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Why go 24 hours lights on??


Well-known member
i'm lazy and ran out of timers for my veg tents; i also don't feel comfortable plugging in any decent sized ballast into a cheap timer
i'm lazy and ran out of timers for my veg tents; i also don't feel comfortable plugging in any decent sized ballast into a cheap timer

This too.....sometimes its just less to worry about....plug the light in and be done with it. YEEEEE HAW VAGINERS!


Weedomus Maximus
Why are people getting so mad about poeple using 24/0 or 1/23? Who gives a FUCK what anyone thinks... Do whatever works best for you... Thats what i do, and my bud is fucking AAA GREAt everytime....and so are my roots.... 24/0 works great....20/4 works great....18/6 works great.....Pick one a go with it....but, FYI, 24/0 is the SHIT, Fuck man, even the Pope uses 24/0, as did Elvis, Hunter S. Thompson and Princess Dianna.....

It's not what this is all about. Didn't any of you read the fucking thread?!


Dave Coulier

Active member
It's truly a shame that after all this - the mindless comments, the ignorance, the raging stupidity, and the unyielding good will exhibited by the one individual who took the time to try and educate the community - we get the above. No wonder the general population sees us (as a group) as a bunch of dumb stoners.


Ive shaken my head at a few posts in this thread, and thought not so kindly about the posters intelligence levels, but I realize the mantra "If it aint broke, dont fix it." holds a heavy sway over alot of people. Its far too easy to stick with something that 'works', instead of reading the links & posts by Spurr, think critically, and then realize they can improve their grows by making a few changes.

Unfortunately, even though we are viewed as dumb stoners, were no different than the rest of society. Intelligence runs on a bell curve, and some people just got the short end of the stick, while others choose not to use their intelligence.


Weedomus Maximus
Its far too easy to stick with something that 'works', instead of reading the links & posts by Spurr, think critically, and then realize they can improve their grows by making a few changes.

FWIW, this thread helped me understand what I was observing in my own garden and why it was happening. Armed with this information, I can work toward greater efficiency. It's a piece of the puzzle that was missing.


I have run the lights on 18/6 and 24/0 and didn't notice much of a difference....Except in my electricity bill! :laughing: I have heard that you can run them 24/0 to increase growth rates, but I agree, let em' get some sleep! I think they enjoy the dark cycle and maybe it is less stressful on them than 24/0? 18/6 was making my AK47/CHEMDOG flower in the veg room so I bumped it up to 20/4 and everything is copacetic.

Thanks for bringing this up. :)


Quote from Wikipedia:
The light-independent Calvin cycle, also known (erroneously) as the "dark reaction" or "dark stage," uses the energy from short-lived electronically-excited carriers to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds that can be used by the organism (and by animals that feed on it).


I love this forum!! I was just wondering why my Super Lemon Haze was showing a nice little crown on her at 18/6 while everything else is fine! Time to bump up the hours a little for the next two weeks!
Well Said!!

Well Said!!

I have read this entire thread and while Japan can grate on the nerves...he does occasionally make sense, and while you Spurr have shown good concise information...you are, despite not responding to Japan, continuing to smear him - and by telling everyone to follow your lead you are acting like a spoiled school kid and essentially now telling everyone they're the idiots as well if they don't listen to you....this cycle goes nowhere...not everyone grows the same strain or by same methods and irregardless, the point of coming here to read threads is to get other people's feedback and have healthy discussions that can benefit us all for all our needs....I don't neccesarily want to always read quick one or two line semi-zings but I don't want to read pages from your books when I have my own in that department as well......BUT... I expect them from time to time and offer my own on occasion as good discussion usually goes....quit freakin freak and quit sparring spurrr...agree to disagree...let's get back to business...here I'll start...

In my EXPERIENCE with SOME Indicas (and this is based on 3 grows at 18/6 and 4 grows at 24/0 both for strictly veg cycle with identical environment otherwise) I have found that I get shorter plants in 24/0 light cycle and the growth is slightly slower... however... the overall number of internodes has not only been greater in number, but the spaces between the nodes decreased amazingly....this translated to more bud sites and bud......and......to reiterate.....this is just from MY experience....so just my humble results....

peace out

I am sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of examples JUST LIKE YOURS. I appreciate your statement and your information, well done. I'm not quite sure what happened to the rest of this thread, but bro, well said!!

Seems like everybody needs to step back, take a breath then a bigass toke - thats it, hold it, hold it - Okay, better now? RELAX!!!:comfort:


Active member
run the tests n see, different strains react differently but i'll say one thing for running 24/0, when you flipp 12/12 i see more, much more of an explosion of Blooming flowers, it seems like the plant reacts to it like shock & pushes harder. My observations!


Active member
@ simon,

I wouldn't even bother if I were you, I gave up on this thread a while ago...

