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Magic Mushroom Grow Kit?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It looks like your substrate is pretty dried up because it's shrinking away from the side.

I would soak it for a few hours, submerged with a clean heavy surface under clean water, to rehydrate the mycelium and prepare it for a heavy fruiting.


Well-known member
I sprayed it lightly with water.. I see what you’re saying but the substrate seems moist.
I appreciate your help. I see another mushroom starting to fruit too upon closer inspection.
I’m afraid to take it out and submerge it.. but I see what you mean by pulling away from the sides… like a cake that’s done baking/less moisture.


Well-known member
If I were to rehydrate it, I would take it out as one block carefully and place it in water submerge for an hour? Man… I need to do some reading/learning. Thanks for the help! ✌️


Well-known member
If I were to rehydrate it, I would take it out as one block carefully and place it in water submerge for an hour? Man… I need to do some reading/learning. Thanks for the help! ✌️


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I used another tub the same size with some weights in it as a weight and flooded enough water into the substrate tub to cover a few inches deep and then when I was done I would just take the weights out and, using the extra tub as support, tip and pour the water out while keeping light pressure on the inside tub so you don't break or drop the block of mycelium.

I also used to leave the block on the top of the support tub while I cleaned and dried the fruiting tub interior.


Well-known member

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Have some brf cakes and thought they were OK. Have not done in a long time, so forget what looks right. The bottom which was last to colonize does not look pure white, more like tannish. Hoping it is metabolites or something from the rice. Is it more likely mold or bacteria??

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Sight unseen, I will venture that it's likely contamination of one kind of another... especially if you can differentiate older mycelium and the stuff in question.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Sight unseen, I will venture that it's likely contamination of one kind of another... especially if you can differentiate older mycelium and the stuff in question.
I figured they are goners. Any chance hydrogen peroxide in the water they are soaked in would kill it? Or UVC light exposure?

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Broke up some WBS in mason jars last night. How long do you let them recolonize before using? Want to make sure they fully colonized on inside.
I know some types don’t like bags . If you work it in a bag take spores from a few gens you will have more luck . Spore sellers that grow in bags … those are the spores you want if you want to grow in bags is what they say but … be patient . They are on their own program . So much info out there now on boomers 25 years ago it was literal magic to me . No idea you could cross breed . No idea you could take a clone from a dried but rehydrated mushroom . And uncle Ben tec say what you will is a God send for those who need the medicine . It’s a fun party time when younger but it’s such a great medicine .

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