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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?


My brother kept bugging me all day long to try it,so I did and got sick from that dirty filthy bong.That was 1972.

I don't get sick from dirty bongs anymore.:dance013:


New member
It was 1969 and two hot chicks had stolen a little hash from one of their older brothers returning from Nam...
Those were the daze my friends!


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Early 60s when I was 10 years old. My older brother's friends decided it was time...and I instantly became part of their "posse". It did not seem to matter that I was 5-7 years younger--until years later when a couple of them got the infamous "greeting" letter.

You know, the one from the Prez that went like this: "Greeting: You are hereby ordered for induction into the Armed Forces of the United States, and to report at..."


Active member
Some people have been smoking 12 more years since this thread started (2005) . I first smoked weed a bit over 40 years ago when I was about 13. My neighbor and I stole a little weed from his dad and made a small joint . I didn't feel a buzz. Took a hit now and then from kids but never felt anything until I smoked half a joint of Colombian at 16 years old. Good Colombian was tan or brown , not green and it smelled like incense when burning.


Some people have been smoking 12 more years since this thread started (2005) . I first smoked weed a bit over 40 years ago when I was about 13. My neighbor and I stole a little weed from his dad and made a small joint . I didn't feel a buzz. Took a hit now and then from kids but never felt anything until I smoked half a joint of Colombian at 16 years old. Good Colombian was tan or brown , not green and it smelled like incense when burning.

Thats my all time favourite kind of weed aroma. I love others too but thats my grail trait right there.

I started smoking weed when I went to college about 30 years ago. Went to parties, was in bands, got into acid and weed. Acid got left behind when I left college but weed has never left my side. It connects me to the force :smoke:


Active member
46, started by lifting weed off my pops around 13. smoked a few times without getting high then one day on a school field trip to an amuzement park i finally got it. we took this gondola ride over the park hoping to have a gondola all to ourselves so we could smoke but had to share a car with a couple. as soon as we got underway the guy says "you mind if we get high?" we all lit up and left the car laughing our asses off, I'll never forget that day. :)

Stan G.

I'm 34, been smokin' since twelve. Growing since shortly after! Currently growing master kush and citrix. Citrix is La Confidential x Grapefruit


Active member
I tried it three or four times when I was fifteen-sixteen years old back in the mid seventies. I hated it. I didn't respond well to the high. I don't know if that was due to the type of weed or just my lousy attitude. I tried in again in my early twenties and it was okay but nothing special. I didn't try it again until a couple years ago... I'm in my mid fifties now. I wouldn't have bothered except I've been looking for something to help with medical issues. I really like it now. It greatly helps relieve stress, anxiety, depression and pain.

I began growing high CBD strains six months ago and after a couple of failed attempts am on the verge of harvesting and curing my first crop.

With most of it I'll be making edibles to get the greatest and most complete/thorough benefits from it. Edibles are evidently more efficient because very little of the medicine is wasted from simply blowing out most of the smoke. Oral consumption apparently has other benefits too. I'll reserve some to smoke with friends but the majority will go into edibles... some cooked (brownies, cookies, etc.) and some uncooked (refrigerator fudge, etc.).


New member
Just turned 70. Smoked mostly leaves back then (late 60's) used an album cover and matchbook to separate out seeds and stems. Seeds and stems. Seeds and stems. HaHa seeds and stems.

moose eater

45 years last month.

That damned long-haired son of those college professors, whom the school secretary misidentified as a young woman (rather than a male)... over the school PA system, in that fairly rural school.

We smoked average quality Mexican out behind the school after hours one day. I didn't get high.

So I went to the local head shop and music (record) store, procured a brass pipe, found a ~1/3 oz. bag of Mexican for $5, and went home, determined to see if this stuff worked, as the first experience indicated otherwise.

Several bowls later, in a smoke-filled bedroom with my door locked, laying prone on my mattress, I realized I couldn't sit up. I concluded it did, in fact, 'work.'

Been a part of my life for the last 45 years, though it took a back seat to hashish immediately that same year. Hash and LSD-25 were the real stars of my 1972.


