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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?


Well-known member
The weed was crap here when i was growin up, i love me solids


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Speed of Dark
A high school bust, still straight, the year after the 'summer of love', 1967. I was 16 when caught with my first ever buy during lunch at school and did not even get to smoke it before incarceration.
1970, released from reform school. Two years for possession of a felony narcotic, hashish, one gram.
Finally, 18 at release, my cousin sat with me in the back of a pickup truck and kept a bowl of hash burning for what seemed like hours while the truck drove around at random.

Nothing ever matches that first high.


First herb i smoked was in 1983 grow by myself from seeds my father used for fishing hahaah didnt know anything about how to grow or how to dry. But that was first time.


Active member
First smoked in 1988 when I was 15. Started smoking regularly at about 17. Started growing seriously when I was about 20. Grew a strain that was given to me by a friend which he called Shiva Shanti. It was fire though and grew it for 3 or 4 years. Been growing pretty much consistently since then indoors. Have also grown the occasional plant outside.
What got me started? Friends smoked. It was fun and was much more my thing than alcohol. Now I use it medically as well as for recreation.
1993 I was 12. Shooting dice I won all my friend's money and he had some bud so we started betting it against money. I had no idea what it was worth but I still played. After I won I took one of the dime bags and rolled it up and smoked it by myself, i didn't feel much of anything. I spent about 10 years not smoking because it gave me anxiety. One day in my 20's i tried it again and no anxiety and never happened again and now I wake up to a gram.


Well-known member
bout, 98, summer before high school.

walkin home from something i can't remember random youth centre hang out maybe.
and remember catching whifs of a smell I recognize from those silly elementary school cop presentations (the whole just say no to drugs campaign or one of its successors)

I noticed the group pitch a pretty sizable thing that i didn't know at the time was a roach.
like the Kid I was I grabbed it (the 90's were a much easier time to be a pre teen lol) finished my walk home and proceed straight down to the basement to make a pipe from a large oak dowel with a drill press. (yes this is also a time where a fair amount of kids were taught to use power tools before they were teenagers)

that roach lasted me three nights.. knocked me the FUCK out the first night, actually had time to feel the high the second two.. the next day i went to see my buddy who had older brother that listened to grunge... almost 20 years later here I am. it only took a few years for me to cotton on to the medicinal aspect of the occasional batches. so by the end of high school, I already had an idea this plant could help people. (it improved my grades when i had it available, during that time there were still seasonal droughts when NO ONE had)


Active member
I was 21 in the Army after a tour in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot flying Hueys in combat assaults. My roommate was from California and had smoked before the Army. He turned me on in 1970. Been smoking ever since.

Jon 54

I started in 1970 and not with Marijuana but with Hashish. I was on the hippy trail and first got high in Goa and than in the Hindu Kush area. Malana Valley was still pure and not corrupted back than as was the Katmandu area of Nepal. The girls back than in the days before Aids were free in all ways and I just dug it. My soul will go back their when I leave this earth for my Karma has always been clean and honest.

I'm 40 years of age. Started smoking cannabis at 12 years old. Was 1st caught growing at 16 by police helicopter. We had a flat roof outbuilding at home back then and grew my mums roof full of an export Skunk from Swaziland.


Well-known member
I am also 40 and started smoking at 12... crazy.

Was only really hash round my way back then, but it was good... my first 1/2 oz cost me £37.50, sticky black gold seal hash....
although I much prefer the high of the weed these days.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I was a late bloomer compared to some of y'all.

I had been around it one or twice as a teenager. But I grew up With Nancy Reagan and Just Say No. So I did. Until I was 24 and just had my heart broken. By this time I had discovered alcohol just wasn't for me (odd considering I'm mostly Irish).

I went to a friends house who I had known to consume great quantities of ganja, and asked him to "break my cherry" as it were.

So he settled me in with a one hitter and a gram of decent weed. Took a couple of hits and waited about an hour. I really didn't feel anything, so I inquired about his 2 foot bong. That did the trick! Pulled it "bone white" per his instructions. Cleared it in in one go. And coughed my lungs out for about 3 minutes straight. When I was done hacking up a lung, I was higher than fuck!

I've been smoking ever since. Never really touch alcohol except for an occasional beer or cocktail.

47 now, btw.


Well-known member
What fucking rock did you crawl from BUD?? Haven't seen you in years.

Ass for me I was 14 and said to myself.this is illegal? Whole life was changed after that.regardless of the fact my dad sold pounds to the Hells Angels


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
What fucking rock did you crawl from BUD?? Haven't seen you in years.

Ass for me I was 14 and said to myself.this is illegal? Whole life was changed after that.regardless of the fact my dad sold pounds to the Hells Angels

I have take a break from this site every now and then because of the keyboard gardeners who show up and shit all over people's threads.

And I haven't been growing again until recently. But now I'm in a home I own. So you know I've got to have a garden.

Glad to see you around shithawk!


Forty five years if eating medibles is included.

Why? Because it was an ANTI-Social action!


stay weird
with a few breaks about 15 years and a leaf joint with a strip of hash oil from a old head have it to me. it was summer so he was outta herb from his last years harvest only bag of leaf and jar of oil.


Well-known member
My age is 49 ,start smoking 35 years ago,but in my balkan area (ex yugoslavia,now croatia) have no market for cannabis due totally misknowleauge about in socialistic-communistic brain washing country.
From time to time some sailors bring to town weed or hash from some other places like pakistan,india,jamaica ,east and west african coast and amsterdam.
Morooco was mostly becose we have direct line between casablanca-my town.
I was also sailor few years before war start 91-96.
After war we have mostly albanian weed on the streets and still is growing very illegal in very catolic country.

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