My age is 49 ,start smoking 35 years ago,but in my balkan area (ex yugoslavia,now croatia) have no market for cannabis due totally misknowleauge about in socialistic-communistic brain washing country.
From time to time some sailors bring to town weed or hash from some other places like pakistan,india,jamaica ,east and west african coast and amsterdam.
Morooco was mostly becose we have direct line between casablanca-my town.
I was also sailor few years before war start 91-96.
After war we have mostly albanian weed on the streets and still is growing very illegal in very catolic country.
Yes bro... everything you say is corect but those chatolic part
is biggest problem IMO cause chatolics are famous in witch hunting and burning.. today they made it thru a systhem that puts you
in jail,even if you use or produced for medical problems..
so when some person knowed more about plants in old age they
burn her and this was like common praxis here.. its in genetics
of this people to harass folks that know more than them..
Austrain queen need personaly to intervene to stop our
savages from burning inoccent people,usually womans..
you have this facts writed in history books..
also those type of communism we haved was very milde sorte..
we haved more socialism than pure communism as Russia was..
In Russia those was pretty tight communism and one wrong word
will bring you to Siberia on cooling a bit.. lot of them never go
back and left their bones in Siberia wastelands..
Now we have "freedom" and democracy to go out of a country
cause here is no job or any human rights,specialy if you are
not a member of present bipartism democracy party of any kind..
then you become citizen of 3rd order that looks how to move
for some country that actually gives human rights and where
cannabis using are not looked as a crime...
Our country have some wrong fetish with harassing minorities
and ill people that positive respond on cannabis as medication..
this same people are pushed to be "criminals" cause stupid church
proclaim its a devil plant...
We are bro on a road to 16 century... total flat Earthers..