Hrm...it was around 1984 as an early teen.

It was really just due to availability, as a couple friends had older brothers who got bags.

It went like this. A little bit previously, I had tried a cigarette, and toked it, which led to a pretty unpleasant result. So when the joints showed up, at first I was a wimp and just did a mouth inhale and tried to gulp it down, which wasn't very effective.

Finally one day I spent the night with a friend. Mom told me to come home by noon; in those days as kids, we walked wherever we wanted to go. And so about 11 a. m., a friend introduced me to a bong, a pretty ordinary U. S. Waterpipe that was common at the time. He knew how to use it, explained me the technique and well...the bong does not allow you to take a wimpy mouth hit. So we did a few bowls that were my first good inhales, and then I was like...well I gotta go; so I didn't have any chill out time to see what it was really like.

As I was walking home, it started surging through me. I saw a cat, and heard it say my name and talk to me. From that point, the high started kicking in and I started feeling what, at the time, was very weird. Had to avoid mom and just flaked out going whoa, what is this.

Ever since I "got it" from that bong, the operative word has been "more".
I have older brothers who were into smokeing bud. Both my parents smoked cigs. So curiosity was peaked from a very early age... I grew up across the bay from you in Castro Valley im 47yrs old. Kindergarten i became friends with a like minded kid, single mother who smoked bud older brother and fine ass sister! His mother kept herself well supplied. He was able to get his hands on small amounts without trouble. My love for the plant blossomed from then on lol.

Stonehedge out!:tiphat:


A figment of your imagination
The year was 1971, it was my 9th birthday and my older brother came back from Vietnam.
He had smuggled back some highland Thai.
He rolled up a fatty of it, lit it and passed it to me and said, "smoke this, it will change your life."

Moxa stick

Active member
Since 1974- first few times were with $10 lids of mexican seeds and stems...copped a 15 minute buzz...maybe. Then one night after our Cathechism class in late Fall, a buddy and I went together and bought a $35 ounce(had to dig through couch cushions to round out the last of our cash)of a wonderfully exotic Michoacán that was muddy brown, with a fresh earthy aroma and few seeds. We rolled a pinner to share while scooping the loop in the midst of an ever worsening ice storm. A trippy, creeper high kidnapped our senses and when I slid off an icy corner in my 1969 Oldsmobile and sledded into the mayors front yard, we knew we had scored real smoke. I never bought a cheap bag again, soon after the wonderful Colombians($45+ oz.) and red string Thai sticks, Panama reds, Guerreros started flooding the rural Midwest market. Ace seed's selections are very reminiscent of these old school strains.✌️


New member
I've been using cannabis for 43 years. Someone shared some with me & I realized it helped the pain from menstrual cramps & that I l8ked the way it made me feel!! It has been a part of my life since I was 17 years old & I am still learning different ways it can help me & so many others! I'm an old stoner & that's okay...Im a very Happy Senior!!


New member
Hi there,
I've been smoking for aboout 30 something years rigth now. From the first one at 13 and after in a more "professional" way ;) from 16 till now. MAny times also gave up for some months to restore tolerance to thc. Other times just because get bored to smoke or no way to get/grow good weed. Now it´s been two years started to smoke and grow again.


Boreal Curing
Grade 7. A friend stole it from his brother and we smoked it in the bush at the back of the school yard at lunch. I sat the first afternoon class in a daze and the teacher sent me to the nurse's office where I slept away the afternoon. lol

I quite smoking when I was 18 because I was just getting paranoid with body quakes. It just wasn't fun anymore. My friends were moving onto Dexies, LSD, and Mescaline and were constantly offering it to me. I figured if pot got me that high, I'd pass because I certainly didn't want to get any higher. I started again when I was 50 and more knowledgable about types and strains. I'm still a lightweight, but know my limits and it's enjoyable again.

It was especially enjoyable for 3 days at the Desert Trip concert in Indio a couple years ago. It was like Woodstock all over again with people passing out joints like candy. lol.

But growing is by far the most enjoyable for me, so I do a lot of it.