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Why go 24 hours lights on??


Active member
@ Tri,

I will respond to you today about how to increase growth rate without loosing night, I was busy yesterday. For now: you should switch to using 600w much sooner than you seem to, ex. from seed start using the 600w at week two or week three (at the latest) and keep the light on a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule. That way your irradiance and DLI (along with growth) will increase a lot vs. fluoros and you still have a night. Start the 600w like 18-20" from the plants and then move closer over a few days to ~15" or so. You should get a light meter.

How tall do you let the plants grow before you flower? It shouldn't take more than 4 weeks to go from seed to ~10"+ plants (even if topping them).

If your plants are as slow as you say, other factors could be affecting growth rate like "Air to Leaf Vapor Pressure Deficit". What is the temp at canopy (under shade) and RH at canopy?

I also have to respond to someone else who asked how to implement PPFD and DLI data into language most people can easily grasp.

Lastly, my big post on page 9 wasn't to you, and I also hope you are not referring to me in your post above. Because if you are, you fully misrepresented what I wrote to the nth degree, and fully misunderstood what I about PPFD and DLI, and how too much light is bad. It would be an insult to me to characterize my posts as you seem to have done.

I couldn't care less about knowing more then the next gal/guy, I care about learning everything I can from sources that are analytical, correct and most current, which usually means academia, that's it.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Like I said earlier, don't blame people if they don't want to talk to you. Use the lingo everybody is using or people will ignore you.

please dont attempt to speak for everyone at ICmag. i for one like to read more scientific or technical posts alongside the normal knowledge people impart mainly from their own experience. both are important.
not everyone feels threatened or feels the need to throw insults just because they are presented with a few long words and scientific knowledge. many of us are happy to learn something.



Very much VG.

We don't all post a lot, but rest assured people are still reading this. I have been reading most of spurr's posts and links. It makes sense too, it also makes sense why some people will still claim 24/0 to be best for veg. For them it probably is because they are not hitting peak conditions during lights on so they need an extended photoperiod.

A plant veg'ed on 20/4 under a 400w HID vs a plant veg'ed under a 23w CFL 24/0. Which is bigger after a week.

It's a no brainer the HID is twice as big while getting nights.


New member
Recently, in an article i read, they stated that the dark period was useful for the roots to develop because the vegetation wasn't using as much energy* Sounded reasonable so maybe this helps...

Madrus Rose

post 69
Recently, in an article i read, they stated that the dark period was useful for the roots to develop because the vegetation wasn't using as much energy* Sounded reasonable so maybe this helps...

Yes am sure this is what most specialists wud say in the field, give them a little rest... if using HD lights or if using flouros of course would make sense to go with full 24hrs with the lessor lumens.

Of course in any discussion on what to give plants maybe even JapanTweeker could agree that which strain ones working with might enter the discussion . In the case of shorter indicas or pk have seen people wanting a little stretch , encouraging this thru some dark period or lights hung higher. If it were a stretch puppy like SD, og, haze sat dom, one would think to go with lites on full 24 & up close to minimize stretch b4 a flip. In some cases clones may be wanted 1rst off vegging plants & often I might think to drop to an 20/4 for few days to let them relax a bit b4 taking cuts & pruning.

Mostly do go with 24/0 growing the taller chems or diesels to keep them bushier & stocky. Hav also heard & found in flower with late finishing hazes some have employed 10/14 giving more dark period for plants to respond with flowering and I believe this technique does work in the case of those specific genetics...but would only do this given 1000 watt hid.

On further note hav not seen so much useless bickering in many a moon ....japan boy , lay off the coffee, u are an absolute thread killer & borderline troll.




Active member
My question was if i change from 18/6 to 24/0 how much fast will they grow. how much will it lessen my grow cycle by.

In my case it knocked about 3 days off when I flowered at about 20 inches. So from say about 14 days to 12 or 11 days. Not a huge amount but you figure that over the course of a year with multiple gardens and it starts to make a difference. Some people will say a few days doesn't matter but try telling that to the person waiting for your rent or electric bill.


Active member
please dont attempt to speak for everyone at ICmag. i for one like to read more scientific or technical posts alongside the normal knowledge people impart mainly from their own experience. both are important.
not everyone feels threatened or feels the need to throw insults just because they are presented with a few long words and scientific knowledge. many of us are happy to learn something.


Sure, that's why we have so many threads of people over complicating "move your light closer" because so many people love it. Get real.


Active member
Of course in any discussion on what to give plants maybe even JapanTweeker could agree that which strain ones working with might enter the discussion .

Well first I'd say fuck you asshole for the name calling, no, actually that's where I would stop. Fuck you asshole.


Active member
@ all,

I am reporting JapanFeakier for being a troll, anyone else want to join me? Then maybe a mod can bit*h slap him/her into line so he/she stops ruining the thread with personal attacks and repetitive, nonsensical arguments...


Active member
I thought you had me on ignore?

Maybe I should report you as a troll for insulting people's intelligence in this thread many more times than I have. Most people can see past language and realize that an insult is an insult regardless of how it's worded, just some of us aren't scared to do it directly or bother to try to insult in a way that we think is "safe". Spurr you started the insults in this thread, own up to it.


Active member
Recently, in an article i read, they stated that the dark period was useful for the roots to develop because the vegetation wasn't using as much energy* Sounded reasonable so maybe this helps...

Do you have URL for article? Is it academic? TIA!

Madrus Rose

post 69
Well first I'd say fuck you asshole for the name calling, no, actually that's where I would stop. Fuck you asshole.

Well keep on growing yourself.....

* u did exactly again what we wished u would stop doing , always arguing & going off topic so often on so many threads it makes it very difficult to make informed conclusions...or sharing of info on any thread u invade. Giv it a rest....


Active member
@ mod:

If any of you are reading this please delete most of Japanfreakier's posts, those that are not on topic and are unhelpful. TIA!

Madrus Rose

post 69
@ all,

I am reporting JapanFeakier for being a troll, anyone else want to join me? Then maybe a mod can bit*h slap him/her into line so he/she stops ruining the thread with personal attacks and repetitive, nonsensical arguments...

Absolutely....Like u have been a member of ic for many moons & only recently been here posting a little more & hav fond relations with many like DG & others . But in just the last week keep encountering this person on numerous threads doing the same combative digressive postings over n over. Who really has the time for this?

As Bugs Bunny used to say....what a maroon! ;)


Active member
I think people use light on 24/7 because they want to (unwittingly) grow less healthy plants

First post, calling people dumb-asses in a nice round about way.

<face palm>

Around your third post, nothing rude about posting this to a person to show how disgusted you are with people.

Just goes on an on every post after that. Sorry, if you want any kind of respect grow up first.


Why do i always see people who grow plants in veg with 24 hours lights on and no hours of dark?

anyone heard of the calvin cycle?

plants gotta sleep too, converting the molecules back to the starting constituents.

Thoughts, ideas, etc.. greatly welcomed.

I personally think, from experience, the 6hour night cycle helps stimulate root growth. (On a 18/6 cycle)This may be only my experiences and outcome because of my techniques..

Also... helps with light bill...

Shame this post has ended up being 14 pages long for a simple question, and I'd bet only 2full pages actually have useful info, vs the other 12 of complete BS and ego-rubbing...shame really... more and more posts are ending up like this....
Yeah maybe if these guys would just get over it and find something better to do with their time. This would be great.
@ all: You should do the boards a favor and go through editing your nonsense posts to blank when that's more useful then most of the nonsense throughout these posts.

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