosophy regarding cannabis differs from yours but is similar to many others. You're looking at a small segment of the overall gene pool based on popular hybrids over the last few decades. Some of us look at the gene pool in it's entirety worldwide. That's fine. You can focus on a small subset of the big picture. But the gene pool is more than just the latest hybrid made from other hybrids.


Well-known member
What do you think of the current state of the cannabis genepool in 2024 on a macro scale?"

Maybe this can highlight why Iā€™ve been saying itā€™s getting old hearing you guys complain about the genepool you donā€™t contribute to.

ā€œMACROā€ meaning what is largely available. That is the genepool. Itā€™s great you do personal projects. But in the grand scheme it means nothing if itā€™s not available to be worked by others to further enhance diveristy on a MACRO scale.

Think about how real breeding is done with everything else. Plant breeders allow other breeders to work with their varieties and that is how the genepool improves for everyone across the board. Think about what would happen if Burbank decided he was gonna be a little prick and grow all his projects to himself šŸ¤£

Point is , for anyone complaining, if your not actually contributing to the genepool at large to help change things , what are you complaining for ?
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Well-known member
Some still exist in very similar form as they did decades ago when these modern hybrids you put so much value on were created

Then if your working with these things, how come your not releasing quality to the market to change the course of things ?
Itā€™s because it is easier to brag online about what special circles you think your in versus being the change you want to see. That part requires more work


Well-known member
Maybe this can highlight why Iā€™ve been saying itā€™s getting old hearing you guys complain about the genepool you donā€™t contribute to.

ā€œMACROā€ meaning what is largely available. That is the genepool. Itā€™s great you do personal projects. But in the grand scheme it means nothing if itā€™s not available to be worked by others to further enhance diveristy on a MACRO scale.

Think about how real breeding is done with everything else. Plant breeders allow other breeders to work with their varieties and that is how the genepool improves for everyone across the board. Think about what would happen if Burbank decided he was gonna be a little bitch and grow all his projects to himself šŸ¤£

Point is , for anyone complaining, if your not actually contributing to the genepool at large to help change things , quit bitching

I've voiced some opinions but where do you get that I'm complaining? I'm doing my own thing. You need to learn the definition of Macro. It means on a large scale. This thread was about the gene pool. You can't get any larger than worldwide as far as the gene pool is concerned.


Well-known member
You need to learn the definition of Macro.

I need to learn it ? I know it means large, thatā€™s why Iā€™m telling you what your doing in your tent has zero effect on the genepool. So all you guys talking down about what available ā€œat largeā€ , what are you doing besides complaining ?


Well-known member
Then if your working with these things, how come your not releasing quality to the market to change the course of things ?
Itā€™s because it is easier to brag online about what special circles you think your in versus being the change you want to see. That part requires more work

Why would I release anything to anyone? I'm not doing anything for money or recognition. I'm doing it for myself.

And I've never bragged about being in any special circles. I've merely stated that some of us are sharing things with each other. There is nothing special about what I'm doing. Many others are doing the same thing. I just happen to know some of them. If you don't know anyone willing to share with you other posters have already addressed that issue so I won't get into that.

And I don't want to make this work. I have an occupation. I've tapered back the amount of time I actually work but I still work. This is more of a hobby and educational endeavor for me.

Why are you so desperate to try and discredit me? This is the 4th or 5th thread you've done this in. Focus on things that can benefit you. Because I'm not it. I don't understand what you're end goal is by engaging me the way you have been.