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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?

Dog Star

Active member
My age is 49 ,start smoking 35 years ago,but in my balkan area (ex yugoslavia,now croatia) have no market for cannabis due totally misknowleauge about in socialistic-communistic brain washing country.
From time to time some sailors bring to town weed or hash from some other places like pakistan,india,jamaica ,east and west african coast and amsterdam.
Morooco was mostly becose we have direct line between casablanca-my town.
I was also sailor few years before war start 91-96.
After war we have mostly albanian weed on the streets and still is growing very illegal in very catolic country.

Yes bro... everything you say is corect but those chatolic part
is biggest problem IMO cause chatolics are famous in witch hunting and burning.. today they made it thru a systhem that puts you
in jail,even if you use or produced for medical problems..

so when some person knowed more about plants in old age they
burn her and this was like common praxis here.. its in genetics
of this people to harass folks that know more than them..
Austrain queen need personaly to intervene to stop our
savages from burning inoccent people,usually womans..
you have this facts writed in history books..

also those type of communism we haved was very milde sorte..
we haved more socialism than pure communism as Russia was..

In Russia those was pretty tight communism and one wrong word
will bring you to Siberia on cooling a bit.. lot of them never go
back and left their bones in Siberia wastelands..

Now we have "freedom" and democracy to go out of a country
cause here is no job or any human rights,specialy if you are
not a member of present bipartism democracy party of any kind..

then you become citizen of 3rd order that looks how to move
for some country that actually gives human rights and where
cannabis using are not looked as a crime...

Our country have some wrong fetish with harassing minorities
and ill people that positive respond on cannabis as medication..

this same people are pushed to be "criminals" cause stupid church
proclaim its a devil plant...

We are bro on a road to 16 century... total flat Earthers..

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Wow! What a long strange trip it's been!

When June gets here, it'll be 50 years of smoking pot for me... Holy shit!



stay weird
coming up on twenty years of puffing. i was 12 stacking lumber at uncles sawmill and got a leaf joint with oil strip on it from one of the workers


Active member
18 years of smoking, i started at 15 years. a buddy owed me 20 bucks, but he didnt have 20 bucks, he only had hash. so the Story began :D


great thread to read

how it started?

well it was in high school there was one girl known as a big drunk among other things /she was a daughter of the school principal and known to be big drunk addict kinda famous..

I bought one joint from her smoked it alone in a park did not felt anything at all then went home by train..

at one point train stopped in a city and theres a sudden change I heard silence instead of train noise and suddenly theres a big fucking grin all over my face I was thinking why am I grinning wtf is this and coul not control it at all :D

that was more than 20y ago..


I saw a cute girl in the park looking at me alot so i went to talk with her and ended up hanging out and then smoking, but she ended up being a real hoe and would just rip me off which i didnt know at the time lol that was atleast 7 years ago


Active member
In "The Summer of '69" while Bryan Adams bought his first 6 string at the five and dime. Me and my buddy started talking about getting high. Took us until the fall to get some. I remember it made the fall colors so vivid.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I'm toking for more then 20 years. More then half my life. Does this make me an old stoner? I'm still pretty young though, mid 30's....

I started toking when I bought a baggie of White Widow from one of the dealers in school.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I was a late bloomer. Started smoking at 22 when a chick broke my heart.

Went to a stoner buddies house and asked him to "break my cherry".

To his credit, he started me off slow. Handed me a one hitter and told me to, "take a hit and wait a bit. Let me know how it feels." So I did. Felt nothing. 15 minutes later, took another. Then another.

"I don't think this is working. Let me see your bong."

Pulled his 18" bong bone white, took it all in one hit, coughed my brains out for a solid 60 seconds, and was higher than "giraffe's ass" as Mike Epps put it.

Spent the next 40 minutes drooling on myself while we watched videos on MTV (Remember when they played music videos? Yeah, I'm that old.), and I've been a stoner ever since.

I even gave up alcohol several years ago. Do you know how hard that is for an Irishman?


Well-known member
I started in 88 or 89 on the way to school. Got a ride with a friends older brother. I honestly had never thought anything about wether I wanted to or not before that. When they lit it up and passed it around it just made sense to take a puff.


ICMag Donor
I had tried it several times in high school, but playing in the band, I didn't like the residue on the mouth piece. Plus, I didn't experience a high. So, it was Cold Duck at the end of a dirt road drinking junior and senior years 70-72.

