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Well-known member
I've done them a cple times myself ,maybe it's different for people but for me It was like i imagine being hypnotized is like.

moose eater

Well-known member
I've done them a cple times myself ,maybe it's different for people but for me It was like i imagine being hypnotized is like.
Gave me mildly rubberized knees while speaking with my Trooper acquaintance in the dorm hall, and all the way home out to the cabin on the river; a fairly long hike when there's spaces between rides. A both functional and deleterious influence, I'd say, though that was nearly 44 years ago. Might be a more dramatic memory than the real experience was, too. Though in any circumstance then, being high was typically the least desirable time to talk with the Law. Especially one that already knew your name. :)
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moose eater

Well-known member
My wife just brought me a tray of smoked partially shredded pulled pork with cheddar cheese sauce melted on it and some batter dipped French fries from a food truck in town that I shouldn't ought to be eating, but....... "A man's gotta' do wat a man's gotta' do...."

I mean, kids in Biafra don't even have pulled smoked pork and batter dipped fries..



Well-known member
You never hear much about acid anymore but when I was young it was popular as was mescaline and the odd batch of peyote would arrive but I never did try it or speed..


Well-known member
I smoked my first joint in 74,took about a 2 year break due to a court order late 2000-01 and smoked it every day before and since. I haven't drank alcohol in over 30 years and now I can't stand the smell of it.

moose eater

Well-known member
You never hear much about acid anymore but when I was young it was popular as was mescaline and the odd batch of peyote would arrive but I never did try it or speed..
In 1972 in NW Pennsylvania, on a campus that was voted (in a Playboy Poll) as being the second heaviest drug-using campus per capita in the US (What was then Edinboro State College, the home of the 'Fighting Scots', but I believe has since changed its structure and affiliations.), and then lower Michigan, SW of Grand Rapids later in the mid-70s, anything was possible.

In the small cross-roads town of Edinboro, surrounded by farms of all sorts, dairy, hay, vegetable, and more, with rural farm youngsters in high school with a bag of Mexican in one back pocket and a snuff can of chew in the other, along with routine barn parties with wine or beer and a fair amount of acid around, among other items, there were some interesting intersections of culture, for sure.

A tab of LSD in Edinboro in 1972 was .50 cents to a buck for a standard 200-250mcg tab in whatever presentation. 4-way windowpane and blotter were a bit more, maybe $2 to $2.50 if I recall.

SW Michigan I ONCE and once only ran into what was legit extracted mescaline in crystal form from Kalamazoo, which I'd hitchhiked down to retrieve., and had an interesting interaction with later at a friend's home in the ghetto there, involving a white dove on the glass lamp shield/cover of the ceiling light.

I tried to get it to perch on my finger over and over, and it vanished eventually, though was seemingly patient for a while.

Later I would read that the white dove is the messenger of foreshadowing or a sort of a message about the future, and it was to be observed and not harassed.

Upon reading what I did a long time later I thought, "Fuck!! I messed up the message!!" But later would reconsider this, especially when stoned and bored, and remembered how the dove had fluttered its wings the whole time it was on the edge of the glass shade, but never really left or moved too much. Just a bit back and forth and fluttering the wings kind of like a hummingbird would.

Welp... another rabbit hole for unresolvable contemplation, and I later thought, maybe the message -was- the movement and behavior..... a prediction of expending energy without much real change or movement? A sort of Zen in motion message.

Eventually that became, "Who knows?" followed later by, "Who cares?" No resolve or certainty to be had, other than that was what I saw, for whatever it meant. I -can- say with certainty, however, that it was pretty cool. :)


Well-known member
They had head shops here where they sold bennies and this liquid in a vial called "rush" which you snorted the vapors and got a wicked head rush. I tried it few times after smoking weed, I'm sure I lost some brain cells with it.did you run across it?


In my empire of dirt
My wife just brought me a tray of smoked partially shredded pulled pork with cheddar cheese sauce melted on it and some batter dipped French fries from a food truck in town that I shouldn't ought to be eating, but....... "A man's gotta' do wat a man's gotta' do...."

I mean, kids in Biafra don't even have pulled smoked pork and batter dipped fries..

what about the kids in san diego! i dont have pulled pork and batter fries with cheese sauce
/wont anyone think of the children?


moose eater

Well-known member
They had head shops here where they sold bennies and this liquid in a vial called "rush" which you snorted the vapors and got a wicked head rush. I tried it few times after smoking weed, I'm sure I lost some brain cells with it.did you run across it?
Does this look familiar re. the inhalers?

erowid's always been a righteous source, very factual, no biases to speak of, and initially started by a brother and sister team, if I recall correctly. Good folks pushing no bullshit, by the way.

Bennies (McNeil Lab cross-tops) were either homemade, counterfeit, pilfered or redirected jars of the real thing from pharmaceutical warehouses or pharmacies, etc., and typically scored at truck stops (gas jockeys and truckers) or a good friend's home as a rule back then. (Benzedrine was 1 molecular 'shift' away from propylhexedrine, which was present in Benzedrex inhalers back then; 250 mg of it per inhaler swab; open them up (break them open, 4 at a time per batch) and process... Don't ask. My encyclopedia-size posts are already over the line, probably, and it's been close to 40 years since I made it, but I learned it from a hitchhiker and his pit-bull I picked up in NW Montana in the middle of the night in my '64 Ford pick-up in which I already had MY 2 dogs, driving down from Alaska to Arizona via Colorado, and my fuel pump was failing. That's just the intro and setting, so imagine the details!! :)

The record store in Edinboro was the head shop. They also sold incense, tapestries, posters, etc. All things hippie! :)


Well-known member
Does this look familiar re. the inhalers?

erowid's always been a righteous source, very factual, no biases to speak of, and initially started by a brother and sister team, if I recall correctly. Good folks pushing no bullshit, by the way.

Bennies (McNeil Lab cross-tops) were either homemade, counterfeit, pilfered or redirected jars of the real thing, etc., and typically scored at truck stops (gas jockeys and truckers) or a good friend's home as a rule back then. (Benzedrine was molecular 'shift' away from propylhexedrine, which was present in Benzedrex inhalers back then; 250 mg of it per inhaler swab; open them up (break them open, 4 at a time per batch) and process... Don't ask. My encyclopedia-size posts are already over the line, probably, and it's been close to 40 years since I made it, but I learned it from a hitchhiker and his pit-bull I picked up in NW Montana in the middle of the night in my '64 Ford pick-up, driving down from Alaska to Arizona via Colorado, and my fuel pump was failing. That's just the intro and setting, so imagine the details!! :)

The record store in Edinboro was the head shop. They also sold incense, etc. All things hippie! :)
It might have been, it never occured to me. The only thing I ever heard about amyl was people using for sex. It was for sale legally at the time

moose eater

Well-known member
It might have been, it never occured to me. The only thing I ever heard about amyl was people using for sex. It was for sale legally at the time
There's butyl nitrite and amyl nitrite.

I don't recall messing with them but for maybe once, and I don't remember anything specific about it. Is that maybe a bad sign? :)