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1st time grow|Northern Lights|Bubblegum|Big Bud|Afghan

Day 29 ¦ T5's have arrived!

Day 29 ¦ T5's have arrived!

Hi all, Sorry for the delay...long weekend.

The plants are recovering nicely from my former abuse.

An aerial shot from today:

One of the Big Bud:

The Northern Lights looks to be making a nice comeback:

Bubblegum#2, after training, seeing lots of new growth:

New fixture:

Alright, so the new fixture is here, but the hanging ratchets won't he here for a day or two. It about 18 inches above the plants. Looking to get them much lower when the ratchets cone, but it is pretty damn bright in there now. We are at about 400 watts with the CFL's.

Tube Dude: Pretty sure I found out my shed has its own dedicated power box today. Incidentally, I have another shed with its own power box. Hmmm...

Regarding the bit of unpleasantness I see here in this thread....

I'm going to go ahead and thank both gentlemen once again for their suggestions. I truly need as much guidance as is offered me.

And, the plan from here:

Taking clones on Friday. Then its two more weeks of vegetation. That'll be 6 weeks total then....after that, flip!

They're looking good! I love how we're both at day 29, just in different stages :D It makes it easy to remember! 'Course you'll start over after the flip, and THEN what am I gonna do?! Hehehehe...


follow the pink rabbit!
hi princess :tiphat:

my humble suggestion is to wait like 1 more week before taking the cuttings.
reason being they will get much more strong within this time and this will increase your success rate :good:
hi princess :tiphat:

my humble suggestion is to wait like 1 more week before taking the cuttings.
reason being they will get much more strong within this time and this will increase your success rate :good:

Hey Rabbit. :)

I am sure you are right. I will see what they look like on Friday...

Thank you for coming back!




follow the pink rabbit!
my pleasure, girl :)

The rest of my toys came....

your plants will rocket now as soon as you make sure the hood below is just inches above their tops:


have a good one! :joint:
Day 33 Update

Day 33 Update

Hello folks.

Day 33 of vegetation. I did not take potential clones yesterday. I am taking the rabbits advice and letting them go another week before taking any cuttings. I did, however, manage to snap one of the Big Bud plants in half. Smartie that I am...

So as you will see in the photos, I have some potential clones going off that plant...we will see.

In other news we have some new arrivals to the veg shed. Bugs. Pretty sad to see them. They are small, white and crawling on the soil. My immediate line of defense is going to be a hot shot no pest control strip. It should be here any minute. We will see if the bugs disappear.

On to the photos....

Bid bud clones:

Under the canopy:

Bubble Gum #1:

A big bud:

Northern Lights:


tube dude

If the no pest strips don't work, get some diatomaceous earth. Just put a thin layer on the top of your soil.

Your plants look great. Keep doing what your doing and everything will turn out fine.
If the no pest strips don't work, get some diatomaceous earth. Just put a thin layer on the top of your soil.

Your plants look great. Keep doing what your doing and everything will turn out fine.

Argh! So sorry. I just rated your post not helpful. I need to stop rating when I am reading posts on my phone. It is way too easy to click the wrong button.


And, Roger that on the Diatomaceous earth. I can pick some up in town if this doesn't kill them...

Day 35 - Just another update

Day 35 - Just another update

A look at the veg shed. If I am correct in my learning I now think I can safely sex three as girls.

BubbleGum #2, and 2 of the Big Buds. A couple shots below, one of what I think is a female Big Bud:

Not a very clear shot, but double pistils on each side, there. There are three other sets of pistils on this same plant.

The bugs are all but gone. I saw about 5 this morning, and 2 this evening. Hopefully they are going...

Now on to some nastiness. This is my BubbleGum#1:

Not sure what this is about? The bugs or something else?

Then we have some leaf discoloration on another plant:

This is happening almost entirely to the top sets of leaves... this makes me think I had the lights a little close...

Also sometimes I accidentally drizzle a little water when I am watering. I try not to but it happens here or there.

And to end on a positive note-the Northern Lights is really doing well:

Oh, please be female.... wish I would've germinated more seeds of this strain.

