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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow



I am very interested in the K2 Special too, as I have smoked K2 in Holland and it's a very trippy high, i am pretty sure it's not available in pure seed form, so No Mercy's sounds like a good bet. You can ask Cees himself about it, no mercy have their own forum at w w w . n o m e r c y . n l / f o r u m or at the growshop Alien forum.


RasJay727 said:
Hey there Atmosphere, i remember you from OG also, u were a legend...i have been growin 12/12 every since viewing your threads from that time, i've grown hashberry, blue-hash, masterkush, bagseed, mandela and tiki strains with this method with great results. i feel what u said is on point about large amounts of light at a young age for the plants, im getting ready for a new grow and wanted to know what is a good No Mercy strain with this method, ive singled my choices down to K2 Special and Ice Queen, i'm leaning towards the K2 Special but wanted advise from someone who knows about No Mercy strains.

**also to 1st time 12/12 from seed growers...dont believe the naysayers indica strains can florish in the type of grow methods, just make sure they get enough light and are feed right...if you can go with organics(EWC-Humus-etc) the plants love it and lst...peace

hi have you any pics of the hashberry done under 12/12 how tall did they get and how much did they weight at dry? im currently growing them under a 400wattgps im 2 weeks in


Hello...sorry Weed_Life i dont have any pics(stopped posting pics since OG days), but you should get at least 18-25g from Hashberry, especially if you're using a 400 watt bulb. Mine grew to about 15.5-16 inches tall.

Here is my personal set-up:

1) 35.8hx30wx19.3d grow cab w/400 watt hps...i hold six 1gal. containers in this space

2) I direct sow my seeds(peat moss,watered with Liquid Karma/seaweed mix) in 16oz. party cups inside the cab, the heat from the 400 watt bulbs sprouts the seeds pretty fast(4-6 days), the plants will grow very very fast in this set up, i keep them about 20-23 inches from the bulb; a week and a half after sprouting i top at 3rd node(depending on strain and growth progress).

3) About 2-2.5 weeks from the day they sprout they usually shows signs of sex(this depends on strain)

4) I now prepare my organic soilless mix(1gal. buckets): Peat moss & Coco, 6-cups perlite,2-cups EWC, 1-tsp. Diamond Black(releases humates to plants), 1-tbl. POM 5-8-4, and 2-tbl. dolomite lime...A 2qt mixture of: 1/4-tsp. Liquid Karma,1/2-tsp. seaweed, 2drops SuperThrive, 1/4-tsp. Fish Emu., 1/8-tsp. PBP veg. formula, and 1-tsp. molasses; i water the medium with this 2qt mixture which perfectly saturates the 1 gal. containers; i then let it set for 2 days(this might seem like alot of stuff but it makes everything easier in the long run)

5) After 2 days i transplant the 16oz cups into the containers...I use a sharp razor blade to cut the bottom of the 16oz cups off(very easy process and i dont nip any of the roots either) i then put the cups inside of holes that fit the bottom, the cups sit up on top of the 1 gal.; they look elevated, anyone who was on OG will remember BOG's elevated potting system, this is where i got it from, the plants really root fast this way...i water the inside of the cups with Liquid Karma and PBP veg.; after transplant i tie the plants down with twist ties to screws that i have in the sides of the 1 gal. containers...LST is really good with this method of growing

6) And that is it for about the next 4 weeks...seriously; The plants are watered very low levels of Liquid Karma,seaweed, and molasses for the next 4 weeks, the humates from the all the organic matter mixed in the soil and the plants being water with L.K.,seaweed, and molasses help them grow nicely

7) After about 4 weeks i then feed the plants a light mix of L.K., molasses,seaweed,PBP bloom, and 0-13-0 guano...they are feed this every other watering(water/feed/water/...) for the next 2-3 weeks; I raise the level of guano and bloom during the last TWO feedings, then give them plain water from that point on until harvest

8) I honestly thought, "organics=better taste" was bullsh*t, but it is true...organics is pretty easy also, takes alot of guesswork out of growing...peace and good look with your grows :joint:


RasJay727 said:
Hello...sorry Weed_Life i dont have any pics(stopped posting pics since OG days), but you should get at least 18-25g from Hashberry, especially if you're using a 400 watt bulb. Mine grew to about 15.5-16 inches tall.

Here is my personal set-up:

1) 35.8hx30wx19.3d grow cab w/400 watt hps...i hold six 1gal. containers in this space

2) I direct sow my seeds(peat moss,watered with Liquid Karma/seaweed mix) in 16oz. party cups inside the cab, the heat from the 400 watt bulbs sprouts the seeds pretty fast(4-6 days), the plants will grow very very fast in this set up, i keep them about 20-23 inches from the bulb; a week and a half after sprouting i top at 3rd node(depending on strain and growth progress).

