I don't even think that's a drum machine. If it was that's a new model
Has life always had you rely on the most convenient or present excuses?Nah moose man. I'm saying I don't fucking care. I'll get over my bros murder however I want. If that means I get banned again, so be it
Yes and please stop sodomizing my brain. I come from a long line of soothsaying procrastinatorsHas life always had you rely on the most convenient or present excuses?
There are -lots- of folks here who have major shit going on, and heavy rearview traumas, too. They're still responsible for their interactions with others, boundaries, etc.
The longer you grab excuses to continue being whatever form of non-functional you seem to desire to maintain, rather than being more honest with yourself, pain, etc., the longer you'll be stuck there.
And life can be a long ride when one is holding tight to mediocrity, illusions, excuses and lethargy.
And the path doesn't have to be heavily steeped in 'all or none' nonsense.
Back to music.
You post bullshit and brazen excuses and then complain that others respond.Yes and please stop sodomizing my brain. I come from a long line of soothsaying procrastinators
Gibberish nonsense that has no relationship to any interactions here with others. That was what I meant by bullshit. 4 pages of clutter through a night's time. No one's making you post drunk but you.Moose man lives what have I posted that's bullshit?
You post bullshit and brazen excuses and then complain that others respond.
Think about that for a bit.
Did you think this was a one-way street or something, and you had sole right-of-way?
You post this stuff, sometimes gibberish, sometimes complaints, sometimes sincerity, then in rebuttal to others' comments, point out that it's a music thread. HOLY FUCK!!
For Christ's sake!!
Here, have a tune. A really good tune. A classic.
You've insulted numerous members' postings for what YOU do and don't like about THEIR music.Fwiw I havent complained about a fucking thing, if you wanna get hammered on the onlines I'll be your Huckleberry
You've insulted numerous members' postings for what YOU do and don't like about THEIR music.
I could go on, but that ought to give you pause for thought for a bit.
Get to know yourself a bit better. It helps. Hurts sometimes in the outset with some revelations, then the sky's the limit..
Maybe spend a night or two reading back through your comments to others or to the universe. I'm not going to interfere anymore tonight in an argument between you and yourself.I've never insulted muzack