Day 36

Day 36

Ok, so the lone Afghan strain is now showing presex pistils. That makes 4 out of 8 if I am right. Considering I am working under one lone 6 bulb T5, at this point, if I was sure, I've a good mind to chuck the rest, take my cuttings and flip in a week.

It is starting to get a little crowded under there. I have pretty high humidity 24-7 so if any leaves touch each other condensation builds up. I do not want any mold so I am taking great care to keep all leaves separate from one another.

But I am not going to chuck any, because that would be not so smart considering that these are the first presex flowers I have ever seen. I will take cuttings today or tomorrow. Flipping in 7...


tube dude

High Princess,

Congratulations on the girls!

Some of your problem looks like water burns but It looks to me you may have a little bit of a magnesium problem going on. Just add a tsp of epsom salt per gal of water or nute mix when feeding.

If you can, I would get a fan to blow across the top of the canopy. That should take care of your condensation problem and prevent mold.
Tube Dude -

Great, I will get some tomorrow. That sounds likely as I have high humidity and lowish overnight temperatures.

I do have a fan oscillating across the canopy, though it seems pretty wimpy.

I hope to rid them of this rust and yellowing...

Containers for next go round

Containers for next go round

A thought for those paying attention. :)

I am concerned about the opaque nature of my litter containers I chose to plant in. I am way too far in to replant them now, but I think it was a mistake.

The roots are spreading, and I can see them pretty easily in the most opaque of the containers. I feel like that's gotta be bad. They are being exposed. Roots don't like light, right?

I do not plan on using them again, though I do like the rectangular shape. Maybe I will switch to the PVC Grow bags next time as they are in essence this same shape. Do you all think the 3 gallon bags are comparable to what I working with here?



tube dude

I have grown in clear containers without any problems. If it bothers you you can always get some black spray paint and paint them next time.The bags will work fine but I don't like them very much. I like something a little more sturdy.


New member
NKOTS. This is likely good advice you are giving here. Let me elaborate and point to a couple reasonably-easily-found resources on the web.

"The material that is easiest to root will be found closest to the root ball itself. You want to take stiff, woody cuttings with healthy foliage from as low on the plant as is possible."

"Large woody branches and reproductive tissues, since these are slower to root [are avoided]"
"[...] Stems of high carbohydrate content root most easily. Firmness is a sign of high carbohydrate levels in stems but may be con fused with older woody tissue. An accurate method of determining the carbohydrate content of cuttings is the iodine starch test."

Some of this advice may appear contrary, especially if the new horticulturist is not experienced in determining the difference between woodiness and carbohydrate content. You can read on about the iodine starch test or learn some other techniques to determine this difference. I always strive to cut as many cuttings as possible from as close to the root-zone (ground level) as possible. I've also known for quite some time about the benefit of the cutting one takes having some stiffness to it; I think it may go deeper than carbohydrate content and into the overall elemental analysis of plant matter. I could swear I've read somewhere (but cannot locate now) that if the cutting your are taking already has plentiful Calcium then that Calcium will facilitate easier rooting for the new cutting.

Essentially what we are working with here is a plant that will readily layer (clone) itself in the nearby soil if it falls over or if a small branch gets severed for some reason and lands nearby coming in contact with moisture and the soil shortly after it's fall. As a survival-skill/adaptation the Cannabis plant has the ability to root itself. Some of the lower branches (the ones more likely to be brought down/damaged/severed) are more prepared to layer themselves in the soil. This could be inherent to the adaptation or inherent to the species.


follow the pink rabbit!
I have grown in clear containers without any problems.
i haven't :biggrin: but i am planning to try hempy buckets in opaque containers (exactly like GP's) some time soon.

and i am not afraid that light will do any harm to the roots, even though it is believed they should stay in darkness.
i don't think it is the most important factor anyway.

now, back to your grow, sis.
this is what i call rising from the ashes:


well done, sister! :good:
i haven't :biggrin: but i am planning to try hempy buckets in opaque containers (exactly like GP's) some time soon.

and i am not afraid that light will do any harm to the roots, even though it is believed they should stay in darkness.
i don't think it is the most important factor anyway.

now, back to your grow, sis.
this is what i call rising from the ashes:

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well done, sister! :good:

Thank you. This made me happy!

:thank you: