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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Tina Turner – Proud Mary Lyrics
Why' know, every now and then
I think you might like to hear something from us
Nice and easy
But there's just one thing
You see we never ever do nothing
Nice and easy
We always do it nice and rough

Just like every once in a while it would be nice if California could regulate things nice and easy, using the KISS method, as it were. They always do it as fucking complicated and burdensome as possible.

Byzantine is defined as of a system or situation excessively complicated, typically involving a great deal of administrative detail and is generally abhorred. But California makes the Byzantium rulers look like slackers.

Funny how liberals always want more and more government regulation in all areas of our private lives, rendering the concept of personal freedom moot, and denigrate conservatives for claiming that additional government regulations inevitably reduce jobs and economic activity, but sing a different tune when their ox is gored.

When I was young and a liberal, we always said fuck the government, since the cops worked for the government and causing us most of the grief. The government can fine you, imprison you, and if you try to resist, they can kill you. The use of force to make people do that which they do not want to do, sucks.

People have been growing ganja, getting high, and generally living their lives fine under the largely unregulated gray area for twenty years. Just decriminalize it and let the free market set the price and quality control standards.


"Byzantine insurance regulations"


Peanut nearby has to borrow Hayforks 1 horse

Didn't the article mention that Dan has one cow but a few pack horses?

BTW I recognized you personal icon as a Reggae Album because I bought a song from it on Amazon Digital Music. Lloyd Charmers recorded a lot of music, much of it risque, such as White Rum and PomPom. I used to like to listen to his stuff when I was spending a lot of time on in Negril.

Or this little ditty, that I think was on the Wharf Club jutebox.


This is a link to the songs on the album.



Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)
Barrett Strong / Norman Whitfield
Lloyd Charmers


LOL at the article calling Trinity Pines a "small scale" oh that made my sides hurt. Most of those lots are owned by a handful of owners that put 99- 7lb plants on less than 5 acres, clearcut forest, and absolutely destroy groundwater supplies. It is THE model for organized black market drug business.

So they are not supposed to be able to cut down trees on their own land?

Would it make you happier if they were growing on more than 5 acres?

Many of us have been in the black market for fifty years, so it is not as if we think of that as being a bad thing.

I have lived around in this country, born and lived for ten years in the Midwest, moved to Miami for middle school, up to Baltimore for a year, then a couple of years in Northern New Jersey. Went to high school and college in Western Pennsylvania. Traveled and lived in the Caribbean, South American, and South Florida for some years before moving to the Bay Area of California. Transferred by my company first to Connecticut and then to Texas.

Met and worked with a lot of fine people in all those areas, but only in California did some assholes feel strongly enough about the kind of car I was driving that they took the time and effort to write down their feelings on a sheet of paper and slip it under the windshield wiper. Fucking cowards do shit like that because they are too fucking punk to say anything to my face because they were rightly afraid of getting a punch in the nose for getting into something that was none of their fucking business. But that is the essence of California. Everyone thinks that everyone else's business is their business. Everyone wants to tell everyone else what the fuck to do and how and when, and they are willing to let everyone tell them what to do in order to be able to tell everyone else what to do.

They have no idea of the concept of live and let live. Everywhere else I have lived, there are regional differences, but the urge to control and regulate and shame others into group think, is by far the strongest in California.

I guess it like the frog in the cooking pan, the frog does not notice that the water is getting gradually hotter and Californians don't notice that what they can and cannot do is become more and more restricted or if they do notice, they are all for it.


Would it make you happier if they were growing on more than 5 acres?
dude wouldnt be happy if they were on 1000 acres, he's a hater.

i agree with you, decriminalize and let the free market decide what's what. especially now with the internet and smartphones, consumers are more educated than ever and if they care they can figure out if the weed they are smoking was grown conscientously

eventually the cash-cropping clear-cut farms would get a bad rep and would have to change anyway. It's happening now with food, there is a skyrocketing demand for organic / free range, etc.. Of course that process will take longer if laws are put in place to protect the big producers with deep pockets.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
So they are not supposed to be able to cut down trees on their own land?

Would it make you happier if they were growing on more than 5 acres?

Many of us have been in the black market for fifty years, so it is not as if we think of that as being a bad thing.

