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Why I don't believe in f-cking with the sexuality of cannabis


New member
Feminizing a plant is the most severe inbreeding bottle neck that exists, for better or worse

True breeding, also known as pure breeding or straight breeding,
is when an organism consistently passes down a specific trait to its offspring. This means that the organism is homozygous for every gene related to that trait, and any crosses between true-breeding organisms will result in offspring with the same phenotype. For example, if you cross a true-breeding purple plant with itself, the offspring will always be purple.

Q: How many female plants out of 200 are the apex of spectacular ? A: One (On Average)
I have the documentation to support that statement... 🤣

I know many people who will limit themselves to clone only growing of proven cultivars



A cultivar is a kind of cultivated plant that people have selected for desired traits and which retains those traits when propagated. Methods used to propagate cultivars include division, root and stem cuttings, offsets, grafting, tissue culture, or carefully controlled seed production.

If you lose that cutting ... seed is a great backup (would you keep hermi's in there?)

Genetic drift, also known as random genetic drift,
is the random change in the frequency of gene variants in a population over generations.
It's caused by "sampling error"
when alleles are selected for the next generation from the current generation's gene pool.

Sampling error occurs when
a sample drawn from a population deviates somewhat from that true population

Best>>> :huggg:
in that case - anything would be a sampling error -especially so when you consider that there is no populations. sure theres classifications based on names , however , genetic drift itself could be good or bad , consious or unconcious . a smaller population is surely a fast track to genetic results. good or bad. and they probably go bad quickly . the casino always wins unless..............


Active member
As you said OP is not the one who made the real work with those seeds, NDN guy spread those long before him and claiming those seeds had an influence on the global gene pool is a joke. I wonder how many millions or billions of seeds are necessary in each part of the world to have a real influence on the gene pool. How many of those seeds are they growing in Morocco, Liban, Afghanistan, Pakistan,; the world is bigger than he thinks.
How many of those regions are no longer growing their local heirlooms…perspective


Active member
If I were you I wouldn’t care what charley thinks. He’s a 🤡 who is doing nothing but trying to ride Neville’s coat tail

I agree dude. Compared to what is grown globally, the whole ruining the genepool is a joke. This argument has been happening since I’ve come online almost 20 years ago and it’s still going
It wont end until all hermies are eradicated


Well-known member
How many of those regions are no longer growing their local heirlooms…perspective
Mostly in Morocco they don't grow the same plants to make hasch but they started making hasch in the 60's only. Before they were growing a pretty weak local sativa to make kiff and majoum(sort of sugary paste who make you high) but there was not many hascich producers. In the 60's they started to make some because some tourists back from libanon show them how to do. In the countries with a real production old of many centuries they still grow in majority their old selected hashplants lines. But with the mess in the world today we don't see their production anymore in Europe.


Active member
Mostly in Morocco they don't grow the same plants to make hasch but they started making hasch in the 60's only. Before they were growing a pretty weak local sativa to make kiff and majoum(sort of sugary paste who make you high) but there was not many hascich producers. In the 60's they started to make some because some tourists back from libanon show them how to do. In the countries with a real production old of many centuries they still grow in majority their old selected hashplants lines. But with the mess in the world today we don't see their production anymore in Europe.
Nice! See i like that and would not want new world chemical induced hermies to infiltrate that local genepool! If i have to hermie breed i will breed natural hermies by selection of minimal intersex expression by taking them full term with stress and only revegging and keeping said plant if and only IF intersex is not expressed period end of story! For me, end of my story in my world of zero chemical induced hermies…

Unfortunately/fortunately i have seeds from friends who have used chemical induced hermies and im working through them right now for the first time, with intent… its and they are Tk crosses, triangle kush crosses from goat and monkey via forumn growmies. I recently found out some were labeled s1’s and some were not. Im clearing that up as i grow them but one Tk cross is an out cross to a regular afghani blueberry which is where i will get my male for furthering goat and monkey worked Tk, Og, Oregan hash plant, and dj short afghani blueberry… if i find that the sisters in the crosses are amazing and somewhat uniform ill use the male and keep track.

Piece and pollenchucked grease!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
This thread is hilarious fellas.
In that one guy is projecting his beliefs onto the masses and really who cares.
I don't believe in absolutes like the OP presents in his claims.
Polluting the gene pool from feminized seed making? come on now.
Needing to start a whole thread about it? It's been done adnauseum.
So here is my thoughts
The "gene pool" consists of all the landrace genetics used over the decades to arrive at the hugely diverse polyhybrid state of most modern, cultivated cannabis.
Where the gene pool was permanently and irreversibly polluted was when all our breeder heroes began collecting and hybridizing those very landrace strains. They introduced those hybrids to the world and soon the hybrids were growing in the same regions as those precious landrace strains. These events permanently altered cannabis globally and still does to this day. That doesn't even bring into the discussion all the other ways "breeders" are manipulating the plant from feminzed seed to sterilized seed.
You want to start a thread about threats to the gene pool, lets discuss the real issues and not conspiracy theory type arguments against feminized seed. Show me hard peer reviewed science that supports the OP's statements and claims and maybe I will join that discussion.... otherwise the thread is a circle jerk and you all know it as we have seen these threads before. LOL
I'm not posting to aggravate anyone, I have just sat back and watched this thread play out and figured the time was right to post a little ramble hehehe
You want to talk about fucking up the gene pool, lets wind the clock back a whole bunch of decades, say to the 1950's to today, and talk about what some of those famous canna heroes really did to the gene pools in landrace regions. I hear Morroco and Jamaica are prime examples of polluted gene pools.
Then there are guys like Breeder Steve.... so highly respected for his work ... but now he is pioneering sterile cannabis and governments around the world see that as the future of legal cannabis.

gentleman and any ladies in the room..... the feminization of cannabis is not the great threat some want to portray it as but there are "real" threats to the gene pool , now and in the past decades, that perhaps some light should be shed on and some honest discussion had.

just my thoughts.
Harvesting a room of 20 plants tomorrow. Only 5 are regular seed females. Interesting to note that none of the feminized plants are throwing any signs of intersex.... but there are 2 regular seed females from very respected breeders , I won't name them, but one female in each is throwing nuts here and there. I was hoping for a clean seedless harvest with this bud run but I know there is gonna be unwanted seed from those nasty regular seeds polluting the gene pool in my flower room hehehe (humour)

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Was funny but now stop...

And i bet on most have no clue if it was monoecious trait or stress herming,,,

add some more confusion to this topic
I'm being very facetious here :) ... I hope you recognize and appreciate the _great_ amount of restraint I've been exercising reading some of the responses on this thread and not linguistically _eviscerating_ them in response. ;)

Seriously, the Ignore function is doing its job. (y)

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
This thread is hilarious fellas.
In that one guy is projecting his beliefs onto the masses and really who cares.
I don't believe in absolutes like the OP presents in his claims.
Polluting the gene pool from feminized seed making? come on now.
Just where did I mention "polluting the gene pool" and is posting a thread " projecting his beliefs onto the masses" ???

The threads been done ad nauseam, yet you scribe a wall of words in response?

I'm a bit pressed for time now, so no need to read on, since your reading comprehension and motivation for posting are quite obvious.


Well-known member
I'm being very facetious here :) ... I hope you recognize and appreciate the _great_ amount of restraint I've been exercising reading some of the responses on this thread and not linguistically _eviscerating_ them in response. ;)

Seriously, the Ignore function is doing its job. (y)

You stir the pot everywhere you go and want a pat on the back for not engaging in the provocation you started ? Can’t make this stuff up


Well-known member
Nice! See i like that and would not want new world chemical induced hermies to infiltrate that local genepool! If i have to hermie breed i will breed natural hermies by selection of minimal intersex expression by taking them full term with stress and only revegging and keeping said plant if and only IF intersex is not expressed period end of story! For me, end of my story in my world of zero chemical induced hermies…

Unfortunately/fortunately i have seeds from friends who have used chemical induced hermies and im working through them right now for the first time, with intent… its and they are Tk crosses, triangle kush crosses from goat and monkey via forumn growmies. I recently found out some were labeled s1’s and some were not. Im clearing that up as i grow them but one Tk cross is an out cross to a regular afghani blueberry which is where i will get my male for furthering goat and monkey worked Tk, Og, Oregan hash plant, and dj short afghani blueberry… if i find that the sisters in the crosses are amazing and somewhat uniform ill use the male and keep track.

Piece and pollenchucked grease!
It's not up to you to dictate what those farmers can grow or not they don't care about you not liking fem seeds if they earn more money by field.That fear of fem seeds is ridiculous if they want to enjoy the tools of the new world how could you dare refuse them to do so.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
fucking with the sexuality of cannabis is polluting the gene pool...... yes that's what I get from reading the whole thread. Not picking fights with you man but you started a thread.... anyone can respond so I did.
It seems dissenting opinions are clearly not welcome in your world

fwiw I have only done one reversal with STS of a plant I tortured for nearly 4 years before I chose it for a project. All the other work I do is thru careful selection thru regular seed.
Reversals, whether they are male or female, are breeding tools. It just so happens that many consumers want those seeds in that feminized state. Plant counts in legal regions dictate consumer demand and feminized seed is in demand. Most growers are not breeders or pollen chuckers so most feminized seed just gets grown and smoked.

anyways, I'll excuse myself from this one LOL


Well-known member
It's not up to you to dictate what those farmers can grow or not they don't care about you not liking fem seeds if they earn more money by field.That fear of fem seeds is ridiculous

If I could add to your point. I have always found it pretty ironic that everyone else but the farmers in these indigenous areas are the ones crying about the gene pool.

I wonder if any of these shortsighted people ever thought to themselves why these farmers even wanted to grow something different. It’s almost always, because they want better quality….. so much for the argument that these male plants add something that feminized seeds don’t have. The reality is, they add pollen, nothing else LMAO.


Active member
This thread is hilarious fellas.
In that one guy is projecting his beliefs onto the masses and really who cares.
I don't believe in absolutes like the OP presents in his claims.
Polluting the gene pool from feminized seed making? come on now.
Needing to start a whole thread about it? It's been done adnauseum.
So here is my thoughts
The "gene pool" consists of all the landrace genetics used over the decades to arrive at the hugely diverse polyhybrid state of most modern, cultivated cannabis.
Where the gene pool was permanently and irreversibly polluted was when all our breeder heroes began collecting and hybridizing those very landrace strains. They introduced those hybrids to the world and soon the hybrids were growing in the same regions as those precious landrace strains. These events permanently altered cannabis globally and still does to this day. That doesn't even bring into the discussion all the other ways "breeders" are manipulating the plant from feminzed seed to sterilized seed.
You want to start a thread about threats to the gene pool, lets discuss the real issues and not conspiracy theory type arguments against feminized seed. Show me hard peer reviewed science that supports the OP's statements and claims and maybe I will join that discussion.... otherwise the thread is a circle jerk and you all know it as we have seen these threads before. LOL
I'm not posting to aggravate anyone, I have just sat back and watched this thread play out and figured the time was right to post a little ramble hehehe
You want to talk about fucking up the gene pool, lets wind the clock back a whole bunch of decades, say to the 1950's to today, and talk about what some of those famous canna heroes really did to the gene pools in landrace regions. I hear Morroco and Jamaica are prime examples of polluted gene pools.
Then there are guys like Breeder Steve.... so highly respected for his work ... but now he is pioneering sterile cannabis and governments around the world see that as the future of legal cannabis.

gentleman and any ladies in the room..... the feminization of cannabis is not the great threat some want to portray it as but there are "real" threats to the gene pool , now and in the past decades, that perhaps some light should be shed on and some honest discussion had.

just my thoughts.
Harvesting a room of 20 plants tomorrow. Only 5 are regular seed females. Interesting to note that none of the feminized plants are throwing any signs of intersex.... but there are 2 regular seed females from very respected breeders , I won't name them, but one female in each is throwing nuts here and there. I was hoping for a clean seedless harvest with this bud run but I know there is gonna be unwanted seed from those nasty regular seeds polluting the gene pool in my flower room hehehe (humour)
Pics of aborted preemy seeds would be awesome and especially if it grows side by side in same room with a sterile plant like breeder steves infertiles… so in this case breeder steeves infertile plants would be seedles right meening, zero spec at bottom of hair in calyx…if im following you?