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1st time grow|Northern Lights|Bubblegum|Big Bud|Afghan

Iba=indole butyric acid...basic rooting powder. I get mine from grow more in huge bottles for cheap. I'm not of home depots brand name but I'm sure they have it for 5$ or less

The leaves will not root...but for your own satisfaction keep trying and prove it to yourself. Take all advice with a grain of salt in life.

You can root in the seed starter mix, I use rapid rooters, oasis blocks and promix....seed starter mix is basically promix. If you learn that way you will save a ton of money, since rapid rooters are heftily priced. Some peole use jiffy, peat, but I don't. Ph fluctuated negatively with peat.

Home depot rooting hormone, Model # 06920A Store SKU # 572725


:thank you: Okay, sounds good, I'll give the 'promix' a shot in about a week or so. And try not to mess it up. :)

Wow... I miss a day and all this exciting stuff happens! Sad that you're not doing the scrog, because I wanted to see how it was done/how it'd go... but for a first time, I think it'd probably be better.

I don't have much input, because *I* don't know WTF I am doing either :D but your babies will bounce back, I just know it!


follow the pink rabbit!
hello GP :wave:

pink rabbit found this thread only now (thanks to your postings in LTTG's thread) and there are hundreds of comments and Qs i'd like to write LOL.

i must admit i didn't read every single word, rather scanned through the 6 pages but i guess i know what things look like in your grow shed.

it may make no sense to point this out now but my few pieces of advice for folks who begin their adventure with growing would be:

1. start with soil, it forgives many more mistakes (related mostly to under/over-feeding and under/over-watering)
2. go the easy way and see how the plant behaves & reacts. meaning: forget the coco, scrog and these other techniques (they are very efficient of course but maybe later than in the first grow) - even though my own 1st grow was a micro scrog ;]

but i think you were doing pretty good with the screen, cannot figure out why you didn't carry on in fact. this could have been a nice scrog!

CFLs are too an efficient source of light, you just need to keep the plants close to the bulbs, carefully not to burn them.

anyway princess, your thread is a great story to follow, hope the grow turns out good for you. treat it as a source of new knowledge. you will get better and your plants will get better with every following grow.

oh, 1 more thing when it comes to cloning. there are many methods, but for me a simple pure soil does the trick. the key factor though is the humidity dome - i use transparent yogi cups (preferably) and a dome made of cut plastic bottle ends:

hope this helps!

stay relaxed, chica!

tube dude

I never use a screen anymore either. They get in the way in my small cab. I also use the wire hooks like you are using. I cut and bend mine from metal coat hangers. I only have 3 plants right now so training doesn't take me very long.When you're doing scrog it is better to use clones from the same mother. That way the plant grow and mature at the same rate. If you really had your heart set on scrog you could do a modular scrog, which is how I used to do it when I had the larger cab.That would allow you to have you screen mudch lower, run different strains and even do perpetual grows.

tube dude

I don' have any experience with the t-5's but have grown a lot using the t-8's. The t-5's should work better. When I first built my cab the t-5-s were new and not as widely available so I went with the t-8's instead. By the time they became more widely available , I was doing so well with the t-8's I couldn't justify the cost of switching to the t-5's.

tube dude

This is a picture of my old cab.

Wow... I miss a day and all this exciting stuff happens! Sad that you're not doing the scrog, because I wanted to see how it was done/how it'd go... but for a first time, I think it'd probably be better.

I don't have much input, because *I* don't know WTF I am doing either :D but your babies will bounce back, I just know it!


Yes, I wanted to go through with the scrog, too. But LST or bending is really SCROG-like... maybe this kind of LST should be called BOG for Bend of Green. But then again I am waxing philosophical with very little experience to back it up. But, yes-whether it's SCROG or LST, I think it's crucial that I find what works as long as I will be running with a T5 set up. It just makes sense to keep that even canopy, however you get there...

hello GP :wave:

pink rabbit found this thread only now (thanks to your postings in LTTG's thread) and there are hundreds of comments and Qs i'd like to write LOL.

i must admit i didn't read every single word, rather scanned through the 6 pages but i guess i know what things look like in your grow shed.

it may make no sense to point this out now but my few pieces of advice for folks who begin their adventure with growing would be:

1. start with soil, it forgives many more mistakes (related mostly to under/over-feeding and under/over-watering)
2. go the easy way and see how the plant behaves & reacts. meaning: forget the coco, scrog and these other techniques (they are very efficient of course but maybe later than in the first grow) - even though my own 1st grow was a micro scrog ;]

but i think you were doing pretty good with the screen, cannot figure out why you didn't carry on in fact. this could have been a nice scrog!

