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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?

Let's see.. My parents thought it was cute to get me stoned from ages 4-8 before realizing that it was a bad idea. But it was too late.. By 5th grade my friends and I were stealing nugz from our hippie Marin Co. parents.. So I've been getting stoned for about 39-40 years...
Let me ask my fellow oldtimers iffin they remember merry gins? They came in a little box and had a handle on the side that you turned and it seperated the lumber and seeds from the grass. My mother sported one. I have been trying to locate one of those for the longest time.

Oliver Pantsoff

Well-known member
Been smoking for 20 yrs straight. It's hard not to smoke being raised in N. Cali. I just miss the "real" weed we used to get in the late 80's/90's..I will give anything to find a cut from that era><

Been smoking for 20 yrs straight. It's hard not to smoke being raised in N. Cali. I just miss the "real" weed we used to get in the late 80's/90's..I will give anything to find a cut from that era><


You and me both! When I was in high school in the early 80's we had a bunch of grower kids (or more likely kids of growers) from Bolinas who would hang around school all day with paper bags filled with huge cola's. They'd trade you just about anything for a 1/4 oz single bud! I used to trade cassette tapes, sunglasses, etc.. they were killer big fat skunky cola's too.. dang, miss those days!!


New member
hey, Aloha,:wave: here to say it was the summer of 66', Waikiki jungle near the Zoo. smoke a J with my brother-in-law. going strong since then. now I am growing my own and retired.:thank you: Under the mango tree, smoking a pipe load.:jump:

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Since 1979, cops

Since 1979, cops

At the end of 4th or beginning of 5th grade, two county cops came to talk to our class at my small-town school in our rural decrim state about drugs.

I'm not sure I'd heard of drugs before.

Drugs sounded very cool. Oh so this is what I've been missing.

I had seen and heard the scene from afar some, since always, and thought it was all very cool and desirable and had such a vibe while everything else was dull and drab or disco, but was unaware of the association with drugs.

Well they had this suitcase packed with pills and bags and powders and buds and bongs and spoons and syringes and pipes etc. They displayed it very well for us. Since this was in Ditchweed, USA I knew where it was growing around here the minute they showed the pot leaf picture or whatever it was that I recognized.

I also realized that my next door neighbors had a very fine bong, and a couple weeks after the cops came, I found a pack of papers on the sidewalk in front of their house, so now I had to harvest some and I did.

Leaves were dried on top of the hot water heater and I rolled a monster ditchweed joint. I smoked a few hits of it when I went downstairs to do the laundry, while my mother was home. She must have smelled it after a while.

I didn't find anyone willing to smoke real weed with me for over 3 more years.

Stoned Crow

At the end of 4th or beginning of 5th grade, two county cops came to talk to our class at my small-town school in our rural decrim state about drugs.

I'm not sure I'd heard of drugs before.

Drugs sounded very cool. Oh so this is what I've been missing.

I had seen and heard the scene from afar some, since always, and thought it was all very cool and desirable and had such a vibe while everything else was dull and drab or disco, but was unaware of the association with drugs.

Well they had this suitcase packed with pills and bags and powders and buds and bongs and spoons and syringes and pipes etc. They displayed it very well for us. Since this was in Ditchweed, USA I knew where it was growing around here the minute they showed the pot leaf picture or whatever it was that I recognized.

I also realized that my next door neighbors had a very fine bong, and a couple weeks after the cops came, I found a pack of papers on the sidewalk in front of their house, so now I had to harvest some and I did.

Leaves were dried on top of the hot water heater and I rolled a monster ditchweed joint. I smoked a few hits of it when I went downstairs to do the laundry, while my mother was home. She must have smelled it after a while.

I didn't find anyone willing to smoke real weed with me for over 3 more years.

...and people say cops are good for nothin'....SC :smoke out:

on star

ahh yes I was 13 in southern cali and 40 years later still a chronic smoker.
some things shouldn't change!


Late bloomer

Late bloomer

Late 40s, didn't start smoking until I was 26. Raised in a conservative military family, joined the military and afterward went to college in a conservative town, trained in a conservative profession etc.

I made a really cool friend in college that did the Peace Corps in Thailand. He got me into smoking and growing, and so glad he did. Just wish he'd brought some seeds back from Mukdahan.


Trying to have a good day
25 years ago for me.As far as what got me started..Where I was at thats what teenagers did.Party,fuck,fight....and later on go to jail..lols

Classic Seeds

how do you think some one 60 starts smoking young in those days we had the beat nicks and the music speaking of jazz and the blues a stick of boo was a blessed act of relief from the ordinary .there was a jazz club 1/2 block from my house .we would hit the alley for butts and as we learned bless the person who threw it roaches

so since 1959 i have smoked this enlightning and pleasurable plant and once i was considered cool the mexicans got me weed in the 6th grade from their older brothers and relatives i had to hide it from my beat nick mom she did not believe in sharing it with a 10 year old at the time and would take my stash and lecture me about how it would mess up my schooling if i smoked it all the time .

reality was the stuff i got was better than what they had ,so i would leave a little in my sock drawer for her and the friends she hung with and kept my real stash in a old tuperware salad bowl under the house bricks of gold or michuacon were 12.50 to 15 dollars depending on if they were bricks {under weight} or true kilos ,i was a very popular surfer in junior high and high school so 51 years i have loved this gift from our planets medicine chest for joy and pain relief and i never grew tits sorry nixon like most of the lies about marijuana this was the funnyest one to me aloha and thanks for bringing back some very nice memorys of my youth aloha classic seeds


About 33 years off and on. At age 15, on a 2 weeks trip with my family to Amsterdam, my brother in low offers me a joint in a coffeshop.


Well-known member


Getting close to the Golden Anniversary. A friend’s brother had just gotten back from Nam and introduced us to the herb. Fell in love immediately.

Was going to start a new thread but thought I’d resurrect this one.


I'm 36. The first really high grade herb i got 20 years ago, 96' at 16. 7 grams of white widow for $120. It stuck to the bottom of the jar when you flipped it upside down. Id smoked mids and a little schwag before that but you know. &#55357;&#56841;


1970.........I was 12. Got stoned in a treehouse. Liked it from the beginning & still do. Smoked weed for years before I tried alcohol.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I'm not certain that I would qualify for an old stoner yet. But I'm smoking for more than 17 years now. I started around 15. So for more than half my life. It was when the White Widow craze started of here in Western-Europe. Excellent times as anyone will agree who was around these parts at those days.


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
Starting smoking dayly at September 1979, with 15. In all of the years maybe 3 month not. Hospital, 2 holidays to dangerous to smuggle. That much for war on drugs. :biggrin: I found always something. My reason was, I wanted to be diffrent from my alcohol drinking White trash comrades and I found easyer to sleep.


Crotchety Old Crotch
Well over 40 years here (damn near 45 years, actually) - I started because NONE of the cool kids were doing it.

I was the guy in HS who sold joints for a buck (I sold A LOT of joints) and it kept me in decent weed for years. I can out smoke, out bong, out dab most folks I meet. Young 'uns marvel at my lung capacity. I am old school hard core - OG before OG was a thing.