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i think this point made by spurr needs repeating. it explains why some people observe the best growth in 24/0

if you use low intensity lighting for veg, then your plants will not be getting their optimum amount of light energy over the course of 24 hours. if this is the case for your garden then the extra light your plants are getting under 24/0 may outweigh the disadvantages to the plant bought about by not getting a dark period.

so the optimum way to veg plants would be under high intensity lighting (so they get enough light in 16-20 hours) and using a dark period.

just because you observe in your garden that plants grow more under 24/0 does not mean that it is the BEST thing for your plants.

dont you all see that this information is very valuable? why do so many people have to have a knee-jerk reaction to someone who is basically trying to take the science of cannabis growing to the next level? people like spurr are few and far between in the cannabis community so for the sake of those who want to learn then please at least try to be polite and civil.

spurr may not be the most tactful and diplomatic person on these boards but he has a lot of knowledge and that is a huge redeeming feature. try and keep that in mind before attacking him just because he proved you wrong. this is supposed to be a community. different people have different skills. try and appreciate that.



Active member
okay i am curious, i want to try 20/4 on my own

is there any issue that may arise or that folks have had with switching straight from 24/0 to 20/4?

would it matter or help to slowly ease into the schedule?

week 1 - 23/1
week 2 - 22/2
week 3 - 21/3
week 4 - 20/4


Active member
I couldnt agree more with Verdant, again!¬)

Heres another observation i had whilst growing MI5 an AutoAK47 x, Under 24 hours of light from day 1 she was still packing on Bulk with no sign of finishing(At All) after 15 weeks of 24/0), Just One big Cola(couple of side laterals but nothing to shout about). I know with a different light cycle this would have not been the case, & im sure the more dark hours she got the more chance she would of had to mature properly, dont know wheather it counts but thought id relay my obs, several pheno's were doing/showing this under 24/0, seems it could of gone on longer than 15 weeks if id of let it. 4-5" wide Colas x20"h shame i never took pics, they went to mold cause they were soo fat. Its a shame so much anamosity around the boards right now, wee are all here for a reason not a pissing match!.
G'Luck! ;~)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ive shaken my head at a few posts in this thread, and thought not so kindly about the posters intelligence levels, but I realize the mantra "If it aint broke, dont fix it." holds a heavy sway over alot of people. Its far too easy to stick with something that 'works', instead of reading the links & posts by Spurr, think critically, and then realize they can improve their grows by making a few changes.

Unfortunately, even though we are viewed as dumb stoners, were no different than the rest of society. Intelligence runs on a bell curve, and some people just got the short end of the stick, while others choose not to use their intelligence.


master shake

Active member
I'm not too convinced that 24 hours of light even 20 is any better than 14.. I just switch my sour bubbles to flower after vegging under 14.5/9.5 for 35 days and they didn't seem to be slacking... SB is a slow vegger supposedly but mine reached the 10-11th nodes with nice fat leaves. pics are in an album


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What a trainwreck of a thread.
You have Spurr, someone who has clearly studied botany ad naseum via proven scientific research, and then you have some mouth breathing ignoramus who feels threatened by someone who uses big words he can't understand. Throw in a couple of mentally challenged lazy people who can't find the answers which were answered so eloquently by Spurr, and you have this ridiculous presentation of sub-average IQ's all in one thread.

The computer you're on, the lights you're using, and all other forms of technology are based on the same protocol Spurr administers.
The jury is in...it's been in for a while.

Spurr, you've been overly patient, gratuitous and fair throughout this thread.
I've really enjoyed learning from your posts.
Japan uses small lights, and adding insult to injury, discloses he also has them very distant from the canopy.
Clearly his plants are starved for photons and that's the reason they may benefit from 24/0. Hell, the plants probably think it's just about dark 24/7 due to his poor lighting.....j/k ;)

Anyway Spurr, please keep posting information. Even though the uneducated toolbags may feel threatened by it, some of us enjoy the quest for the truth proven by science.

Keep on keepin' on, and thank you.

A man(?) after my own heart!


New member
if you use low intensity lighting for veg, then your plants will not be getting their optimum amount of light energy over the course of 24 hours. if this is the case for your garden then the extra light your plants are getting under 24/0 may outweigh the disadvantages to the plant bought about by not getting a dark period.

The thing is most growers actually know how high they can hang their light. If people were to hang them as low as he was suggesting people would burn their plants. That's why experience is always better than some punk on the net telling people they don't know shit.

Seems like with some people, the more they study about growing the worse their advice gets. I'm sure some newbie is going to read what he said and lower their lights within inches. People who know know, those who don't quote Nasa.


The thing is most growers actually know how high they can hang their light. If people were to hang them as low as he was suggesting people would burn their plants. That's why experience is always better than some punk on the net telling people they don't know shit.

Seems like with some people, the more they study about growing the worse their advice gets. I'm sure some newbie is going to read what he said and lower their lights within inches. People who know know, those who don't quote Nasa.

Clearly Japan....don't get mad, just go away.

There is a huge loss of lumens at distance (light intensity greatly diminishes with increased distance=Inverse-square law)

I know, more science stuff that you don't want to learn.

but keep promoting inefficiency and ignorance. The latter being one of your strongest traits.


After cloning and early veg, I use 20 hours on, 4 hours off, which grows faster than 18/6, but also get sleeps & grow more roots during the 4 hours off.

I do 24/0 while they are seedlings, then move to 18/6 when they are established.

Really, it doesn't make much of a difference.

For the sake of efficiency of use of natural resources (i.e., electricity), I prefer 18/6. It reduces the damage I do to the planet and saves money