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Why I don't believe in f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis


Active member
And how exactly does that metal get in to the plant we are growing ?
Just a wild guess, that epigenetic metal influenced hormonal change switched more then just sex organs… maybe a dog breeding example will help. When breeding to tight you'll find abnormalities in organs like the heart. To tight bred terriers are born with enlarged hearts, mutated hearts, etc. etc.


Active member
Just a wild guess, that epigenetic metal influenced hormonal change switched more then just sex organs… maybe a dog breeding example will help. When breeding to tight you'll find abnormalities in organs like the heart. To tight bred terriers are born with enlarged hearts, mutated hearts, etc. etc.
I can give an example of birds or some birds that are bred too tight also and if you have any ears left or right…


Active member
Floors all
I don't care how outstanding my pistillate plants are, the staminate plants always bring something to the mix the pistillate plants just don't possess:

View attachment 19034246
An intensity and a vigor that is quite unique.

If you don't have the patience and skill to develop cannabis without chemical manipulation of sexuality, by understanding what _both_ sexes contribute to the combination, should you really consider yourself a _breeder_?


View attachment 19034247

could not have been produced without this:

View attachment 19034248

While I totally understand that gender bending, chemical manipulation is necessary for today's immediate gratification crowd, I'm afraid that eventually (through either some viroid or perpetual hermaphroditic process) chemically f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis will eventually, quite literally, f-ck us in the ass.

Hey, I'm a dinosaur, what do you expect? 😂
yours! My bad, i have or had no intentions of jacking the thread… im no thread jacker. That i am not!


Well-known member
That's how they make glyphosate resistant crop cultivars...you spray the fkrs till you find one that isnt affected by being sprayed with glyphosate

That’s not exactly true. So your saying crispr isn’t used to make round up ready seeds ? They just spray them and find the one that doesn’t die ?


Well-known member
Just a wild guess, that epigenetic metal influenced hormonal change switched more then just sex organs… maybe a dog breeding example will help. When breeding to tight you'll find abnormalities in organs like the heart. To tight bred terriers are born with enlarged hearts, mutated hearts, etc. etc.

Translation - you have no clue whatsoever 🤣🤣


Active member
So silver is carried from the pollen ,to the donor, then the seed, the plant ? Sounds like a load of BS
The load of bs is claiming you know everything about what your fcking with…how many experts out here will tell you they have no clue about all the fx of selective breeding? Most worth their weight in salt will say they know enough to not know they do not know shit…i do not know shit but im willing to experiment to familiarize myself some more… and unfortunately im an expert at growing hermies. Thats why i identify them early and eradicate.


Well-known member
The load of bs is claiming you know everything about what your fcking with…

I didn’t make any claims and I’m not claiming to know everything. Truth usually makes sense. I just know BS when I see it. Your the one making these crazy claims but can’t even give a good reason why. Typical bro science.


Well-known member
So silver is carried from the pollen ,to the donor, then the seed, the plant ? Sounds like a load of BS
No..the silver thiosulfate is sprayed all over a plant...multiple times..this affects how the ethylene is made...it is no longer binding to the receptor expecting it, that is what makes the plant grow male flowers...honestly it's like you've not covered this material but are stomping on the neck of the guy who is right...epigenetics...rook takes bishop
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Well-known member
No..the silver thiosulfate is sprayed all over a plant...multiple times..this affects how the ethylene is made...it is no longer binding to the receptor expecting it, that is what makes the plant grow male flowers...honestly it's like you've not covered this material but are stomping on the neck of the guy who is right...epigenetics...rook takes bishop

Right about what ? You can use any scientific phrases you like but it still doesn’t change the fact that you are talking out of your ass. What detriment is it causing ?


Well-known member
That epigenetics is a plants response through gene activation, unnatural signals such as exogenous applied PGR's can trigger epigenetic responses passed on to the next generation

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