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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?


Well-known member
It was 1988 and I decided that I was going to smoke some of my moms weed she always kept on a tray underneath the couch. I toked a bowl of brick weed, but it seemed like it did nothing until the next day when I did it again. This time I was ripped out of my own little mind, and it was just not obvious until I was standing in a alleyway with a big paper sack filled with over $10 worth of junk food and a lot of candy. It was the moment when I understood why my parents always smoked herb and the pinnacle of my own interest in the plant itself. Having seen plenty of plants outside growing up I was adamant that I could grow those seeds on moms tray. I watched this happen many times when the pot was declared worthy enough for seed selection. Well I was but 13 when my mom found out that her stash was dwindling regularly and it was me, she was okay with it knowing that I was a troubled kid and that it could be a lot more beneficial for me then anything in pill form that had been prescribed by the doctors for attention deficit and hyperactivity. She was right and I never took any of these drugs pushed on me growing up. In fact, growing since the early age of fourteen had a lot more therapeutic value then I knew, but mom knew. Looking back I have to say that it has been a great journey through the years with the plants after 30+ years and I still find that I am constantly learning something new, but only from the plants do I really learn anything. Everything else from the forum to the printing press is just entertainment in my world.


i -love- that this was your first post on IC.

we all tend to be nostalgic, here, so its very fitting.

welcome to the madness, Lennon.



Active member
You’d have to look at the first half of the last century to find my date of birth so I guess I qualify as an “old stoner.” I was a child of the sixties; a rebel without a cause just enjoying life. Suddenly, Uncle Sugar grabbed me by the nap of the neck, shoved me in a set of fatigues and shuffled me off to the Nam. Now, I had a cause, whether I agreed with it or not.

And here was my first introduction to pot; the most horrible experience in my life. Later learned it was supposedly laced with opium.

Returning to the world, my cuz shared some Columbian Gold that was most pleasant despite the fact of being slightly hallucinating. The decade of the seventies was one continuous high. The CG source was fairly reliable, occasionally having to resort to Panama Red, Jamaican or Acapulco Gold when nothing else was available.

At the turn of the next decade , a government position required abstinence.

Rediscovered cannabis in 2015 in search for relieve for symptoms of PTSD.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I started in 1985 at the age of 16 and haven't looked back. I am 50 now. 34 years on and still tokin'!

Same here about 16. Girlfriend back in SoCal HS. A few interruptions due to the jobs. Retired now and at 65 feel fine and have a great connect in the triangle.

But I like the desktop vape and buttah (cookies) from the once-baked remains. Doobs are nice tasty full spectrum but hurt the old lungs.




45 years + growin n smokin
Keep the Faith

Make America Free

Oaxacan, Michoacán , Acapulco Gold
Colombian Gold & Red


Blonde Lebanese hash
Black Turkish Hash
I miss all the old stuff

The Quaalude Kid


Active member
Old Stoner here, to be sure! And I have the CRS { Can't Remember Shit } to prove it. Or I think I do, I don't recall...

The 56 in the Nic is the year I first laid eyes on this third-rock, and have now been around the Sun 63 times. Of this, I have been Tok'n for 50.

Started at around age 13 { 1969-ish }, when an older brother came home form college with some kinda ditchweed, and got us all buzzed. Been buy'n Illegal ever since!


started at 16 and now 35, cool years!
when i started, it was actually much cheaper to buy weed than cigarrette/beer, at least here in the 3rd world,
I was 16 with my friend, Aya, a German foreign exchange student she was dating my friends brother who was a big stoner. We went on a joyride was given a hit “shotgun” style. I felt it instantly after hotboxing the car, the smoke was so thick we couldn’t see each other in the Buick. I ran into the man who gave me the shotgun with his new wife while serving them at a restaurant I work at last year this time of year. He pretended to not know me so I left it at that...his dad is now running for an elected official in my city so I’m assuming he doesn’t smoke the kind kind these days.


Chemon 91

3 finger bag of green unbricked called comercial.

It took the 3 time days later to feel what my friends were taking about.


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
May 1970. I just turned 16 & I was very drug curious, so I bought a nickel of black hash from a guy at school. I took it into a little wood near my home & toked on the end of a cigarette. I liked it. Four months later, I was busted after a school dance for possession of a narcotic: cannabis resin & possession of an illegal substance: LSD. I thought I was going to jail since drug busts weren’t common in my town in the shadow of Toronto but I only got a $100 fine on each count. Jimi Hendrix died on the day of my court date fwiw. After that, I became a school anti-hero since I didn’t rat on my dealer (he was a friend by this time).

Houses, kids, jobs, life all rolled by but I always toked. Early on in my sales career, I made the move into wholesale high-end audio equipment sales & later Pro audio equipment sales & since both of these industries were pretty drug friendly, I was often able to mix business with pleasure. Like at CES in Vegas in 1983, when my boss brought a bag of shrooms, which made for a very interesting evening of casino hopping on our last night. Lots & lots of good times along the way.

Now that I am off the work treadmill, I still smoke & now I finally have the time to grow as well.


ICMag Donor
Peer pressure and curiosity (what got you started) starting in 1973. The rest is history.....;o)


Well-known member
On my 16th bday, at the Beach in South Texas.
I will be 73 in July.
So been a toker for 57 years.
My best bud had just returned from California.
Mexican dirt weed rolled in Strawberry papers.

mike tea

I'm 38 and am in my 30th year of cannabis consuming. My cuz though it would be fun to get this 8 yr old stoned on the way to see some 70's era disaster movie. It was, but I can't for the life of me remember which movie it was. Posidon Adventure, Inferno, Earthquake, Airport, one of them. By the time I was 10 I was a daily user, sneaking off to the bushes to smoke joints my cousin rolled for me. Eventually he got me a pipe. This was the San Francisco bay area, so pretty much anything was cool at the time.

So what's your story?
started in 1969passing by the galloping gooses bikers club house was offered a joint and never stopped left home, 1970 entered military service honorable discharge 1977, luv that Colombian gold, 66 years old, peace mike tea and god bless


Active member
I was curious because in school during drug prevention, they said MJ made you hallucinate. Actually now that I think of it, the effect they described was more the effect of LSD.

So to be honest, the first time I tried MJ, I was really dissappointed, I was tired hungry and giggly but I didn't see nothing lol :)

They lied to me!!!

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