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Why go 24 hours lights on??


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I have just started using 24/0 on some new seeds.

My question is will they really grow that much faster. reducing my grow time? By how much? It would usually take 3-months at 18/6 to get them to flowering size. it would take a month just to get them to the first transplant. i only transplant 3 times. Cup to 1 gal, to my full sized pots. this can take up to 90 days.

How much will 24/0 cut off this time and how much better growth can i expect.

Anyone done the experiment, know the answer to this?

:thank you:

the more powerful your lights the faster the growth rate

plants under a 2 bulb flouro buring 24/0 are not gonna have near the growth rates of plants under 1k 24/0


Active member
@ all,

Watching plants is one way to tell when they are getting too much light at any one time, or over the whole day. If the leafs at the upper canopy angle upward, like they are praying, that usually means the plant is trying to reduce the surface area of the leafs. Plants do this as a means to reduce the photons striking the leafs, which in turn reduces the light-energy for the plant (photon absorption). Kind of like how human squint their eye in bright sun.

Plants also 'canoe' their leafs (curl inward) to reduce surface area to reduce the photons they absorb.

If plants are 'praying' at the top section of canopy, or if the leafs are canoeing, it's a good sign too much light is being provided. If both are happening at the same time then photoinhibition (reduced rate of photosynthesis, etc) is usually soon to follow...

When the plant angles leafs upward or canoes leafs it's the plants' attempt to protect itself from light saturation and photo damage.
Ok i start them under 4 compact flourecents for a total of 500w. then they go under a cool blue 600w for grow. then under flowering they get 2 1k. soon to be 2 750w

:thank you:


For cannabis we should not exceed 1,500 PPFD (umoles/meter^2/second) and ~46-48 DLI (moles/meter^2/day), otherwise rate of photosynthesis will be reduced, as will growth and biological processes.

I get the concept, but wonder what the translation is into hobby garden vernacular: i.e. light size, distance from canopy, number of hours of light, etc.




i'm running autoflowers on 24-7. It works fine & maintains my cab temperature during the cold nights. I expect to be able to grow through sub zero temps with a incandescent bulb next to my intake. : )


Active member
OK Japan, let try this again, water under the bridge OK?

I told you how to control DLI many times in this thread, maybe you missed it because it was inside bigger posts, but I did tell you. And I also fully explained DLI too, like on page 3. Please, re-read my posts in this thread.

I will try to explain it again (for the last time):

DLI is the sum of light per day, it is found using PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density); the number of photons within PAR range [400-700 nm] striking an area of 3'x3' per second. However, use of Lux or lumens can be used to find DLI but it's more inaccurate by around 5-15% because of the inaccuracy of converting from Lux or lumens to PPFD.

To increase DLI you can do two things: (1) increase irradiance (light intensity at canopy measured as a single instance, ex. per second); or (2) increase the hours of day light.

Like I wrote to you twice, your setup (with 400w and 250w) has lower PPFD (irradiance) than other gardens with higher wattege lamps (all else being equal such as proper distance to canopy which affects irradiance).

To increase your DLI while also decreasing your hours per day, so you are able to give you plants a night, simply increase the irradiance by: (a) moving your lights closer to the canopy; or (b) using bigger wattage lamps.............

............ If you don't believe me that plants do best when they have a night time (for light-independent reactions) I hope you will believe NASA!

Nasa!! And there you have it folks. God damn why is it that people like you always bring up Nasa?

So the simplified version of your huge break through.....are you ready for it folks....."move your lights closer" or get a bigger light!

Why god damn, why the fuck didn't I think of that. :laughing:

OK champ tell you what, once you have some yields and pics that can impress people come back and try to educate us, till then you are a joke.


So the simplified version of your huge break through.....are you ready for it folks....."move your lights closer" or get a bigger light!
I'll let spurr handle this but this is just wrong lol. This shows a very shallow and incomplete of understanding of what he said =/

And some people can read a hundred books a year and still be fucking stupid.
Yes this is true but there is a correlation between reading more and intellect. If you read books that require thinking and/or that use 'big words' lol, then you should show a general trends towards improvement.


Active member
No there is nothing wrong with it, if some punk claims to be the smartest person around, has a degree in botany, and is rude and disrespectful to everybody then he better have the best fucking plants on the planet and be able to trounce everybody's yield out there or he's just a punk.

Spurr is a punk, end of story. lol, move your light closer. I'm pretty sure Nasa did a paper on him being a punk as well


I quoted the wrong line @ first Japan =P my bad. But in regards to pictures, he doesn't have a plethora but there are some nice pictures in his album haha.


Active member
So? There are hundreds of people on this site with nice pics. even more of people throwing 1k at plants. Some punk throwing watts at commercial strains doesn't impress me.


I didn't say it needed to impress you. In fact I think his pictures are 100% irrelevant to the information he posts up. He isn't ordering anyone to do anything - the information comes with no strings attached and the person pursuing it can choose to do what he/she wants to do with it (assuming they actually have an understanding of it). He is a new member on the boards but still produced quality buds (again, this is important to you, not me) that 'looked' (your criteria, not mine) like they yielded a lot.

I can see how, and others, could interpret him as a punk but he isn't. Instead of taking it as a personal attack, realize that spurrr is merely pursuing the truth and trying to shed some light on the subject for all the members here living in the dark. It's hard to be 100% polite and cordial when people refuse to follow reason over and over again, or not even read it and then just automatically say you are wrong; sounds like religion.

Edit: so just a question....you said you wanted pics, he has pics, but apparently they aren't the right pics. What would you like to see to render you receptive to even putting forth the time to fully read and understand what he posts - what I would call the bare minimum required to start casting opinions (about his information, not his character haha)? Honestly just curious, you seem rather hard to please. Nothing wrong with this though, especially as a 'Senior Member' =P


Active member
No what he's doing is assuming that everybody but him doesn't have a fucking clue. He's a punk because of his attitude and the way he talks down to people. He's a punk for over complicating something as easy as "lower your lights or buy a bigger light". He's a punk for so many reasons in this thread from his first post to his last post.

He's a punk for bringing up Nasa. And the colored girls go doo do doo do doo do do doo.

(but I am thankful that at least he didn't bring up strobe lights. he's probably saving that for later)
Always run 24/0.....and I love my girls....and they love me.....The only reason i wouldn't run 24 hours is getting them ready to go outdoors, or saving electricity......other than that....24/0 is fine, and certainly is not bad for them, IMO and from my experiences...


Besides Nasa's inherent inefficiency what else do you have against them? Also, I never really got that vibe from him. If you view spurr as challenging your beliefs instead of you personally, than I don't see the reason to be upset. I thought he approached it rather calmly given how often he has to repeat the same stuff over and try and convert university level course work into digestible information for an internet laymen (the average intellect of a 2nd grader lol - not you, just in general).

I'm just tryin' to pursue the truth through all means possible and not have ill feelings towards either party! I've tried 24/0 and 20/4 and 18/6 and I have now read up on the subject. Using a combination of my experience and my knowledge about botany in general - I will adjust accordingly :) Also, check edit from previous post :)
Statusquo, hey man, i was just admiring your avatar, and I must say, I love your ears, yoru hair and your eye brows....But what I love the most is the stearn look on your face, Im just wondering, what where you looking at, when that pic was taken?

Yours Truly,
The Admirerer.


Statusquo, hey man, i was just admiring your avatar, and I must say, I love your ears, yoru hair and your eye brows....But what I love the most is the stearn look on your face, Im just wondering, what where you looking at, when that pic was taken?

Yours Truly,
The Admirerer.

Hahahahaha :) I am a white person. That is the Vulcan "Tuvok" from Star Trek Voyager - a black actor by the name of Tim Russ. In a nutshells, vulcans are known for their strict adherence, application and admiration of logic/pursuit of the truth - sometimes they take it too far! (we are humans and need the emotional component of our existence, pure logic is bad just like pure lack of it)


Active member
Good for you, I suggest you have blinds on, read back, that little fucker is rude every chance he gets. Talking about his fucking education, about people not reading, insisting that people just don't understand what he does.

If you want truth you don't need Nasa, ask your fellow growers, notice how many of them say they prefer 24/7? h


Active member
wow, lolz, Japan,

You went off didn't you? You seem to be the only one with a hair up their ass. I was rude to no one in this thread, save you, but even to you I was more terse than rude once I realized you only want to argue and won't have an honest dialog.

My big post to you on page 9 was a friendly attempt to help clear up your self-inflected confusion and ignorance, I was nice in my post, I even suggested we let bygones be bygones (water under the bridge)...

As to my pics, I have many more, but I don't see much use in uploading pics. I find it funny you keep moving the goal post of what I'm supposed to do to make you happy, because, apparently, I am supposed to make you happy. (yes, that is sarcasm)

I took you off ignore because I wanted to have dialog, and I thought you could be an adult. I won't respond your personal attacks against me, because to do so would just drag down this thread.

FWIW, I am not new, I did however start a new account here a little while ago (after a long hiatus) at the behest of a buddy of mine (a mod here at ICmag). I am well known here and elsewhere, not that it matters to you, your mind seems to be closed.

Back on my ignore list you go.

@ statusquo,

Thanks for being civil toward someone who isn't (i.e. Japan). And thanks for stating to Japan what should have been obvious to him. He wants to rely on fallacious arguments and hyperbole, so if I were you I wouldn't waste anymore time on him, I don't plan to.

Thanks! :)


Good for you, I suggest you have blinds on, read back, that little fucker is rude every chance he gets. Talking about his fucking education, about people not reading, insisting that people just don't understand what he does.

If you want truth you don't need Nasa, ask your fellow growers, notice how many of them say they prefer 24/7? h

I mean frankly I have tried to be nice and so has he but I feel like you are much more adversarial/rude than he is =/ I hoped that giving you rep and calmly entertaining your demands/requests, politely, would help you tear down this wall between you/your opinion and anything that differs from it. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like this will work :( This doesn't mean I harbor ill feelings towards you, outside of this specific context of refusing to commit the time necessary to pass judgment, and I welcome the contributions you have to offer from experience.

Spurr talks about his education because he needs to establish his credit somehow...and he talks about people not reading because they don't but still try and pass judgments on his character and the content matter...and people don't understand! People either do what you do and tune out/not read it, or do try and read it then still don't understand.

I have in fact noticed how many people say 24/7. I think this is for other reasons; experience, despite what people think or say, plays a much smaller role. I think people advocate 24/0 because Jorge said it and because the elementary arguments, which on the surface are reasonable and logical, are very enticing to the laymen. (I was and still am a laymen and was also included in this camp until I decided to pursue the matter further and on an objective basis).

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