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Just started some Zamaldelica fems seeds that I bought in early 2019, so this will be round # 2 with this strain. It is my favourite Sativa to date. I just planted them in their big boy pots and I have to fashion some temporary gnat covers but it is full speed ahead . . . ;)



New member
Hi All! I couldn't find my answer, but here is winter and I'm planing to take a girl out to the yard. I think Zamaldelicas flowering time should be of 10-14 weeks. That puts me in mid november with average 14 hours of light at the end of flowering. Do you think it will reveg or I will make it to the end of the season?

Old Fogey

Well-known member
Hi All! I couldn't find my answer, but here is winter and I'm planing to take a girl out to the yard. I think Zamaldelicas flowering time should be of 10-14 weeks. That puts me in mid november with average 14 hours of light at the end of flowering. Do you think it will reveg or I will make it to the end of the season?
If the days are getting longer the plant will re-veg/stay in veg.



Well-known member
Hi All! I couldn't find my answer, but here is winter and I'm planing to take a girl out to the yard. I think Zamaldelicas flowering time should be of 10-14 weeks. That puts me in mid november with average 14 hours of light at the end of flowering. Do you think it will reveg or I will make it to the end of the season?
I am afraid she will stop flowering end of september to mid october.
Which latitude estas, Che?


Well-known member
Three fems buyed, one i throwed and two similar cuts are on the flow , outdoor just little bit ..will see what happenes , its just for fun , but looking great, grow fert 10-4-6 used once, now left plant first hairs at 50N. .. so i go next week to use my favorite chicken manure...they love it at first 2-3weeks (npk 5-10-5)
Of course second half of flowering is on the plan just indoor
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for almost weekly updates during august @mycelium This year plant looks similar to last year for growth traits. Gad she is not going to delay much --- the earlier (or later flowering) also depends on natural outdoor variables, as you also experience with other type of plants. Increase the nitrogen yes: