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100% flo. 8'x8'x2' indoor grow! Chrystal and Super Ice



a macro pic is just zooming in on the bud,
dude if you keep growing weed that looks that good you won't be spending money on weed anymore. I remember when i lived in the tristate i used to pay 300 an O for good nugs :spank: where i live now decent stuff is 100 an O and blueberry or jack is 180, god bless the canadians they are good for sumthing except hockey j/k. I still grow my own but it's more of a hobby than a neccesity.


excelatit: thanks sir. i have heard good things about molasses... a grower friend of mine though, said to try this stuff called "Karo Lite". supposed to be the same sugary effect, but with a lighter taste and easier for the plants to absorb. idk but i'll probably try it on a few plants and see if there's a difference.

mtlgrwr: holy shit. i think i'm moving to canada. lol

this is the closest shot i can get without it getting all fuzzy. she's one of the smaller ones... still doesn't look as dark/red as in real life. maybe i need a better camera. but either way the pic is nice:

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ok guys, i made up my mind. i'm bringing one of the ladies down next week, a Super Ice, started flushing her today. the others are going to get at least another couple weeks... i'm letting them get nice and stoney and nice and FAT.

here's the chosen one (she was one of two that lost most of her fan leaves from overwatering - lesson learned, but thankfully the bud has still been coming along well)

this pic is without a flash, just under a lamp (75watt):

looks a little darker, as it does in real life, than with the other flash. can't wait to try it out! if i even brush against a bud of this shit my hand smells like Snoog Dogg's nug jar for an hour. :smoke:
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by the way, if i pull this 1st time floro grow off with some decent weight and quality, will you folks hook me up with rep? i like the looks of the little green dots under the names... lol :muahaha:


Active member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to khaleel again.

There you go bro.....Keep up the great work!!!!

Til next time, stay safe....


P.S. There is more where that comes from, I just need to give some more out, and hook you up a little later...:D
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haha thanks cannabeard. right back at cha.

maybe between the two of us giving each other rep everyone will think we are regular OG's... not that we aren't :bandit:


East Coast Grower
khaleel said:
hahahaha i just realized i'm using my college diploma as a backdrop for my grow. ironically its probably the most use anyone will ever get out of a bachelor's degree in political science. :D

hahaha. if u dont mind me asking...what do you do for a job? I'm a senior pol. sci. major :wave:

also do you know any specifics about the color temp of the Sunleaves Pioneer setup? i'm flowering under a 4100k and a 3000k with some cfls

You got some intense lookin buds there for day 25. I'm a little behind (day 18) and they dont look anything like that...not that a week isnt enough time to catch up. GL on your harvest.


Rob547: thanks, my friend. let's see what, do i do for a job. interesting question.

*********** EDITED OUT BY KHALEEL. IF YOU MISSED IT I SHALL REMAIN A MYSTERY ************ bwahhhahahahaha!! :bandit:

as far as the most recent nug pictures just a few posts up, my friend, they are on day 46 not 25 (i wish!). thanks for the compliments, though, and i wish you good luck on your grow.

the lights i'm using for bloom are T5's. doesn't really matter what brand, as long as they are T5. the fixture I use has four in place, each putting out 4800 lumens at a color temperature of 2900 K (whatever the hell that means lol).

they really seem to like the light. the plants will grow right up to the tubes if you let 'em. but haven't seen the leaves get burnt yet, the lights are cool as can be as far as i can tell. there's a post in my thread, page 4 i think, where i put a link for both lights...

hope that helps. good luck on the poli sci degree. don't get too caught up in the domestic bullshit. the world is a much bigger picture.
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Active member
khaleel said:
by the way, if i pull this 1st time floro grow off with some decent weight and quality, will you folks hook me up with rep? i like the looks of the little green dots under the names... lol :muahaha:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to khaleel again.


East Coast Grower
well alot more interesting story than I was expecting, sorry to hear about your accident. **** working in cubicles.

Thanks for the info on the lights. Yea, they really can grow right into the lights with no worries. Ill be checkin back soon


Rob547 said:
well alot more interesting story than I was expecting,

i forgot to say and yet with all that here i am, unemployed and focusing the crux of my attention on growing weed. hahahaha its strange... the farther along in life i come, the more i don't trust the whole "real job" thing (40hr/week job in which you wear slacks and collect on a 401k so when you retire in 25 years you'll have enough money saved up to be miserable and impotent for a much longer time). maybe its just not for me. i might be a bit too much of a stoner. lol :canabis:

Poppin: i can't wait for that smoke report myself. you know there is going to be about four pages of some pretty outlandish shit coming from these keys. (at least i hope the smoke is good enough to take me there lol)

I gave the first girl i'm pullin her first flush today. gonna let the others go another two weeks at least - just in the last few days it seems they are putting on a ton of weight. Like this proud beauty. Makes me think the Hornsby's BigBud is for real.

