Well-known member
Yep treats alsoWe've started having our dog and cat food delivered via Amazon Prime.
Yep treats alsoWe've started having our dog and cat food delivered via Amazon Prime.
It would be extremely unfair to lay the blame of all Canadas problems on any one politician, all political parties share in Canadas shortcomings. They act like spoiled children throwing stones at each other. The political process has degenerated to single phrase lines to engage the minds of people through emotion rather than intellect.You are spot-on right about the bean-counting lawyers that control this huge business.
That said, look again at that incredible sight: a non-moving LINE of dispirited, helpless patients standing in the snow waiting to see a doctor. <-- That horrible situation happening in a predominantly white, peaceful, active population simply would not exist without the disastrous results of "Castro's Boy's" chicanery.
Why is there that ridiculous line of hopeless/helpless Canadians standing in the snow? Not even a fucking barn? Could it have been the absolutely hostile environment caused by Trudeau's far Left decade-long idiocracy has made an absolutely hostile environment for scientists, doctors, engineers, and other professionals except lawyers?
You betcha.
His actual thievery was exposed with the charity!! payments to his family. His uber-liberal, unworkable moves over a decade have destroyed much of Canada's economy and put the whole place in debt. <--That's why he is finally being thrown the fuck out.
God bless the Canucks. I have only wonderful memories of wonderful folks up there.
Appropriate salutations to all the old farts -
Bit of sunshinetoday in old Blighty - but still chilly - got a meeting with the server guy in half an hour - he's gonna park up at my apartment block and we will walk into Kingston-Upon-Thames - for lunch - and chat about the future of this site etc - he says he's got some ideas -
- so I'm all ears -
Radiologist, Oncologist, Cancer Researcher, Author of 100+ publications. Top Substack Author: http://makismd.substack.com
The man in question found out 2 weeks ago he had cancer. Two weeks later he is admitted to the hospital, going downhill fast. I think it was late last week he was scoped and they found pancreatic cancer. People at the grocery store were asking my Mrs why the man was turning yellow. He is 85 and taken a turn for the worst, he could be dead in days. The real question is...it's his life how does he want it to end, there is no going back on this illness.Radiologist, Oncologist, Cancer Researcher, Author of 100+ publications. Top Substack Author: http://makismd.substack.com
Not one single thing.A straight line if I ever saw one. You think Trump is gonna do kissy-kissy to all those he has by the balls, right?
He will not be able to anything to any Cabal deep-stater? Not a thing?
Speeches ! lets not forget speeches FFS !![]()
I've known 3 with Panceatic Cancer both long drawn out ordeals they couldn't wait to end itThe man in question found out 2 weeks ago he had cancer. Two weeks later he is admitted to the hospital, going downhill fast. I think it was late last week he was scoped and they found pancreatic cancer. People at the grocery store were asking my Mrs why the man was turning yellow. He is 85 and taken a turn for the worst, he could be dead in days. The real question is...it's his life how does he want it to end, there is no going back on this illness.
My gramps died from pancreatic cancer, it can take you quickly.
I've known a few people to have a cancer diagnoses and they were dead within the month.
The healthcare system is in such choas because the federal govenment has let millions of non vetted,unskilled immigrants into the country to secure votes,the same holds true for the housing crises and crime rates. What we have is a "progressive" conservative party with many members of it being Canada's version of rhinos. All parties rape the taxpayers kitty and put immigrants before Canadians that have lived here for decades and make them pay for it. I agree with Trump, when natural born citizens are less valued than people who come from generations that built this country,it's time for action. Immigration is great if you can attract the cream of the crop and that's how it used to be, but this will lead us into a great recession.It would be extremely unfair to lay the blame of all Canadas problems on any one politician, all political parties share in Canadas shortcomings. They act like spoiled children throwing stones at each other. The political process has degenerated to single phrase lines to engage the minds of people through emotion rather than intellect.
I have followed politics from an early age and have supported all parties at one time or the other. They have all lied and deceived and I for one have had enough of their lies and deceit.
What you seen in Ontario(Walkerton doctor) has more to do with the provincial government than the federal as each province is responsible for administering their own health care. If you tried to tell a province how to do that they would have a "shit fit." So you need to ask the provincial government why it is the way it is. Not the Federal gov't.
Yesterday I was reading my province has a new health minister, her mandate dictated by the premier of the province wants her to investigate a run a way administration. There is administrative jobs that don't even have a work description. The premier wants that money to go to the front line. We will see if it actually materializes into a positive outcome.
I do care about my country and I will stick up for the rocks, water and trees that make up this country. Not for a political party, that's here today and gone tomorrow.
Not to be included in the company of such rockstars? Just call me scorned beef ..
Hey @Goldhedge hope you're warm!Well, looks as if we survived the inauguration!
The world hasn't ended. We're still here!
Working on it. Thanks....Have a great day everyone
@OleReynard @Littleleaf @Gray Wolf @jokerman @Dime @Gypsy Nirvana @SubGirl I'm sure I forgot some people
Do you take daily vitamins? A multi vitamin? You said only edibles right now smoking or vaping? I'm sorry about the conditions you've acquired over the years oldbcmanThe man in question found out 2 weeks ago he had cancer. Two weeks later he is admitted to the hospital, going downhill fast. I think it was late last week he was scoped and they found pancreatic cancer. People at the grocery store were asking my Mrs why the man was turning yellow. He is 85 and taken a turn for the worst, he could be dead in days. The real question is...it's his life how does he want it to end, there is no going back on this illness.
My gramps died from pancreatic cancer, it can take you quickly.
I've known a few people to have a cancer diagnoses and they were dead within the month.
Smiles all around!!
I bet scorned beef is far more desirable than creamed beef… not to worry, Cola, you have become one of us, whether your name is in print or not. Welcome to the Darkside brother…Not to be included in the company of such rockstars? Just call me scorned beef ..![]()
I'd have to agree on immigration being part of the problem, it has overloaded the medical system and put undo pressure on housing. Immigration definitely needs a rethink, sooner than later. I'm all for proper immigration as my Mrs immigrated and I sponsored her.The healthcare system is in such choas because the federal govenment has let millions of non vetted,unskilled immigrants into the country to secure votes,the same holds true for the housing crises and crime rates. What we have is a "progressive" conservative party with many members of it being Canada's version of rhinos. All parties rape the taxpayers kitty and put immigrants before Canadians that have lived here for decades and make them pay for it. I agree with Trump, when natural born citizens are less valued than people who come from generations that built this country,it's time for action. Immigration is great if you can attract the cream of the crop and that's how it used to be, but this will lead us into a great recession.