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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


The fact that you can support having a 75 year old woman's medicine destroyed and fines levied that can lead to her homelessness shows your true colors to everyone here.

Imagine if that was your grandmother. Men with guns, force into your grandmothers house, destroy her medicine for the year. Then tell her pay us 10,000 dollars or we will take your house next time we come.

That is nothing short of elder abuse, borderlines behavior from Nazi Germany, and should appall anyone and everyone regardless of your stance about current regulations and your hope for cheaper prices. Arguing that it is ok, is comparable to standing up for pedophilia or rape.

We are all humans and have a right to a medicinal plant, especially our elders. Shame on you.



Well-known member
Cannabis should be unregulated. Period. Adding and selling poison should be considered what it is. Unsafe electric or polluting the water. Already laws for that too. You want to open an establishment, follow the rules. But simply growing possesing and selling safe herb should not be a crime. It should not be anyones business.

In fact the should pay growers reimbursements for all the years of fearing stupid laws.


Well-known member
Code Enforcement, people get code enforcement for play sets, untrimmed bushes, campers. If that defines legalization for you then anything can be illegal.

Code enforcement infraction and fine is much different then felony imprisonment,

I agree it should be a human right to grow a medicinal plant and it is turning that that way state by state country by country. Legalization is here.

If someone grows tomatoes and corn they do not have the right to go sell them in a store. They need to get the product approved just like cannabis or any other agricultural product sold for human consumption. They can grow them for personal consumption just like cannabis in many states.

Its code enforcement, but Its done by the sheriff and people can get arrested now i believe. From 97 to about 2013, was as close to true legalization that California has and ever Will see. It was pretty much a freeforall. You could basically grow how ever much you wanted for medical for your own medical needs and you could cultivate for other people. Idiots were not respectfull to their neighbors and did things like pack their suburban backyards with plants. Around 2013 some counties started putting in zoning restrictions because they couldn't make it illegal. It was equal to an unpermited shed. But with the recreation legalization of 2018, i believe it's changed. I think it's punishable with 6 months in jail.
But the whole thing is so confusing. It's unclear if prop 64 amends prop 215. Point is, it's less legal then it ever has been in my adult life. People act like legalization is new. Maybe for other states. We were legal for 20 years. And now less so.

Depps are over 1000$ and last year's outdoors quality varies so much it's hard to put a market price on it.


If someone grows tomatoes and corn they do not have the right to go sell them in a store. They need to get the product approved just like cannabis or any other agricultural product sold for human consumption. They can grow them for personal consumption just like cannabis in many states.

That's just not true, you can sell tomatoes and corn for cash to anybody you want, with no "approval" from the government. It's called a farmer's market.

quit with the bullshit. its not really legal if you cant grow and carry as much as you want. here in cali people are still getting arrested, beat up and robbed by cops because of weed. lives ruined. still. for a plant.

Go post your prop-64 propaganda somewhere else.


Active member
You have some good points Klomp, but you are missing the big picture. They did not legalize cannabis, they regulated it.

Just two days ago, I heard a local story of a 75 year old woman in Nor Cal, having code enforcement kill her 5 plants, and fine her 10k dollars...... There is no argument for that. That is not legalization, not even close.

Guess after she pays her fine, she can go to the store and buy some random suspect product?

You're certainly right that this isn't legalization and I agree that there needs to be progress, but I also must point out that if they came to my place and found 5 plants, I would be going to prison. Big difference!

People get robbed and killed, over vehicles. Its not a vehicle, canna, Iphone, or your watch that makes people commit crimes, its money. Colorado is also regulated, they use private contracted ex-military to guard the product and money. Nothing is safer. There was a string of "legal" canna stores that got robbed in LA. The thieves executed everyone in the stores. They are converting a shut down prison into a grow factory for security.... you guys are romanticizing this.

