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moose eater

Well-known member
I decided to join you with a nice fat joint of Ghost Train Haze #1 from the freezer's museum collection of "Too Much Weed Anymore". Not even going upstairs to get the vaporizer to protect me from the throat burn. Nope, there was an immediate urge for old-school cannabis consumption. The puppies seem concerned, but they're just spectators in this part of the day, anyway. Though the youngest one admittedly seems drawn to the smell. I'm a bit worried about her, privately speaking. But probably just a youthful experimental phase. Probably best if I don't make a big issue of it and have it blow back on me.

Edit: To clarify, lest some think I'd slipped even further, this was intended as humor of sorts. But by the time one gets to explaining a punch line, fearing it was not apparent, the punchline has lost most of the potential it might've had, had it been delivered or contrived more effectively... Though it is mostly true, notwithstanding my inflexion or exaggeration in expressing my concerns for the littlest one :)
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In my empire of dirt
I decided to join you with a nice fat joint of Ghost Train Haze #1 from the freezer's museum collection of "Too Much Weed Anymore". Not even going upstairs to get the vaporizer to protect me from the throat burn. Nope, there was an immediate urge for old-school cannabis consumption. The puppies seem concerned, but they're just spectators in this part of the day, anyway. Though the youngest one admittedly seems drawn to the smell. I'm a bit worried about her, privately speaking. But probably just a youthful experimental phase. Probably best if I don't make a big issue of it and have it blow back on me.

Edit: To clarify, lest some think I'd slipped even further, this was intended as humor of sorts. But by the time one gets to explaining a punch line, fearing it was not apparent, the punchline has lost most of the potential it might've had, had it been delivered or contrived more effectively... Though it is mostly true, notwithstanding my inflexion in expressing my concerns for the littlest one :)
so just you and the dogs

moose eater

Well-known member
so just you and the dogs

Absolutely!! Until a bit later when my wife arrives here.


moose eater

Well-known member

Some southern men I know used to refer to them as 'bloomer droppers', implying some questionable motives in use, and I only did them 2 times. One of them included running into an Alaska State Trooper on campus whom I knew from hitchhiking in another part of the State a year or so earlier. A somewhat awkward but very survivable moment.

Quaaludes weren't any more appealing to me than excessive alcohol intake or opiates and other downers. Makes the world feel like walking uphill through beach sand, and I was more into acquiring the energy to get up that hill without the beach sand, and maybe watching the ground breath in and out while I was at it..

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