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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?



I could never understand why these people that think they can fly never use a 1st floor window. If that works, then progressively work your way up. :chin: :badday: :fsu:


I thought it was very sad that Art Linkletter's daughter killed herself but I always thought that it was sad that they used that for their antidrug campaigns. While she might have been tripping and that might have been a contributing factor to her death the media made it like if you take acid you've got a good chance of trying to fly. I took acid hundreds of times (at least,lol) and never once did I think my body could fly, lol. I've seen thousands of people trip and I never saw that happen to anyone else. Don't get me wrong, I respect the power of acid and it has showed me many alternate realities but I just thought it was sad that they used someones death in a propaganda war especially when I'm willing to bet there were many underlying factors that were not brought to light. The anti drug movement uses the same bullshit scare tactics in their ad campaigns to this day, too bad they don't take all that money that they waste on those commercials and put it into honest education about substance abuse.
microdot was very powerful lsd, smoke a little ganja and you can fly, for sure, i also took lots of lsd, i decided to trip to the ultimate, safety was in my thoughts, i prepared my surroundings, controlled bads tripping was enlightening.

Sport Farmer

Active member
Im 30 and i got my first bag at 15 serving detention for this guy! Haha! It was an offer i couldnt refuse! :D Whats a couple hours of detention for your first free bag?!?! :kissass:

I guess i was hooked after that.. lol



New member
Started smokin' pot in '77 when I was 15. As I recall it was some seedy dirty Mexi-brick with four or five of us smoking a pinner, needless to say I didn't get high that first time and it took until my third time trying pot to get a buzz, but after that first buzz I became a lifer. I've tried almost everything, but I always liked pot the best. I had trouble with the coke and gave that up, quit smoking cigarettes, my drinking is at a healthy level, in fact I should drink more but I'm keeping my pot as my personal indulgence. I've been growing for over 6 years because I got tired of paying stupid prices for weed and I was sick of having to deal with paranoid, weird dope dealers and have to get friends to go to their "guy" while I did something heaty like wait in the car down the road. There's the short version, talk to everyone later, peace.

the craw

river,,,,you are so right,I had stopped growing for a year(paranoia)but the weed I was buying was crap and the paranoia of going to a dealer was worse,,,,so it was out with the lights,pumps,fans etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,what a relief.........


New member
i started smoking spliffs at 15, done many 'other' things too, but only smoke these days. one of the real pleasures in my life is growing and smoking the herb.. but top of my all time favourite things is making weed pigramages...
just love smoking that ketama gold in ketama (morroco), parvati valley mmmmm
india mmmm nepalese temple balls, manali (rub yout own) and maybe some nice thai on the beach, aaahhhhhhhh
well this is one hobby i dont think im goanna give up


There's some beach in Thailand I've heard about where it's like a hippie commune & very inexpensive to live, in beautiful surroundings.....
I can't remember the name of it for the life of me.... :confused:


15 years old. I'd spend my lunch money on a nickel bag ($5) or alot of the time they came prerolled, 5 for $5

Sneak out of the house at night and smoke 'em.


i was like 13 14 8th grade boys room. i remmber it was harsh i never for got it but i just couldnt stop smokin i didnt care about my throat that was bleeding .....lol

i tried it becuz ive heard great things and now i still smoke as a matter of fact im goint to thte doctor to get my scrip renewd..lllolll peace


/\/\/\/\ If I only lived in Cali...I'd be so eligible, it makes me sick. That should be nationwide & on my side!!

Hank Hemp

Active member
I started March 14, 1970 in Viet Nam. So you do the math. Seem's like I was 19 yrs. I was turned on by my sgt. He was the old man 21.
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Active member
pretty cool reading these things, takes me back . i am 51 . had my first joint around 1969, i would have been around 15. it had fallen out of my older brothers' pocket. i scooped it, hung onto it for a few days, then gathered up my best friend and my younger brother and we smoked that sucker ! never got high but probably got high on thinking that we were high ! we smoked as often as we could after that, grooving to the mothers of invention, jimi hendrix, the doors ...good stuff.
since then i have drifted in and out of weed consumption, just recently went 4 or 5 whole years without thinking much about it. got back into it because i really feel it gives me a better outlook on life. have to smoke the right weed though, in the right amount. dont like the stuff that puts you deep into the couch. i know that others really need that kinda high for pain relief, etc. but it's not for me.


Welcome green grow!! I also started in 69 & am 51 also...be 52 in Aug....Have never taken a break, though. :joint: Been tokin 37 yrs now & luckily have retired, as I'd have to quit for 3-4 yrs if I wanted to pass a pre-employment drug test. When we got our employment, piss tests were unheard of. :fsu: But drinkin booze is OK :confused: :chin: Some fucked-up thinking on those old dudes of, like, 50. :muahaha: :smoweed: :wave:


Active member
Ann Arbor, the late '60's... Not too hard to imagine a 17 y.o. finding access the the herb, eh? But only after a lengthy search, which included smoking half a matchbox of catnip a "friend" sold me for $5 as a joke... :p

I recall watching Apollo 11 landing and Neil's "small step" while smoking some tasty blonde Lebanese hash... A truly "Carl Sagan" moment!!


rsteeb said:
Ann Arbor, the late '60's... Not too hard to imagine a 17 y.o. finding access the the herb, eh?

Ann Arbor in the late 60s? :bigeye: :joint: You were at the center of the universe, brother. Either there or Berkley, you were surrounded by the coolest peeps there were. :muahaha: :smoker: :biglaugh: :pimp3: :wave:

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