I am aware that there have been some serious dangers. Any time people are handling lots of cash they need security. I had a relative who used to work in a bank and they had an ATM location that they had to build a tunnel to so they could safely service the machine after hours because it was in such a rough neighborhood. The Colorado businesses are not totally safe because the banking system hasn't been able to serve them the way it does other businesses. The average home grower there is not suffering anywhere near the same level of danger that they used to. California obviously hasn't embraced legalization nearly as well as Colorado has though. I know one Cali dispensary owner got his genitals cut off by thieves. There's obviously some serious issues on a big scale, but for the average street-level user things are so much safer than they've ever been since prohibition started.

The fact that there are canna operations in the wide open combined with the fact that banks will not do business with the canna industry has actually led to a more volatile and dangerous situation. A busy store has to move millions of dollars of cash constantly. Any canna owner, which is public knowledge, through public business filings, basically has a target on their back. All that cash is sitting somewhere waiting to be taken. I know a woman who runs a "legit" store, she is a widow. Her husband was followed from his store, and murdered. The government regulating it without legalizing it, is keeping the prices high enough in an all cash business to make it an extremely dangerous industry.

Ironically this is precisely because it hasn't been fully legalized. The feds are making the business more dangerous on purpose. Still, big cannabis operations have been extremely dangerous under illegal trade too. Yes, there's obviously a greater challenge determining who actually was doing the trading, but for those running legal operations now they mostly face dangers from private parties whereas before they risked being arrested or even killed by the cops. I could tell you back in my home town where some of the big dope houses were, even where some meth labs were. They weren't exactly hard to figure out, and people robbed them too as a result. I'm really not sure how anyone could argue things are any worse as a result of efforts to legalize. Yes it has a ways to go, but we have to start somewhere. As people see that the product and the end users are not dangerous then they will start to embrace full legalization so much more. I know people from all over the political spectrum that embrace the notion of legalizing it because they have seen how its both harmless and how it is a good business.


Active member
That's just not true, you can sell tomatoes and corn for cash to anybody you want, with no "approval" from the government. It's called a farmer's market.

quit with the bullshit. its not really legal if you cant grow and carry as much as you want. here in cali people are still getting arrested, beat up and robbed by cops because of weed. lives ruined. still. for a plant.

Go post your prop-64 propaganda somewhere else.

Yeah Cali rules suck ass. That's got to change, but the original topic of this thread is still relevant no matter how free you make the rules. Profitability drops as the market opens. That's just how it is.

Oh and while some places let people just sell food without permits, many do not. Even setting up a stall at a farmers market often requires a permit. Most places here in the Midwest require strict guidelines be followed by anyone selling foodstuffs. The rules are more lax for raw produce versus prepared food, but there's definitely still rules. The rule makers tend to enforce things less against smaller operations, but even land use for growing crops is tightly controlled. In many Midwest states for example, you couldn't choose to grow an unconventional crop on land that has a high corn suitability rating. The farm system in this country is actually pretty heavily controlled by the government. I can grow my own food all I want, but once I start trying to make money off it I seriously start to run into regulatory issues quite quickly.


Active member
The fact that you can support having a 75 year old woman's medicine destroyed and fines levied that can lead to her homelessness shows your true colors to everyone here.

Imagine if that was your grandmother. Men with guns, force into your grandmothers house, destroy her medicine for the year. Then tell her pay us 10,000 dollars or we will take your house next time we come.

That is nothing short of elder abuse, borderlines behavior from Nazi Germany, and should appall anyone and everyone regardless of your stance about current regulations and your hope for cheaper prices. Arguing that it is ok, is comparable to standing up for pedophilia or rape.

We are all humans and have a right to a medicinal plant, especially our elders. Shame on you.


This seriously could sit in an encyclopedia under the category of "hyperbole". Godwin certainly must be laughing his ass off right now. Pedophilia, rape, elder abuse, Nazis. Now all you need to do is work animal torture, war, and domestic abuse in there and you'll win a gold medal in the Hyperbole Olympics


This seriously could sit in an encyclopedia under the category of "hyperbole". Godwin certainly must be laughing his ass off right now. Pedophilia, rape, elder abuse, Nazis. Now all you need to do is work animal torture, war, and domestic abuse in there and you'll win a gold medal in the Hyperbole Olympics

Agree to disagree. To get the facts straight though, you have no problem robbing the elderly of medicine and shelter?

