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Diary White Rhino & Friends. Fall 2021 Grow.


Well-known member



Tipburn.... maybe overfeeding? was up to 1200 pmm last couple feeds. Maybe back off to 1000.


Still just about hanging in there...



Well-known member
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Pruned off the BSG x Afghan #2 scion from the Sherbet Queen x Afghan #1, as it was getting huge and shading some of the others in flower, and I already have a BSGxA#2 in flower as a separate plant. Really vigorous. Nice funky stem rub too. Looking forward to smoking this one. Took a couple pics of the healed graft between scion and host. Am loving grafting - such an elegant way to get more plants into a limited space.

So I now have two males which used the same Real Seed Co. Afghan as father - the BSGxA #3 and the SQxA #2. I also have a male White Rhino, and Blueberry #10 definitely male. Will keep them all backed up as scions on a clone mum (dad?), and keep them until I can evaluate their offspring. A boy tree?? 🤣 Currently unsure whether any of the F2 Medical Mass x White Rhinos are going to be male. The MW3 and MW5 both female. MW 1, 2 & 4 I have cuttings sexing... will know soon. No worries if no males - I have all but #5 backed up, and will enjoy the bud. I have plenty more of the F2 seed to hunt through for a nice male at some future stage if I fancy it. I'm reckoning the "tallest plants from a batch in veg are most likely male" heuristic is less accurate with a bunch of F2s where there will be significant pheno differences including in overall plant size simply due to the recombination of the different grandparent strains.

Also fell off the wagon and bought more seeds... What can I say? VerdantGreen 's Blue Digiberry F3s and his Rhino D were too tempting ;)

Culled a few plants where I have confirmed males as scions + multiple cuttings. Dont need to keep that many boys.
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Well-known member
BSG x Johaar getting tall. Also starting to put on lots of bud, and just noticed there are already pronounced trichomes not just on the calyxes but on the surrounding leaves, which is nice. I think this one would respond really well to a nice scrog.




The 2 F1 Medical Mass x Johaar plants are also starting to bud up. Makes me happy to see them :)



Well-known member
Noticed some very tiny white insects whilst draining run-off. They jump a bit like thrips, and float on the surface of the water. Anyone know what these are and whether they are harmful?

I think they might be springtails (Collembola). Am minded to let them be.

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Well-known member
Smoking on the last nug of the lost Bagseed Gelato cut last night and looking at the plants in flower, could really feel the connection between the offspring - BSG x Johaar on one side, and BSG x Afghan on the other. Same mother, but very different plants. I have a scion of BSG x Afghan male in flower, and will be recombining these two. Have high hopes for this line. Also interesting to compare the Sherbet Queen x Afghan. (BSG x A) x (SQ x A) is an entertaining prospect. Nice having multiple F1s on the go with the same pollen father - helps to give an idea of how it might behave in other crosses.


Well-known member
Noticed some very tiny white insects whilst draining run-off. They jump a bit like thrips, and float on the surface of the water. Anyone know what these are and whether they are harmful?

I've got what I'm pretty sure are springtails, but they are really tiny. They look like specs of dust.
I noticed them floating on the water when I watered my plant. They are long and skinny, about the proportions of a cigarette.
They curl up and then fling themselves straight and jump out of view and disappear.

I don't know what you've got, but they do come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, so they could be springtails.


Well-known member
looking good! the BSG x johar day 27 shot is lovely !

VG :tiphat:

Thanks VG :) I need to take some more pics - the flower space is going for it now. I still get that excited feeling when I look in my cupboard and can see a whole load of bud ripening.

Terrible pic, but yesterday I snipped off the SQA2 male scion from the SQA1 plant in flower as some of the lower male flowers on it looked not far from popping. Its in a jar of water by a window now - which should be enough to ripen some pollen.



Well-known member
First pollen from the SQA#2 has gone onto a bud of Medical Mass (as a scion on the SQA#1 in flower). Was v happy with the Medical Mass x White Rhino F1s, and the Medical Mass x Johaars are looking really good too - MM seems like a great line to play with. am going to explore more crosses with MM as mother, maybe backcross as well. I'd also done a cross way back of MM to Highland Thai, which I'm now keen to try in my next run.

The BSGxA male scion has been snipped and is in a jamjar by my window.