Was going to buy a Karmann Ghia from a guy nearby an air force base in college (small conservative town, the only dry county in the state) in Fall '72. He rolled a fatty (most likely leaf), and sitting in the passenger seat, I felt elevated off the seat. Yep, that was Euphoria!

Ended up buying an '69 AMC Ambassador w/ louver back window and great sounding 8 track (Ha! Those were the days) with a 360 engine- more metal, as my dad said, in case of an accident. I liked it for it's 8 track!

Not a daily smoker, but have been imbibing for 47 years. Had a few jobs where frequent random testing was done, so I would only smoke occasionally.

Now it's 2 hits and I'm good unless it's a social function.:good:


Well-known member
Early 70s, went hand in hand with the draft and a war that was an equivalent of a stacked deck.


Active member
I was a 70s ...rebel without a clue. I was into Jimi Hendrix and rolling Stones and wore my hair long and played a black Les Paul knockoff. I started staying up late listening to music on headphones and starts going to sleep at school so the teachers assumed I was on drugs. The preps and goodie too shoes were bullying me for it and soon teachers were labeling me too.
Some of my friends in Drama club invited me to go to lunch with them and one lit up a number. I toked but didn't get high that time. I figure if I got the name I might as well play the game. On our next overnights speech tourney a dude named David fired one up with me in our room next thing I know he's naked and wanted a little more. I guess I was that cute?
I declined but I was definitely high that time. I remember watching Wild Cherry and Kansas on the Midnight special. Years later, married and with a kid...I quit after my daughter was old enough to ask what it was. By then I was not enjoying the high as much, maybe because the Advent of hybrids like skunk and Christmas tree . I wondered what was wrong with me but in truth I think the weed was changing. Giggle weed, sativa's and Columbian were gone and replaced with couch lock and heavy stone.
Fast forward to 2006, I am going through a bad divorce and I overdose on Lexapro by accident..I had serotonin syndrome including seizures diarrhea, fever and dystonias..... I made the mistake of quitting cold turkey. The dystonias stayed. After a week my wife ft a his of some good weed from my daughter's boyfriend and I smoked it. Instantly the tremors and twitching stopped. I went in a purge diet and exercise regimen.
A few year after that, I began to suffer from IBS and numerous other issues including acid reflux and insomnia. I rejoiced when Oklahoma approved medical marijuana. In 2018 I got my card and was amazed at how my insomnia, GERD and IBS improved! I am growing now and mixing strains with thc cbd and cbg to improve my health. Its a good time to be an old man.


since the late 70s.
a friend of mine's dad left his 'grass' and papers on top of his 'fridge.

i was amazed when I watched my buddy grab this bag of 'grass' out and roll it up like a master. we couldnt have been more than 13 or 14 at the time.
i choked my ass off on it and it didnt do much.

a few months later I was introduced to a ---sick--- 4 chamber Graffix brand bong and the rest is history. i was wound pretty tight as a kid and when I finally felt how magical cannibus is, and how it gave me that inner peace I could never find.... i was hooked ever since, although, I get just as much joy helping veterans with PTSD and those undergoing chemo'theapy' as I do smoking it myself.

its never harmed anyone and im glad to see the states' attitudes to it finally gaining a semblance of reason and sanity.

im pretty old but seeing how many of the younger sect are keeping it alive and relevant brings me joy.

now, if we could just find a way to keep them all off the fentanyl, cocaine, crystal, and heroin..........

much love for everyone on our team.
peace and love.



First toke with 14, daily bong smoker since 19. so a total of 25 years smoking. The first time real high(rose wood bowl full of hash for 3ppl) i was 100% sure this is my drug.
But i smoke with tobacco. Trying to give off that habbit but max 3 days tobaccofree and i buy a pack.
Weed pure hits harder, better, is more mood enhancing, ... . all of the negative side effects like reduced motivation or feeling like stoned(old testament punishment) in the morning i get from mixing weed with tobacco.
Also the extreme craving for a smoke only happens with tobacco. One day no bong and i used to climb the walls(bong is my only nicotine source). When i'm total off the nicotine(9-14 days) i have no problem with being sober for days.
Was off the nic for more than a year and started again- stupid me.
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