CFLs are too an efficient source of light, you just need to keep the plants close to the bulbs, carefully not to burn them.

anyway princess, your thread is a great story to follow, hope the grow turns out good for you. treat it as a source of new knowledge. you will get better and your plants will get better with every following grow.

oh, 1 more thing when it comes to cloning. there are many methods, but for me a simple pure soil does the trick. the key factor though is the humidity dome - i use transparent yogi cups (preferably) and a dome made of cut plastic bottle ends:

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46391&pictureid=1085780&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46391&pictureid=1085781&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46391&pictureid=1097969&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=46391&pictureid=1103222&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

hope this helps!

stay relaxed, chica!

Hello Rabbit,

How nice of you to stop by! I have already been to your burrow, nice to see you here. :)

Yes, I like those little clone cups...another tool in my toolbox!

Hopefully I can get dialed in even half as much as you are. You're grow is beautiful...

Tube Dude,

Nice that you had some success with the T8's. I think this is the right speed for me right now. Like the rabbit said, Starting in soil and getting the basics makes sense to me-and so do T5's. Funny how I ended up making the wire hooks just like you. But I do like the idea of SCROG as well, at least in doing it properly and comparing yield to LST w/wire.

Do tell, what is this 'modular' screen you speak of?

Oh, and thank you so much for your continued support. Honestly, you guys are my grow, without this forum I would likely have some flowering or dying plants on my hands...


tube dude

Modular scrog is when you scrog all of your plants individually. You attach the screen to the pot, If you have 8 plants you would need 8 screens. That way you can move the plant around and get to them better for trimming and watering. You can harvest each plant when it is ready and not worry about disturbing the other plants. If you have a male, you just take it away. It [to me] is just an easier way to scrog.


Active member
SUNGROWN....she asked for a seasoned growers help!!!!!!

SUNGROWN....she asked for a seasoned growers help!!!!!!

Maybe I misread what was meant by "everyone has been a newbie", if so I apologize.

T5's can grow descent buds, ive done seed runs with only t5 before.

I'll stop cluttering this thread with this now.

PARDON ME BIG BOY,but its people like you that have all the probs
mis- reading folks AND commenting about someone you dont know.
A typical problem at IC...

To say that my success means NOTHING is truely NEG.
if for instance 3 magazines came to YOU for your skills,would that mean you
grow nothing meaningful??????....right buddy try again!

Tell ya what,since i came willing to help,an got nothing but bad vibes,
WHat you expect me to feel now,im floored at how youngins carry on in here?

i welcomed her in the introduction thread,an throught id HELP!
cool buddy take it away....and YES even i was a noob is what i MENT.


Sorry GP, I need to respond

Oldprolg, i apologized if I misread the intent. I am maybe older than you....you don't know me and have no clue where I am in life, magazines, etc...and to be in magazines means nothing, they used to beg for peole to let their grows be photographed...I never said you didn't know how to grow, or don't grow anything meaningful. I will not brag about my so called successes in life, everyone defines success differently.

You are a dick, or you can't deal with criticism well, either way, I am sorry you are so butt hurt, but get over it.

Again, green princess, I apologize for this being in your thread.


Active member
Figures you would respond not knowing me.

Calling people outright names CAN an SHOULD get you BANNED!
Yah sorry GIRL,you got such an imature person calling poeple names?
WHERE THE MODS....this guy needs a spankin NOW.
He has commented very badly for the 3rd time,is this how you want IC run...
GO ahead an look at my grows in the florida growers thread,i am 51 now and DONT
NEED shit from you buddy,sling your dick all you want,you'll never have my status.