Super Ice, day 47 bloom:

on that note, i need to make sure i understand exactly what "flush" is. here was my mental plan, please anyone out there let me know your thoughts / process:

today i sat her in the bathtub, and put a gallon of brita'd/oxy'd water through the soil.

then what? i guess i was just going to water on a regular schedule, every other day or so, but without any nutes. but that would only be a few waterings total for the flush. are you supposed to water every day, the point being to "flush" it out rather than just water for the plants h2o needs like usual?

on my way to the search forum menu right now to check out existing threads on the subject, but let me know what you guys usually do. thanks!
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Active member
Hey man, What I always did was to let about 15+% (I have heard more, but never ran a bunch through my self) of the water that you put in drain through, then wait as usual to water the next time, and do the same thing. Should be a couple waterings, maybe if you take it in a week you will do it 3 times? depending on how it feels for you. The ones going two more weeks, do that every 3 days or so like normal but with out nutes. Let it drain through some and consider it flushed...:D

Ahhhh nice flushed harvest....Cant wait for you bro, living vicariously through you....lol...:D

Good luck with it, it isnt hard...have fun



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to khaleel again.

bummer! :) i finally hit 2 dots! wooo! check me out, Mr 2 dots! lol.

ive been MIA for about a week. im sick, feel like poopie, havnt smoked in 4 days! i know when i do, its gonna rip me a new one... i cant wait! lol.
smoke all day everyday... that tolerance certainly builds.

man, your girls are looking great! boy did they pack on the girth last few pages (i had some catching up to do). nothing better than tokin' your own product all day long.
gives you that sense of accomplishment.

actually, i lie. there is 1 thing better. watching other people get RIPPPPPPPED from what you grew is where its at.
ive said it many times before... but all under fluros! ****ing awesome Khaleel.


NZjay said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to khaleel again.

bummer! :) i finally hit 2 dots! wooo! check me out, Mr 2 dots! lol.

ive been MIA for about a week. im sick, feel like poopie, havnt smoked in 4 days! i know when i do, its gonna rip me a new one... i cant wait! lol.
smoke all day everyday... that tolerance certainly builds.

man, your girls are looking great! boy did they pack on the girth last few pages (i had some catching up to do). nothing better than tokin' your own product all day long.
gives you that sense of accomplishment.

actually, i lie. there is 1 thing better. watching other people get RIPPPPPPPED from what you grew is where its at.
ive said it many times before... but all under fluros! ****ing awesome Khaleel.

lmao congratulations nz!! :bow: someday i, too. will be able to feel the raw power of having two reputation dots. i didn't even know what it was for a long time either ha

sorry to hear you feel like poopie. :D (i actually busted out laughing, AGAIN, just typing that hahahahaha) here's some recovery vibes comin your way. :headbange

i like what you said about watching other people get high off your shit, too. props. i was thinking about something like that today... all the times a puff of mj has helped me handle some kind of bullshit or another in my life, helped ease a few more hearty laughs out between friends, not to mention made it possible to get off the fuking painkillers, and eat without getting nauseas, made it easier to put the roofies in the bitches drink when they weren't looking (jk not my first tasteless joke haha)... but in all seriousness, if it wasn't for people taking the risk of growing none of that would have been possible. i'd probably be an alcoholic by now, or just a 24/7 asshole. so here's one for you for being such a wise garden-flourishing pimp, and one for all the growers i've ever smoked from :joint: :joint:

and btw, i never get tired of hearing you compliment my floro-skills. :muahaha: first smoke report coming in a little over a week...


lol Oscar was helping me water again today (its hilarious he just loves to sit in there), so i took some pics.

it is getting harder to wait haha

things are still pretty super-green, so i think i'll start the flush after all. at least just start easing back on the ppm, i see a little too much leafy growth on the tips of a bud or two...

and why not, a picture of my philly. i've had her about ten years. she's a clipping off a plant that's over fifty. a few months ago she was bushed down to the floor, but for the move she was given a trim, re-rooting, and re-potting. won't see much growth this time of year and where she's at, but looking good:

take care!
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poppin: thanks man, you should definitely get your closet goin. i can't wait to se your second grow anyway my friend. :canabis:

hey mtlgrwr, i found the "macropic - closeup" function on my camera! lol tomorrow when the lights come on we'll get some good bud shots. for now, here's a closeup of a lower nug i took off today just to dry out and smoke.

not looking too bad! the cola pics should come out pretty nice. can't believe i've had this this whole time and didn't know i could take closeups. hahaha rookies. :bashhead:
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okee-doke. here are some closups:

these are all Super Ice. I was feeling too lazy to pull out the chrystal too. lol

day 49 bloom:

this one is a week or so behind the others...

that's gonna be a fat one when its ripe! hahaha

and here's another with some time to go, but notice the new leafy growth in the bud ... i don't like it. i've already cut out additional nitrogen, but i'm thinking maybe i should starve her for a week (just water) and see if it will induce that late flower-yellowing... what do you guys think? am i just being paranoid?

thats it for now!
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