This is true but it was hilarious. Unfortunately he was frying a lot of harmless moths and midgets that provide food for other creatures. I have lots of bats and barn swallows but the skeeter population has been down because it’s been so dry.
Even if moths and midges are getting fried you should be alright, maybe won't make you popular with those that wanted to eat them.
Midgets though.. someone will be looking for them eventually. Not a lot of meat on most midgets either.
As far as the purple lazyboy in the front yard, that reminds me of a short story. Guy I worked with used to work for Sears and some guy came in and wanted enough pastel purple paint to do his whole two story house.
He had some beef with the city or county and it was his way of being a pain in the ass to them. They couldn't make him change it and its been that way almost twenty years. It's in a nicer area of a large city on a heavily travelled road that's getting a lot of new development within a few blocks of it.