3) About 2-2.5 weeks from the day they sprout they usually shows signs of sex(this depends on strain)

4) I now prepare my organic soilless mix(1gal. buckets): Peat moss & Coco, 6-cups perlite,2-cups EWC, 1-tsp. Diamond Black(releases humates to plants), 1-tbl. POM 5-8-4, and 2-tbl. dolomite lime...A 2qt mixture of: 1/4-tsp. Liquid Karma,1/2-tsp. seaweed, 2drops SuperThrive, 1/4-tsp. Fish Emu., 1/8-tsp. PBP veg. formula, and 1-tsp. molasses; i water the medium with this 2qt mixture which perfectly saturates the 1 gal. containers; i then let it set for 2 days(this might seem like alot of stuff but it makes everything easier in the long run)

5) After 2 days i transplant the 16oz cups into the containers...I use a sharp razor blade to cut the bottom of the 16oz cups off(very easy process and i dont nip any of the roots either) i then put the cups inside of holes that fit the bottom, the cups sit up on top of the 1 gal.; they look elevated, anyone who was on OG will remember BOG's elevated potting system, this is where i got it from, the plants really root fast this way...i water the inside of the cups with Liquid Karma and PBP veg.; after transplant i tie the plants down with twist ties to screws that i have in the sides of the 1 gal. containers...LST is really good with this method of growing

6) And that is it for about the next 4 weeks...seriously; The plants are watered very low levels of Liquid Karma,seaweed, and molasses for the next 4 weeks, the humates from the all the organic matter mixed in the soil and the plants being water with L.K.,seaweed, and molasses help them grow nicely

7) After about 4 weeks i then feed the plants a light mix of L.K., molasses,seaweed,PBP bloom, and 0-13-0 guano...they are feed this every other watering(water/feed/water/...) for the next 2-3 weeks; I raise the level of guano and bloom during the last TWO feedings, then give them plain water from that point on until harvest

8) I honestly thought, "organics=better taste" was bullsh*t, but it is true...organics is pretty easy also, takes alot of guesswork out of growing...peace and good look with your grows :joint:

gr8 post fella! i was hoping for 14g's perplant anymore and im well happy, was just concernd with them been 80% indica some people where telling me dont bother you will get about 10g a plant if your lucky. i have 10 seedlings 2 weeks old and will be adding another 20 seeds of other indicas then hope for a good few females.


mofuckin farmer smurf
this thread is pretty awesome except for all the haters.
i've got 11 jack herrer bagseeds that i planted. i vegged them for about a week and a half i think and than flipped them to 12/12. these are some pics, i had them under 400w mh in veg and than added another 400w hps the last day of veg and ran them like that for acouple days and that found out i had a hortilux conversion bulb( i had the box but i thought when i first looked in it was empty :bashhead: ) and been running it like that. well here are the pics, i think i got a couple confirmed females but i still got a few more days before they all show hopefully

acouple of them have started stretching over night so i broke there hurds to get the height down. its nuts the differences in the plants, one of them the hurd like popped and the other had a softer stem. very interested to see what i yield
weed_life said:
gr8 post fella! i was hoping for 14g's perplant anymore and im well happy, was just concernd with them been 80% indica some people where telling me dont bother you will get about 10g a plant if your lucky. i have 10 seedlings 2 weeks old and will be adding another 20 seeds of other indicas then hope for a good few females.

If you do it right Indica's will also do very good without a veg period , i've already seen proof of that , can even show a growreport on that on a dutch board.
Indicas stretch for only a short time , thats the whole clue
So you need to get them going healthy ,fast growing ,so with lots of light . This way they will yield suprisingly well , and wont be taller than 2 feet.
RasJay727 said:
Hey there Atmosphere, i remember you from OG also, u were a legend...i have been growin 12/12 every since viewing your threads from that time, i've grown hashberry, blue-hash, masterkush, bagseed, mandela and tiki strains with this method with great results. i feel what u said is on point about large amounts of light at a young age for the plants, im getting ready for a new grow and wanted to know what is a good No Mercy strain with this method, ive singled my choices down to K2 Special and Ice Queen, i'm leaning towards the K2 Special but wanted advise from someone who knows about No Mercy strains.

For this method almost every NoMercy strain will do fine i've noticed . I did not grow all of them yet . Now that i got involved with nomercy more and more i also know more about they way Cees has bred his strains . He pays a lot of attention on the plants being vital en fast developping without taking too much time to start flowering and flower . And this is what we need with this method . Almost all strains flower 9 to 10 weeks ,even Santa Maria ,from wich you'd expect a longer flower period. pure Sativa's are not very great for this method unless you don't have a problem with very tall plants that take lots of time to finish.
K2 special will also be suited for this method , its the K2's big brother.
double Fun is a more Indica type plant and comes from an other breeder, it needs just 8 weeks of flowering .


Hello there.

I have been reading alot about this 12/12 method and I'm really excited to try it out.

I have a homebox XS (60x60x120cm). This is a limited growspace so I think the 12/12 method would be suited for me.

I've placed the fan and the filter outside the box to spare some height.

So now to the questions!

