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  1. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    I have been buried up to my neck and just dug out enough to say "hello". Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I can do better, front and center!
  2. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Do you have multi-acres, or something slightly more manageable? Obviously your neighbors have that amount covered in spades, lol. :D
  3. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    That would be funny if it likely was not so disheartening at the time. I wonder how many 18 year olds even do it? My guess is not a lot. :oops:
  4. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    NOT Harvard or Yale, lol. And not even Suntan U, though I had a lot of friends in Gainesville. I wish I would have had though! Grew up in the midwest was pressured to attend a big ten school. I could not have afforded out of state tuition.That would not have happened if I had not improved...
  5. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/model-cosmology-might-broken-study-172716810.html I remember my first year Organic Chemistry professor in College telling us: "Everything you know is wrong". It was a little disheartening at first, but then, helped to shape my way of thinking so I did not take things...
  6. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Not to be included in the company of such rockstars? Just call me scorned beef .. :p
  7. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    No idea if this may have crossed your mind, or if you are even interested in it. But I recall thinking when you were first opening discussing here per the exclusive portion of the website that an anonymous donation availability link might help some of the funding issues. And have no idea if...
  8. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    LINK: https://x.com/FatEmperor/status/1654244932763123712?mx=2
  9. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    https://news.yahoo.com/news/hezbollah-chief-says-gaza-ceasefire-093630621.html Let em do as they want with these kind until they're dirt. Nothing more than Iran's equally backwards ambassadors. :ninja:
  10. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Discusses how the LA wildfires got so crazy, why most of the firefighting aircraft weren't available, and DRONES. :oops: https://news.yahoo.com/news/im-pilot-fighting-ca-wildfires-115002768.html
  11. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Sepsis is no joke. No single cure for it. Sad to hear they botched you so and nearly caused you to pass. Many don't know how dangerouse it is being admitted into hospital. They're breeding grounds for infection. I try to stay far away.:eek:
  12. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    With your diet, Pute, you should be all good again. Just don't forget about pushing h2o. Uber important. I have family hereditary issues. So every 5yrs for me.
  13. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Ya. I have to say it was not a fun experience. It hit me on the second of two flights to get there. The stewardess helping me was fortunately kind. And I was extreley lucky we were seated just three rows away from da lua. Otherwise SOL:poop:
  14. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    I gave up watches long ago. Have a diver's watch and a chronograph parked somewhere. Dunno. My computers all have clocks front and center including issued phones. With umbilical cords attached to all of em, so no need. Go figure. :D
  15. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    What does the "crew" think about the odour? Or do they get paid in "confetti"? Ms takes care given we're squeamish a bit about that. Late morning / early afternoon greetings to the weekend gang manning the compass, helm, and sails.:D
  16. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Keep warm, Bro. You're certainly a trooper, Gypsy. One stalwart gentleman! Most of the US is bitter cold too if it's any consolation (maybe not). A stiff North wind from Canada has basically descended upon the whole country till Tuesday.
  17. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    An interesting artist my countryfied brother turned me onto. Hope you're enjoying your cuppas all of you da kine OF's:)
  18. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Good Morning All (OF's): Hope everyone is having a nice post holiday season thus far. Still not 100% healthwise. Turns out upon testing that ms cola did not have covid before we left. That was a plus. But it looks like I am in perhaps the last half day of the flu bug I got after food...
  19. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    Yup. The #1 Apple iphone app this week. However ... BIG Difference. Red Note does NOT have end to end encryption! It's a shared Chat app the US and China both use.:whistle: LITTLE Known fact: TikTok was NEVER in China. Why Not? They don't allow end to end encryption there! Pure Evil.:devilish:
  20. cola

    The Original O'l Farts Club.

    https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-tiktok-china-security-speech-166f7c794ee587d3385190f893e52777 The Supremes said NO. Get this out of here! Zero chance of a US sale. This Chinese gathering tool, is now DEAD. :ninja: