You know you're a grower when..........
One of your friends knocking too enthusiastically on the front door makes you climb out of the back window and leg it.
When you wish google would update there 10 year old aerial photo's of your area............
When you are pissed google updated there 10 year old aerial photo's of your area.............
..........during that ONE WEEK you left six 3.3 c/ft bales of peat in bright white bags next to yellow swamp tubes!!!!!!
You don't have a job, and spend 23.75 hours out of everyday doing whatever you feel like.
When 99% of people around you hate you.
where the fuck is the like button?! so many of these are so true and fucking hilarious!!
- when every plant you see you compare to weed
-xmas is the best because all the xmas trees look like sweet nuggets!!
- when your midnight run to albertsons/kroger to get molasses takes 5 minutes and you still pack a bowl to make the trip
- when people ask you what you do for a living and you just have the blankest stare with nothing to say...
-when your socks still have trim on em after getting them out of of dryer, even if you didnt trim that week
-when you can find 1/2 oz of chon in random closets and drawers.
- when your clothes get the floor cause your buds need a drying closet
- when you have to move just because a guy from the water dept asked you about a possible leak in your home! (tiny town where the water dept shared an office with the popo dept!)