3 pollinations so far with the SQA#2 (I always list mother first in a cross):
  • Medical Mass (RQS, fem) x SQA
  • Purple Bud (Sensi, fem) x SQA - Purple Bud is one of the strains I was most unhappy about running out of last I grew it. Always a good sign. Savoury incense, nice & strong, super relaxing. Interesting to see what the SQA male will bring.
  • SQA1 x SQA2 - Cant pass up the opportunity to carry it on a generation... just dusted one small bud.
When the BSGxA pollen is ripe, I'll use it to seed a bud on the BSGxA female (obvs), and also the BSGxJohaar. Loved the BSG and want to keep something of her going. Hoping that I'll get some recessive combinations with BSG from two sides, and not get swamped from either the Aghan or the Johaar - tho interesting to see what they both add. Would also like to try the BSGxA pollen on the Green Gelato, but dont yet have a cut of that in flower.
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Well-known member
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Very nice to get some buds going on. Girls didnt all start at the same time, so I've noted days of flower. Wanted to get some comparison shots - last chance as they are getting big and the flower cab is crazy tight, dont want to risk that again. Stoked about the two F1 BSG crosses, x Afgan and x Johaar. Both nice plants but the Johaar cross has a special place in my heart. Smells lovely, and omg she is a beast - I've already had to do noodle shibari origami with her to keep her in the cab. Tried to get some pollen from the male BSGxAfghan that I have in flower - weirdest thing tho - flowers look properly formed and are fully open, but no pollen... whats that about!? Will give it a little longer. And I still have a clone backed up in veg, but it would be annoying if I have a sterile male. I've got the BSGxJohaar backed up, so this is definitely going to run for a while. Looking forward to smoking her. The BSG cut was a banger. Have a few more BSGxA seeds left so could try for another male if this one is pollen-less.

Have started pruning some of the lower leaves and smaller lower branches in flower - the air extraction in the flower space is pretty good but still its tight in there and I'm worried it'll get damp around the feet.

*Edit - I was too hasty calling the BSGxA male sterile :) started shedding just now, and I've dusted a single bud on the BSGxJ, the BSGxA, and the Purple Bud. Denser flower clusters on the BSGA male than the SQA male. Dusted a larger bud on the BSGxJ - want to get plenty seeds from that line.
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Well-known member
Getting too crowded in flower... found mould on a cola of the C6 and chopped it at 46 days. was hoping to leave it another week at least, but cant risk it spreading. and realised that I have too much to hold in veg for too long. Using the small space as flower was a good experiment, but I'm going to swap back. Maybe with a cuttings/mums area underneath the main bit if I can figure out an elegant way to do it.

For the moment I'm just increasing the time that the extraction fan is on, improving the air circulation.



Pollinations seem to be have taken.



F1 Medical Mass x Johaar (#2) is chunking up nicely. Long fat buds. Ripening fast - seems the Critical genetics in the MM mother are dominant and will take the Johaar flowering time right down.



Well-known member
You don't keep the extraction fan on 24/7?

No, its currently on about 40% - 50% of the time - its a powerful fan for such a small space and the temperature drops very quickly when it is on. Plan was to ramp it up as needed as odour became an issue, but most of the strains I'm growing are not too stinky (tho there is a growing stank from the F2 Medical Mass x White Rhinos...) I've boosted the ambient temp in the house to compensate, but still means that intake is about 18c, which is on the chilly side. Might have to incorporate some kind of thermostatically controlled heating in the cupboard. Downside of LEDs... they generate v little heat.

Next flower day cycle, I'm going to increase the time the fan is on again.


Well-known member
No, its currently on about 40% - 50% of the time - its a powerful fan for such a small space and the temperature drops very quickly when it is on. Plan was to ramp it up as needed as odour became an issue, but most of the strains I'm growing are not too stinky (tho there is a growing stank from the F2 Medical Mass x White Rhinos...) I've boosted the ambient temp in the house to compensate, but still means that intake is about 18c, which is on the chilly side. Might have to incorporate some kind of thermostatically controlled heating in the cupboard. Downside of LEDs... they generate v little heat.

Next flower day cycle, I'm going to increase the time the fan is on again.

Yep, understood.

I solved the issue by putting an electric radiator outside the tent right next to the intake vent. Not sure if it is the most efficient way to solve the issue but works ok.

Exhaust fan off sounds terrifying to me, both from the smell and airflow perspectives.


Well-known member
Yep, understood.

I solved the issue by putting an electric radiator outside the tent right next to the intake vent. Not sure if it is the most efficient way to solve the issue but works ok.

Exhaust fan off sounds terrifying to me, both from the smell and airflow perspectives.

Thanks GG. Yeah, I need to bite the bullet and have the fan on more frequently. Have just set it on constantly during the 12 dark hours. Intermittent should be fine whilst the lights are on. Smell has not been an issue yet this grow, but that may change. On its minimum setting it shifts 170 m3 / hour. My cupboard is roughly 3 cubic meters, so it cycles the air in the grow-space in just over a minute.

Also found a nice little passive 40W heater, w thermostat. Could put it in the larger space near the door (where the passive intake happens) and set it at say 21c, then that would put a floor on minimum temp during nightcycle. (I run realworld and weedworld day/night cycles inverted: I'm working in the day, & having the lights on at night helps buffer against colder temps.)


Well-known member
I solved the issue by putting an electric radiator outside the tent right next to the intake vent. Not sure if it is the most efficient way to solve the issue but works ok.

i did the same for a grow tent , like you said not the best way but it works really well .
