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1st time grow|Northern Lights|Bubblegum|Big Bud|Afghan

Update-The harvest!!

Update-The harvest!!

Okay, so I met some really cool peeps on this thread and even though it got totally unfun when bud rot arrived and then just plain non existent when I quit blogging....I wanted to hit you guys up with the harvest footage.

So, it went something like this:

Humidity super high-GP -that's me-is a dumb ass = Bud Rot.

After several days of lost sleep and harsh losses...

Like the Bubble Gum main coal being entirely shucked and tossed as well as several secondary colas adjacent. The afghan was topped and had about 6 top colas of equal size... when the rot came she lost 3 or 4 of her colas. It sucked. I was dumb, I was footloose and fancy free and reveling in fat bud never realizing the consequences.

So, we took our 97% sealed room and slapped a 50 pint de-humidifier in there-no more humidity problem. Then right when we got things stable I had to leave town...and lo and behold while I was gone the power to my room failed. My other half-not a farmer- had to move my entire room, including a younger crew of SPGbx. I told him just get them moved. He did, and things were sort of ok when I returned but now my plants were in a new shed. A bad shed with spiders and fucked up lighting and light leaks. We soon found out that the reason power failed in the good shed was because of an old glass fuse that arced and completely blew out of the box and across our storage area. Could've started a major fire. Luckily, it did not. We didn't overload the box, as it turns out moisture got into the box. So, new box and new fuses meant our plants eventually made it back to the good shed, but only for a week or two.

Why, you ask?? Because somewhere around the time that fuse blew I snapped. I had been out of good pot since like June and I had frickin had it. All my hard work was first rotted away and now subject to a crazy light cycle. I decided to flush and chop. I started in on the smallest Big Bud first...a branch at a time for several days as I started flushing them all. After a seven day flush that first Big Bud was chopped! I waited another week and did the BubbleGum. Then a week after that I did the Big and Bountiful #2 Big Bud and the Afghan at the same time.

So Big Bud #1 -8 weeks in flower-7 day flush - yielded 13 grams dry
Bubble Gum -9 week flower -14 day flush - yielded 25 grams dry
Big Bud #2 10 week flower-21 day flush- yielded 42 grams dry
Afgan 10 week flower -21 day flush - yielded 11 grams dry

So, all in all I got a little over 3 ounces dry. I think I'd have been around half a pound without the rot and the newbie flush and grab business. And in reality I fast dried and wasted a branch a night on that first Big Bud. I would do it all over again, though because I learned so much.

Anyhoo-here are the harvest photos in order.

Big Bud#1
BigBud #2 & Afghan


This is pretty much the end of the BubbleGum - you'll see her in a jar at the end...She is lighter in color and pistils are very pink. Smoke report = dank

I'd be hard pressed to say she is better than the Big Bud because it's nice too, but she is, sweet tasting-smooth smoking and body head mash up.

This is the end of Big Bud#2-You'll see her spread out with the afghan drying and then in jars at the end.

This is some nice stuff and was a very nice plant all around. Big Bountiful buds, no rot...nice body high. I feel like she could have easily gone an extra couple weeks...

This is pretty much the end of the afghan. I did include a shot I think with it drying alongside the Big Bud #2. Some more drying shotds to come.

The afghan was just .... disappointing. Very slow to mature but when it did it had really dense buds that just kept multiplying. I don't know what she could have been if left to mature slowly but as it is I feel like she has kind of a broccoli like taste and a weak smoke compared to the Big Bud and the BubbleGum. Yes, they were free seeds and had the worst germination rate but I still feel like all of my errors ruined any chance of her being much good. I mean it's smokable-but it's not super dank.

Anyhoo, on with the show.

And that is pretty much, that. I trimmed wet. Yikes! What a mess, but I think I did ok. I dried in my nice climate controlled shed and that went dandy. I dried to about 85% and I was worried they got a little crispy but after time in the jars it's all good. I burped them pretty often the first week and then just here or there. I am smoking the Bubble Gum today and it's nice!

So that's all folks!

Peace + Love



, The Ghost of
Ouch! Hard lesson learned GP. Hard but valuable. I doubt we'll be seeing this happen to you again. 3 zs is 3 zs, it could have been worse.

So now with increased knowledge will come increased skill and increased weights - and that's priceless. :D How soon until your next run?