I have lived around in this country, born and lived for ten years in the Midwest, moved to Miami for middle school, up to Baltimore for a year, then a couple of years in Northern New Jersey. Went to high school and college in Western Pennsylvania. Traveled and lived in the Caribbean, South American, and South Florida for some years before moving to the Bay Area of California. Transferred by my company first to Connecticut and then to Texas.

Met and worked with a lot of fine people in all those areas, but only in California did some assholes feel strongly enough about the kind of car I was driving that they took the time and effort to write down their feelings on a sheet of paper and slip it under the windshield wiper. Fucking cowards do shit like that because they are too fucking punk to say anything to my face because they were rightly afraid of getting a punch in the nose for getting into something that was none of their fucking business. But that is the essence of California. Everyone thinks that everyone else's business is their business. Everyone wants to tell everyone else what the fuck to do and how and when, and they are willing to let everyone tell them what to do in order to be able to tell everyone else what to do.

They have no idea of the concept of live and let live. Everywhere else I have lived, there are regional differences, but the urge to control and regulate and shame others into group think, is by far the strongest in California.

I guess it like the frog in the cooking pan, the frog does not notice that the water is getting gradually hotter and Californians don't notice that what they can and cannot do is become more and more restricted or if they do notice, they are all for it.
The Mojave desert. That's why we're here. The last place in California where people mind their own business!
Humboldt is a more favorable spot to live and grow but you will need a lot of cash to purchase land, prices have skyrocketed in the past few years. Bubble is a thousand per, while most decent shatter around 4 but quite slow going. Early og deps are going for around 2, decent outs still 12-13 but not for long.


So they are not supposed to be able to cut down trees on their own land?

Would it make you happier if they were growing on more than 5 acres?

You clearly missed the point. I could care less what those people are doing. I was pointing out the article was making the farmers in TP look like saints, when they are in fact black market growers that make illegal improvements to the land. I want to say it was 22 lots in TP was owned by an organized drug ring of asians. 22 grows on one mountain by one group of people, theres no way to defend that, its just greed and makes the industry look bad. But glad you've made it 50 years on the black market more power to you.
A clear cut isnt a clear cut until its 3 acres. Those parcels aren't even 3 acres. Compared to an actual clear cut, its nothing. Dropping trees is what built our houses, warms our homes, and dont forget its a renewable resource. Most city folk who cry everytime a tree falls need to look at the other perspective and see if they dont sound a little hypocritcal.

People bitch about the pines and it is crazy up there but thats what you get when wait 20 years to regulate an industry. It was bound to go off like that somewhere. Cheap land, low law enforcement buget, small parcels. A lot of folks got their start there and moved on as soon as they could.


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A clear cut isnt a clear cut until its 3 acres. Those parcels aren't even 3 acres. Compared to an actual clear cut, its nothing. Dropping trees is what built our houses, warms our homes, and dont forget its a renewable resource. Most city folk who cry everytime a tree falls need to look at the other perspective and see if they dont sound a little hypocritcal.

People bitch about the pines and it is crazy up there but thats what you get when wait 20 years to regulate an industry. It was bound to go off like that somewhere. Cheap land, low law enforcement buget, small parcels. A lot of folks got their start there and moved on as soon as they could.

You're retarded if you think cutting down all those trees is good for the watershed. If you had even the remote grasp of what deforestation does you wouldn't be talking.
I never said it was good. Dont twist my argument to fit your "its bad, your retarded" position. This is more complex than that. Engage in the analysis of comparing the environmental impacts of the north coasts 2 industries. I have a very good grasp on what logging has done to our watersheds. Comparativly, its not having nearly the impact of an actual clear cut logging opperation. Remember, they use herbicibes by the 55 gallon drum to kill tree species not deemed profitable.

Personally i love killing trees. Both in the fall in my garden and in the forest. Done correctly it improves forest health and provides the things i need to live in a remote area.


Registered Non-Conformist
""Personally i love killing trees."" Of course it had to be worded that way.. NorCal Bluster-attitude. Doesn't fly where I live now. I love it. To think I put up with it for 12 years. haha. Wow.
""Personally i love killing trees."" Of course it had to be worded that way.. NorCal Bluster-attitude. Doesn't fly where I live now. I love it. To think I put up with it for 12 years. haha. Wow.

Thats why Cali ate you up and spit you out. :laughing:Keep posting in Cali threads about what a failure you were. Meanwhile the rest of us are starting another summer in the sun doing what we love.

Prices are up. Supply is thin.