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I feel I may have been misconstrued.. if the plants still producing large numbers of fresh pistils it usually has a ways to go.. above pics of my TripNorth (Zam x Guatemala) show plants juuuust entering the harvest window and potentially could sit to swell and amber for another two weeks easily.
I look at the point at which the plant has stopped (Or slowed by 90%) producing new vegetation (including pistils) as the ONSET of ripening phase. After new growth stops they typically swell calyxes and resins then either die, sprout male flowers or do some freaked out reflowering shit that covers your bud in nasty little green foxtails which won’t mature before your nice bud underneath goes to shit.
You want em when they’re fully swollen and the resins have the composition of amber you like.
I prefer 10% + and up to 20 with Zam and most Sativa. I only like about 5-10% with BLD for the most part.. or better yet all cloudy and clears.

Scrogmeister I think your doing great but do need another 3-4 weeks. That’s probably going to be a nice Thai pheno fwiw... has the look of some Thai dom GT I grew once... look for a 14-16 week finish and be happy if it “flashes” over to ripening in 14.


Active member
When in doubt cut a nug and quick dry it. If it’s larfy bullshit you probably need to wait longer..
I just did this the other day... it wasn’t larfy but also could tell it wasn’t quite ready yet... slightly harsh still (I find my flowers get smooth AF when I nail the cut time) and the buds were well formed but didn’t have the chunky “bursting” kind of structure a good solid chunk usually does.
Ohhh but the stone! Still has that floaty weird creeper high that I love! Damn I miss Zam effects when I run out!
Hi all!

I've been lurking around here and fantasizing of having the time to grow some Zamaldelicas for years!

I'm now about to start my first go at her and I wanted to ask for some advice on the soil I'm preparing, I don't want to overfertilize her.

This is the materials I have available:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
-More than needed soil from previous grow, which started as atari's light mix with perlite and some amendments and some old soils, and has now been through a cycle (and has received about 500-1000mL of Guano after it was used in AACT)
-Access to perlite
-250g organic tomato fertilizer
-15L worm humus
-Palm Tree Ash 1L (0-1-30)
-Seaweed Powder 2L (0.5-2-0)
-Guano powder 1Kg (2-15-2)
-Guano pellets 1Kg (2-15-2)
-Bat Guano (3-15-4)
-1Kg Diatomaceous earth
-500g Epson salts
-250g Dolomite
-1L of nutrient mix from previous soil
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Any tips on the soil recipe/ratios would be greatly appreciated!
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Well-known member
Hi all!

I've been lurking around here and fantasizing of having the time to grow some Zamaldelicas for years!

I'm now about to start my first go at her and I wanted to ask for some advice on the soil I'm preparing, I don't want to overfertilize her.

This is the materials I have available:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
-More than needed soil from previous grow, which started as atari's light mix with perlite and some amendments and some old soils, and has now been through a cycle (and has received about 500-1000mL of Guano after it was used in AACT)
-Access to perlite
-250g organic tomato fertilizer
-15L worm humus
-Palm Tree Ash 1L (0-1-30)
-Seaweed Powder 2L (0.5-2-0)
-Guano powder 1Kg (2-15-2)
-Guano pellets 1Kg (2-15-2)
-Bat Guano (3-15-4)
-1Kg Diatomaceous earth
-500g Epson salts
-250g Dolomite
-1L of nutrient mix from previous soil
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Any tips on the soil recipe/ratios would be greatly appreciated!

Apparently,coco is better for them


Well-known member
Hmm interesting... I like building the soil etc so I don't think I'll go that route, but may I ask, why?
I use soil
Overwatering seems to be less of a problem with coco, and,then administering nutrients whether to assist growth or "fix" a problem, seems or is easier


New member
I am about 4 weeks into flowering with my first Zamal. The plant is huge with an incredible number of flowers. I now see some light green leaves around the top colas, which I can easily see becoming yellow over the coming days. What did you do to address the yellowing? What does the plant need most at this stage?


Well-known member
I am about 4 weeks into flowering with my first Zamal. The plant is huge with an incredible number of flowers. I now see some light green leaves around the top colas, which I can easily see becoming yellow over the coming days. What did you do to address the yellowing? What does the plant need most at this stage?

Need to start feeding her with nutrients,for growth and flowering


Well-known member
Really coming along beautifully Red :friends::dance013:

"She wasn't meant to be" pheno
Thanks OZZ
Went and checked on trichromes my friend
Outdoors,totally tuned in,3rd week October+ is the target
Simultaneously all trichromes showing a "milky haze"
60% hazy 40% clear every single trichrome
Had to LST her off the wall, and,her sisters
1 or 2 honey/amber colors



New member
Any tips to recognize the different phenotypes? And what one is the scare-trippy? Have 5 Zamaldelicas running right now 2 females rdy for flowering.


Active member
Any tips to recognize the different phenotypes? And what one is the scare-trippy? Have 5 Zamaldelicas running right now 2 females rdy for flowering.

zamal phenos are easier to identify, they semi flower in restricted pots, have thin leaves, octopus branching that makes no main colas, and a terpene description that matches with what Dubi describes the Zamaldelica elite, sweet carrots with a refined floral aroma.

for scary it depends on what you mean by scary. IMO the zamal pheno I had was very trippy and energizing but not scary, I could see it freaking out a lower tolerance user easily though.

for me the scary pheno was the one influenced by the Meao Thai used in the original GT father. it looked like a hybrid with a huge stature and would not stop flowering from seed. harvested after 14 weeks from seed IIRC maybe 12 from clone. it consistently had an effect that was extremely strange and unsettling. cold without the tripping, it felt like a whole bunch of nervous energy or a bad light shroom trip.

I crossed it with GDP to see if I can put that deep heavy feeling to use behind an indica high, I did not like it by itself compared to the sister pheno. it's weird having that effect from a sativa.

Malawi phenos fall more to the zamal description and are a little harder to tell from zamal. I would still bank on the semi flowering and heavy branching to tell them apart. Malawi tends to be more woody, oil, and high resin with huge ovaries. Indeed my Zamal pheno showed the good traits from Malawi also.
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