Congrats your the 5th person this year that has ruined my day over nothing but helping?
You have done a great job at messing her grow up so far,take it away,and when she has
nothing to show for it but a few joints,you'll be missing my help thanks to you NEG rep.
i never came in bragging as you miss read,i showed her shots to inspire her!!!
From what CAN be done with low wattage lights,was that so bad?
Now what,you gonna call me another name?
im NOT commin back to see another bad comment,sorry girl i coulda helped,no offence?
Let me see your great CFL or T5 buds buddy,T5's SUCK for budding,CFL's blow them AWAY
Oh,by the way have you grown commercially 120dry pounds a year for 20 years same spot or are you a closet grower hahahaha........funny how BIG you head is,oh you may have 10 year experience an that makes you a pro haaa?
try again!
Peace will do you well with all that animosity in your soal.
is comfurming your experience bragging,cause thats all i was doing as to help a girl?
:smoke out:

Alrighty, folks... lets share one, and make peace, shall we??

How are you today, GP? I can't wait to see updated pics!

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks in flower for my little ladies... Eep! They grow so fast ::wipes a tear::.

(That actually makes me laugh since mine are so tiny. Hahaha!)



Active member
Yah,i thought weed was suppose to mello people out?

Yah,i thought weed was suppose to mello people out?

This guy above, oldprolg, has some good info and may even be worth listening to, but when anyone says shit like this

All that does is show your personal lack of self esteem.
And to start your post bragging about being in commercialized magazines? Means nothing.

Good luck Green Princess, I will advise against much training/bending with your current situation and I wish u succes, however you define it.

Just incase you MODS are looking,here is your problem,(means nothing) hurt
really good comming to have a read at IC for the 5th time this year this happened.

Taking a tab at somebody,then apologizing,then comming back with MORE name calling
THATS WHAT GOT TOM HILL BANNED you wanna join,sungrown?
anybody dissing a MJ magazine needs help,we are all supposed to be fighting for weed
RIGHT?....so what wrong with a mag?....just for your an HER info, i was in Hightimes 06'
dec,WEEDWORLD and TREATINGYOURSELF mag they all came to me for my skills/pics!!!
YOu may have seen this 1 in Hightimes before,or the many other people that try an STEEL
my pic an take the credit for it hahahaha,check facebook!
Peace an good by for the last time girl,sorry but this dude needs a ring or som'm????


  • Dies:C99 harvest pile.3.JPG
    Dies:C99 harvest pile.3.JPG
    55.2 KB · Views: 15


Active member


Sorry GP, I need to respond

Oldprolg, i apologized if I misread the intent. I am maybe older than you....you don't know me and have no clue where I am in life, magazines, etc...and to be in magazines means nothing, they used to beg for peole to let their grows be photographed...I never said you didn't know how to grow, or don't grow anything meaningful. I will not brag about my so called successes in life, everyone defines success differently.

You are a dick, or you can't deal with criticism well, either way, I am sorry you are so butt hurt, but get over it.

Again, green princess, I apologize for this being in your thread.

You better spank this dude,an i DONT WANNA HERE IT,he is a big prob and his kind
here at the new ICmag?


LOL ya'll remindin me of you know when you see a single MILF at Home De Pot with like 4 contractors arguing among each other about how to solve her situation best (None of them getting paid or helping really... Fueled entirely by hormone's...), each one discrediting the other. And much like real life, the seemingly younger dude (SunGrown) is way more non-challant and less agressive, while the OBVIOUSLY older dude continue's to drag the rant on and on. Now I ask that you see this from 3rd person perspective (Realize how childish this appear's, and no im not a chick, or being a dick, but your coming off extremely desperate OLDpro!), and both shut the hell up, unless it's adressed to GP directly!

Other than that, good show GP! Loving the ingenuity, did a whole lotta DIY myself back in the day's, now the stoner mentallity kicks in more, and I tinker less and less...
LOL ya'll remindin me of you know when you see a single MILF at Home De Pot with like 4 contractors arguing among each other about how to solve her situation best (None of them getting paid or helping really... Fueled entirely by hormone's...), each one discrediting the other. And much like real life, the seemingly younger dude (SunGrown) is way more non-challant and less agressive, while the OBVIOUSLY older dude continue's to drag the rant on and on. Now I ask that you see this from 3rd person perspective (Realize how childish this appear's, and no im not a chick, or being a dick, but your coming off extremely desperate OLDpro!), and both shut the hell up, unless it's adressed to GP directly!

Other than that, good show GP! Loving the ingenuity, did a whole lotta DIY myself back in the day's, now the stoner mentallity kicks in more, and I tinker less and less...


How's it going GP? Haven't seen you post lately...

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