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100% flo. 8'x8'x2' indoor grow! Chrystal and Super Ice



thanks ganja420. i can't wait either. i think it will be a doosy. :joint:

alright, its picture time. some group photos in here too... most are day 39, a few are a week behind.

two Chrystal's on the left, two Super Ice on the right (these girls had a battle with overwatering, thus the loss of so many fan leaves. but all is sorted out now).

and a closeup of the Chrystal nug:

here's the Super Ice, much less affected by the overwatering:

and the best for last (hopefully haha):

Chrystal, day 27 bloom, vegged six weeks and LST'd:

:canabis: that's it! keep life growin' :muahaha:


early taste

early taste

whew. i'm out of smoke, so i did the deed and plucked the darkest looking little bottom nug i could find, threw it in the oven on low for about ten minutes, and smoked the wet little bugger. its at least two weeks before anyone would consider smoking it, i think, but holy shit it did the trick! on the cerebral side for sure, and doesn't feel like it will last that long, but i'm high as a thumb tack on a flier... can't wait to smoke this super ice when its mature. :joint:

alright before i ramble on and on and on peace out!


Active member
khaleel said:
whew. i'm out of smoke, so i did the deed and plucked the darkest looking little bottom nug i could find, threw it in the oven on low for about ten minutes, and smoked the wet little bugger. its at least two weeks before anyone would consider smoking it, i think, but holy shit it did the trick! on the cerebral side for sure, and doesn't feel like it will last that long, but i'm high as a thumb tack on a flier... can't wait to smoke this super ice when its mature. :joint:

alright before i ramble on and on and on peace out!


LOL. glad it was good. my nug was nuttin to treasure lol. so im hopin maybe i did something wrong, it was too small, or something. i'll shoot straight for better genetics if the whole thing doesn't turn out how i want it. but im bout to hit up some JACK HERER..



right on poppin. i hope the end product is better than the sampler, then. i'm sure it will be. i'll be pullin for ya! :rasta:

well guys, i haven't shown the veg room for a while, so here we go. these have been rooted for about two weeks, and they are all tied down and trimmed for LST. gonna be fun to watch them go in the next few weeks.

take care. i'm off to take my nieces trick or treating. :gaga:


Active member
khaleel said:
right on poppin. i hope the end product is better than the sampler, then. i'm sure it will be. i'll be pullin for ya! :rasta:

well guys, i haven't shown the veg room for a while, so here we go. these have been rooted for about two weeks, and they are all tied down and trimmed for LST. gonna be fun to watch them go in the next few weeks.

take care. i'm off to take my nieces trick or treating. :gaga:

lol how sweet


thanks, poppin. lol was fun, fore sure.

more pics. they are looking better and better every day (fingers crossed)... couple/few more weeks.

day 41 bloom, Super Ice:

day 41 bloom, Super Ice on right, Chrystal on left:

and the whole room. (the far right side consists of two chrystal plants, one a few weeks into bloom, the other a few days, and the were both LST'd and bushed out. should be fun to keep an eye on 'em, especially once the first harvest clears out all that space):

:canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis:
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Active member
those buds are looking real good khaleel. day 41, so you got what another 20 days? maybe less. one of these days you'll no longer run out of smoke. should have been doing this for years, says i.
btw your bud pics... if you get a little better with the camera... :canabis: :jerkit:
good grow, good setup, and good thread.

oh yeah, how's the cloning going? you clone in soil? i'm working hard at cloning, but still having trouble. checking all the methods i can.
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hazy said:
those buds are looking real good khaleel. day 41, so you got what another 20 days? maybe less. one of these days you'll no longer run out of smoke. should have been doing this for years, says i.
btw your bud pics... if you get a little better with the camera... :canabis: :jerkit:
good grow, good setup, and good thread.

oh yeah, how's the cloning going? you clone in soil? i'm working hard at cloning, but still having trouble. checking all the methods i can.

lol thanks, hazy. and yeah, if only i could get some pics in high def we'd all be set. :rasta:

hmm, cloning has been pretty easy for me, and i was a 100% first-timer. i have probably had a 95% success rate, in all seriousness. have you ever heard of Reiki? : ) nevermind, here's what i actually physically do with the plants:

the clone room is set up top of the veg, just a shelf with a $12 two-foot floro from Ace hardware:

in the beginning i just put them directly in soil, in styrofoam cups (i know there is a picture in the beginning of my thread). they rooted just fine, and are now in a friend's garden doing quite well (gotta hedge your bets) but after i went to the hydro store and saw this cloning tray i thought it would be easier so i bought it. i was right. lol the tray itself has a floating styrofoam tray inside it. you just clip a clone, pull the bottom two leaves off, scrape the stem a bit if you want, dip in rooting gel, and put into the cubes. hardest thing is just making sure there is always water in the tray.

