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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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Deep State

If Hilary Clinton is anywhere to be seen i think it will just bring people out that wouldn't bother voting otherwise.... and i mean bring more people out to vote AGAINST her.


Active member
You do have the corporate speak down pat.
There is no real left in this country, the corporate structure did away
with that years ago, so they would not have to pay anyone squat.
First to hit the debate with pages of stipulations was the
republican party for Bush back in 92.
Prior to that it had been run by the League of Woman Voters
and was a pretty square deal.
(Which the deckstacking bastards hated, as they delight in rigging such things).
The one thing we may be assured no matter who wins,
is that the common man will see no little to no improvement,
and the corporate structure will reap the blessings.
They rigged democracy with something else in mind.
Remember what they taught us - don't touch that dial.

Define left. Maybe we define left differently.

Bernie, AOC, the squad are pretty far left in my assessment.


Active member
Hello all,

Hey, trumphumpers...what up with that Durham investigation of investigating the investigators?

Now it seems it won't happen before Nov....Thought that was gonna break wide open the plot to get tRump, ay? ..... buahahaha

me thinks they have bupkis....buahahahahaha


ps...our president lies to us daily, I do not accept that, the question is, why would you?


Well-known member
Define left. Maybe we define left differently.

Bernie, AOC, the squad are pretty far left in my assessment.
Doubt you would recall "Ike" Eisenhower,
but would suggest you may wish to take a look
at the platform he ran under and mentally
compare it with what Bernie offered.
Bernie's positions today would have been to the
right of Ike's platform then.
Allow me to share a favored saying:
Everything is relative to one's position and perspective.

Once we had statesmen, now we have corporate reps.


Active member
Doubt you would recall "Ike" Eisenhower,
but would suggest you may wish to take a look
at the platform he ran under and mentally
compare it with what Bernie offered.
Bernie's positions today would have been to the
right of Ike's platform then.
Allow me to share a favored saying:
Everything is relative to one's position and perspective.

Once we had statesmen, now we have corporate reps.

Why don't you just tell me what the fundamentals of the left, instead of a presidential platform from decades ago. This type of vagueness is probably a significant factor in this disconnect between definitions. I am not accusing you of deliberately being vague, but it seems to be a feature of the left.

To me the left can be defined pretty simply, Collectivism. The groups rights supersede individuals rights. Am I wrong?

Obviously, I believe God given rights supersede the right group.

I doubt our politicians have ever been amazing statesmen, at least not in my lifetime. We are overinformed and misinformed with the mass rush that is modern media, that has relatively no interest in getting the facts.


Well-known member
Left-libertarianism & Right wing collectivism.
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Well-known member
I'm hearing Clinton/Trump 2024. Better Together. #UniteAmerica
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Chemon 91
UK Court Determines Former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele Lied About Trump – Russia Collusion
but what about the U.S. Courts?

The Obama Administration worked with the creepiest guys on earth in their fraudulent attempt to tie President Trump to Russia and have him removed from office. Christopher Steele was one of the gang.
Christopher Steele was commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign to make up lies about future President Trump and his ties to Russia. The individual that Hillary used to create the lie was former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele. But their lies caught up to them and Steele was eventually sued and found guilty of lying in a UK court this week.

will steele roll an name names?



Well-known member
A copy of the court report for the aforementioned case:



83. Mr Steele’s evidence is that he now believes the Ultimate Client was the Democratic National Committee. Mr Millar submits that the Ultimate Client was the Clinton election campaign, “Hillary for America”. This is in line with the FBI Note of 5 July 2016, which records Mr Steele telling the FBI that Orbis had been instructed by Mr Simpson of Fusion and “Democratic Party Associates” but that “the ultimate client were (sic) the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign”. The FBI Note also indicates that Mr Steele had been told by that stage that Mrs Clinton herself was aware of what Orbis had been commissioned to do.

84. I have little reliable evidence as to who exactly was the Ultimate Client, but I have enough to find that Perkins Coie were instructed by one or more people or organisations within the upper echelons of the Democratic Party, concerned to ensure Hillary Clinton’s election as President. I also find that Mr Steele knew this much from early June 2016, at least. I do not believe it is necessary, or relevant, to go further. I shall continue to refer to the Ultimate Client, without identifying who they were.
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Active member
A copy of the court report for the aforementioned case:



83. Mr Steele’s evidence is that he now believes the Ultimate Client was the Democratic National Committee. Mr Millar submits that the Ultimate Client was the Clinton election campaign, “Hillary for America”. This is in line with the FBI Note of 5 July 2016, which records Mr Steele telling the FBI that Orbis had been instructed by Mr Simpson of Fusion and “Democratic Party Associates” but that “the ultimate client were (sic) the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign”. The FBI Note also indicates that Mr Steele had been told by that stage that Mrs Clinton herself was aware of what Orbis had been commissioned to do.

84. I have little reliable evidence as to who exactly was the Ultimate Client, but I have enough to find that Perkins Coie were instructed by one or more people or organisations within the upper echelons of the Democratic Party, concerned to ensure Hillary Clinton’s election as President. I also find that Mr Steele knew this much from early June 2016, at least. I do not believe it is necessary, or relevant, to go further. I shall continue to refer to the Ultimate Client, without identifying who they were.

Did you read it?
Your statements concerning Steele do not match up with the transcript you provided. I skimmed it and my interpretation is that Steele may have received some incorrect info from an intermediary concerning russians passing illicit money to Putin. The russians stated they did not have that type of arrangement with putin and sued and won.

PS. If Hillary or her defunct campaign broke any laws, i am positive Barr’s DOJ would be all over it. Can you tell me what laws were broken?
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Well-known member
I hear a rumor, from an unreliable source, that Hillary was staycationing in Guantanamo.
I have also, and thought some one had quite a sense of humor.

White house just did send out a fundraising resquest complaining she is holding fundraisers for Joe Biden.


Well-known member
Hillary is pumping out tweets quite currently.
She is hustling tickets for a conference next week.
Has yet to mention it will be the first livestream from Gitmo.

Which absolutely convinces me that someone
has a wicked sense of humor.

When I was a kid 80% of the country supported the country.
A life time of regan economics has changed that to 20 %

How is that for definitive ? Not being too vague here am I ?


Well-known member
Did you read it?
Your statements concerning Steele do not match up with the transcript you provided. I skimmed it and my interpretation is that Steele may have received some incorrect info from an intermediary concerning russians passing illicit money to Putin. The russians stated they did not have that type of arrangement with putin and sued and won.


I did not make a statement. I am not offering an opinion. I cut and paste paragraphs 83 and 84 from the court document. I have included the link to the full document so everyone here who wishes to read it first hand and form their own informed decision can.


Active member
Hillary is pumping out tweets quite currently.
She is hustling tickets for a conference next week.
Has yet to mention it will be the first livestream from Gitmo.

Which absolutely convinces me that someone
has a wicked sense of humor.

When I was a kid 80% of the country supported the country.
A life time of regan economics has changed that to 20 %

How is that for definitive ? Not being too vague here am I ?

Is that a joke?

I made a serious attempt to understand your point of view, still haven't heard a single policy position.

I have no doubt most people are unhappy with the country.

I don't know why you keep going back to Regan, pretty sure he won the second term by a huge margin. Apparently the people at the time were happy with his governance. He did cut taxes and create a 25 year streak of prosperity for Americans. My families financial situation didn't go to shit until the late 90s.

If you don't want to enlighten me as to what you consider left positions are, that's fine.

I have to get busy loading up the truck for our camping trip.

I hope you have a great weekend.
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