If a crew broke into your families elders house, you would not be upset? Where do you draw the line? Hopefully when you are elderly someone will stand up for you, but I guess if I can buy grams of canna safely screw the old and sick, let them suffer and die!

When you add to the equation that cannabis quite possible prevents and can help cure cancer as well as many many other ailments, not only is it a robbery but its also forcing someone to be unhealthy and suffer.

The words I used were a slight stretch, and words I rarely ever use. Look at my posting history, I have never used any of those words before, I don't use them lightly. Green has come off as a very mean and unethical person, wishing prison and drug addiction on other members. Who wishes that for anyone, what sort of person wants to see that?

When armed members of the government go door to door robbing, threatening, and extorting people, what do you call it? When they don't even have the decency to look at it case by case; a 75 year old woman, that just shows the moral decline within the authorities. It is a slippery slope.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.



The fact that you can support having a 75 year old woman's medicine destroyed and fines levied that can lead to her homelessness shows your true colors to everyone here.

Imagine if that was your grandmother. Men with guns, force into your grandmothers house, destroy her medicine for the year. Then tell her pay us 10,000 dollars or we will take your house next time we come.

That is nothing short of elder abuse, borderlines behavior from Nazi Germany, and should appall anyone and everyone regardless of your stance about current regulations and your hope for cheaper prices. Arguing that it is ok, is comparable to standing up for pedophilia or rape.

We are all humans and have a right to a medicinal plant, especially our elders. Shame on you.

Everyday code enforcement hassles people over a massive spectrum of things. Swing sets, pink flamingos, basket ball hoops, and now....!!! cannabis plants.

Is that all you can dig up on the evils of legalization a city code violation ??? yeah better turn it a felony again.. Because prison time is so much better.

Takes a special kind of person would rather see tens of thousands of common people locked up and families destroyed just so they can turn a profit from growing a few weeds. A real selfish scumbag.


Active member
Agree to disagree. To get the facts straight though, you have no problem robbing the elderly of medicine and shelter?

What sort of demented mental gymnastics do you have to do to assume that I am ok with something like that just because I disagree with some of your positions?


Active member
2 Van's pulled up and 30 "gang members" jumped out with guns drawn looking for you huh......LMAO.....I died laughing at this. Thanks for making my day:D:D


I'm glad it made your day because it ruined mine. I'm not sure what words you would use to describe a large crew like that all wearing similar outfits and carrying guns who showed up in two unmarked white vans. Would it make you happier if I called them "a bunch of dangerous fellas"?
I'm glad it made your day because it ruined mine. I'm not sure what words you would use to describe a large crew like that all wearing similar outfits and carrying guns who showed up in two unmarked white vans. Would it make you happier if I called them "a bunch of dangerous fellas"?

B.s. 30 guys, $800 car!! That’s only $27.50 per gang member...

This thread seems to attract trolls. It’s like meth to green404, he just can’t give it up.

Regardless of what the out of staters would like to believe, the market here is thriving and it’s shaping up to be a bountiful year. It would be nice if track n trace was enforced because all the LA investor grows I know of are selling on the black market


Active member
I'm glad it made your day because it ruined mine. I'm not sure what words you would use to describe a large crew like that all wearing similar outfits and carrying guns who showed up in two unmarked white vans. Would it make you happier if I called them "a bunch of dangerous fellas"?

I gotta admit the uniform thing throws me off. How many days did you say you had been awake?


Active member
Buddy just got 16 for his thin mint ins. Good quality, not very best trim job ive ever seen. Originally had tried to get 18.


Active member
This is a thread about prices in California. Please stay on topic.

It was not my intention to divert this topic any further but I was specifically being attacked by people and cannot message them directly. I should hope I am not the only one who got negative rep for this.

I do believe my original comments were directly relevant to the issue of legalization affecting prices though. I'm sorry you feel otherwise. I'll stay out of it since I'm clearly not welcome here.

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