these girls were just started last week, so they look pretty limp (they look that way until they form roots and start pulling water up through the stem... the stems on mine usually turn a reddish/purplish color after it starts happening). here you can only see the roots on one, but you get the general idea:

the cloning tray/kit was $20 at the hydro store. Sunleaves brand, i believe, same as my lights. once they start showing roots through the bottom into the water, you can pull out the cube and transplant (replacement cubes are available at the store, pretty cheap). hardest part is just making sure there is always water for it to float on. i have to fill it every other day, depending on temps. as far as transplanting, some swear that you have to transplant into a four inch container first, then to something bigger. but the hell with all that. haha the plants below were rooted for a little over a week in the tray, then transplanted directly into the 1 gallon bags. i figure the less times i have to transplant the better. plus, the reason you want smaller containers is that veg growth doesn't start getting crazy until the roots get a decent fill of their soil space... so the bigger the pot, the longer before veg takes off. BUT, on the flip side, the root system will be much stronger. and though i'm a beginner with growing cannabis, i've been around in life long enough to know that its all about having strong roots and a solid foundation. so there's my reasoning. and after one week of being in soil, there is plenty enough veg growth to say they have taken off just fine:

and you probably noticed they are all tied down. i am all about the LST. it's like weight lifting for your plants. i plan on doing low stress training with every plant i have from here on out. this is why:

and here's an LST'd plant, the first one i messed with, that's been blooming for a few weeks now. i took the strings off a little early so the cola shot back up past the other growth tips, but you can still see what happens:

let me know if you want to get more details on the cloning (i.e. when you pull off the lower leaves, pull the skin with it so you don't have to scrape; try to include an node in the small part of the stem that will root - the node is a natural place for roots to come out, etc.). i read probably ten threads on cloning before trying it, and there are all kinds of "rules" lol that people seem to swear by. like covering them, absolutely no fertilizer, a heating pad underneath... but i don't cover them at all, i use the same strength nutes that they had when they were attached to their mama plant, and i think i've had the heating pad on twice since i bought it. so it is mostly a matter of preference, it seems.

hope some of that helps. i'm trying another sampler nug right now of the Super Ice. whew. i can't wait to only smoke my own bud. that's the way it should be. here's one to ya brother. :joint:
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sorry for the off-topic, but i just had a quasi-metaphysical revelation. conscious and subconscious thought is not a zero-sum game. my entire life the paradigm, the systematic structure of belief hanging in my dome when considering this kind of thing, has been completely dualistic - either one or the other. either a thought is entirely conscious, willed through the mental mechanism with full awareness and shot out into the ether like a dog at the race track, or it is entirely subconscious, forced upon the brain and only realized once the movie had already started. this morning, however, i was sort of paying attention to the chatter in my head (i'm not on medication for hearing voices or anything haha i'm just talking about the normal random things that go through your head), and i noticed some music or something playing in there. i mentally "played" a couple of notes, then after i stopped i "heard" a couple more hit that i hadn't planned to think. i did it again, and noticed this time i had an idea of what the notes would be but they weren't exactly what i thought was coming. so i tried to ease back and forth on the intentional part of it, and it worked, but not like a light switch - like a dimmer. a continuum.

do you realize what this means? the question of whether we are individual entities or parts of the everstretching whole is moot! its both, and neither. you can change your level of conscious, your essence of individual being, at any time. you don't just shape your life. you determine how loud the fuking thing is. :gaga:

and you're telling me this is "reality"? the lines are blurred my friend. blurred indeed. :joint:

p.s. judging from the above, i think its safe to say the Super Ice is potent.


Active member
Hey ya'll,

I want what he has got....lol

What the fuk did you say K? :D

That is good man, I came on here to say something about your grow, but now I can't.

I am blown away man, that is heavy man, heavy. lol :D

I would say good day, but I see you are already having one.



lol word, cannabeard. word. :nono:

maybe this will help you with the comment you were gonna make on my garden... :canabis:

the flash must really bring out the white and lime green... in real life they are darkening up and a great combination of reddish limey green. mmmmm.

patience may be a virtue, but she's a still a bitch. :bandit:
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one more pic, with some perspective:

not bad for floros, and still at least two weeks left! :muahaha:
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Active member
Hey K,

Yeah man...Those Bitches look great, thickening right up for you, especially for floros....Are you flushing yet? Not a bad time to start (with 2 weeks left and all) Cant wait to see what you pull out of there, and since you are kind of doing it perpetual, you will be smoking your own stone for a long time to come!!! :D

Great Job,



thanks, beard. i think i will start flushing tomorrow. there are three plants mixed in there that are actually a week behind, so they'll get another week or so of nutes, but the 8 girls that are ready are flushing!

man i can't wait to burn a fat bowl of that. haha


those buds are looking fat man congrats, you got any macro pics?
it usually takes 5-10 days longer to flower with fluo's and lower wattages hps/mh bulbs so plan the day you start to flush'em accordingly, believe me the increase in yield/density will be worth the wait.


mtlgrower said:
those buds are looking fat man congrats, you got any macro pics?
it usually takes 5-10 days longer to flower with fluo's and lower wattages hps/mh bulbs so plan the day you start to flush'em accordingly, believe me the increase in yield/density will be worth the wait.

hey motlgrwr, thanks for the tip on additional time for floros. i'll be sure to wait, as a few more days won't kill me... well, maybe one plant might have to come down. haha i was sort of hoping i just bought my last bag of weed. :canabis:
whats up khaleel? you got some nice plants goin there. I grew nirvana chrystal for my first two grows and loved it. Stuff smelled like strong fuel after a cure! good luck


scorpioking: thank you sir. :joint: and welcome aboard! can't wait to smell the cured nugs... ahhh

mtlgrwr: forgive me, but what's a macropic? do you have to have a special camera, or is it a technique? i don't know jack about photography :nono:

well, i'm gonna start flushing the most mature one tomorrow, the others are going to get another week of nutes just to be sure. i'll keep checking the trichs, but i think two or three more weeks will fatten 'em up good.

but i'm tired of shelling out money for weed and i don't mind a cerebral high at all, so one of the bitches is getting chopped after next week! :rasta:

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