How many plants can I have in 0,36 m2? (60x60cm)

I was planning to start the seeds in 1L pots, and wait until they showed sex before I put the females into one large box with soil! But, how big should this box be? How many liters per plant?

I've ordered a strain called Blue Tops (Top44 x Blueberry) and KC Brains Cristal Paradise. Do you think these strains are suited for this method?

And I havent bought myself a lightsource yet, cause I was hoping to get some recommendations from you guys.. So what light should I buy?

A 400W HPS with cooltube? And with digital ballast?

Or should I degrade to a 250W HPS in cooltube, or several 200W LE ?

I hope you can answer some of my questions :)

Best regards


do you needto feed the plants veg feed if started on 12/12 or will their be enuff nutes in the soil to see them thru?

I plated 10 hashberry seeds 2 weeks ago and i now have 6 females :joint: they all look healthy but they arnt a real dark green colour is this normal? i dont plan to use anyveg nutes i plan to start using biobloomin aprox 1-2weeks times and stick with that to the end will they be ok with that?


I never feed mine any veg ferts. I use Foxfarm Ocean Forest, and there seems to be plenty of nutrition in the soil for the growth spurt that happens at the onset of flowering. My plants have never shown any signs of deficiencies. I start using a flowering formula from Pureblend Pro around week 3 of flowering, and it has a bit of nitrogen in it.
@ Jebfx; Tests were done with those strains and this method , and it turned out to work very well .

How many pots fit in your available space ?
6 female plants or more to end up with would do the job in that space.
Last edited:


well out of 10 hashberry seeds i got 6 females im well happy with that :joint: they are just over 2 weeks on 12/12/ from seed and one plant the bottom leaves are startig to fade to yellow they are in cheak multipurpose compost havent been fed yet the reast of the plants looks completely healthy. do you think its mg deff? its the very bottom leaves i dont have anything to measure some epsom saults would 1 little teaspoon be ok mixed with 2 liters of water?


Active member
Nice WL! Congrats on the 6/10 Hashberry's! Just ordered 20 seeds of it from the SB, and cant wait to get em'. To answer your question, when my plants show mg deficiency I usually add Epsom salts at 1-2 teaspoons per gallon. But I think you got the deficiency off a little, but it's ok. Seeing as you have added no nutrients to your soil mix, it is more likely that the plant has a nitrogen deficiency. The N deficiency pulls the nitrogen and chlorophyll out of the oldest, least productive leaves. Usually veg ferts have lots of nitrogen for lush green growth and prevention of N deficiencies. Most bloom ferts have low n levels so some might need to be supplemented. I hope this helps a bet.
Peace I'm out like Smoke


atmosphere said:
@ Jebfx; Tests were done with those strains and this method , and it turned out to work very well .

How many pots fit in your available space ?
6 female plants or more to end up with would do the job in that space.

Thats some great news Atomsphere!

If i use 15x15x20 cm square pots I can fit 16 in this room.

What do you think about lighting?
atmosphere said:
@ Jebfx; Tests were done with those strains and this method , and it turned out to work very well .

How many pots fit in your available space ?
6 female plants or more to end up with would do the job in that space.

correction ; I could not find an example 12/12 grow with the KC brains strain , so in can't tell if its suited for the method .

I recommend No Mercy strains for this method because the breeder did his breeding with this method in mind . His goal has always been to grow a field of plants from seed in an exceptable amount of time and in a way that it becomes a serious alternative to the large scale clone growing we see over here. (But clones have thier disadvantages!) in order to make growing from seed a serious alternative it was nessesary to find a way to shorten the seedgrowing cycle. The method we discuss in this thread was born . To make it even more succesfull he started selecting and testing strains that preform the best way for the method.
I'm aware that i'm proting/advertising saying this ,but my results with the strains have been very satisfying, and i want to share this knowledge.

buzzed day

hello all,i got what i believe to be feminized purplecrush/black domian and haze started in 12 and 12 and i did this



when does flowering start with the 12/12 method most strains flowr in 8 weeks im guessing if you start 12/12 from seed you wont have your bud in 8 weeks? can anyone tell me when you start the flowering countdown?


The length of time it takes to begin flowering varies from strain to strain, depending largely on their photosensitivity. Soe will take 10 days, others 30, it can be even longer.
also "the faster you get them to develop the faster they will start flowering."

the average time plants need to start flowering is about 3 weeks.
Here are a couple 12\12 from seed females we started approx 5 weeks ago, the one on the right in the picture showed sex 13 days ago, the left about 6 days. The one on the right also grew up into a light (CFL) while we were away and got burned, the red circle is where the damage was done. That part got clipped away.

Seed is just good bagseed, using generic ferts and 136 watts of soft white\daylight CFLs for veg and flower. Plants are each about 14-15" tall, stretching like crazy right now. They also branched out a LOT despite this being 12\12, kinda confused there. They do have pretty skinny leaves I guess.. sativa mostly maybe.



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