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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?



It's been 29 years for me since I've started toking at the age of 14. My older brother was the first person to get me high. He was also the person that turned me on to coke. Nowdays smoke is enuff for me and sometimes I have a little Captain Morgan to give me a bit of a boost. :yummy:
my first time was at a bible retreat, 14 years old. and i've never quit.
that was 26 years ago and no it wasn't the Pastor, but he was cool.
since then i've tried just about everything but the only thing i come back to is weed, it opens a window i just dont wanna close. love that breeze.


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah its nonsense that new strains are more potent than old. this oaxaca reminds me of TW a lil bit but I like it more.

and all these african strains. they are as old as time.

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Man, I haven't seen Oaxacan in 30 yrs.

I remember the Oaxacan we got in 1971/72...it was packaged like a bouquet of flowers from FTD or something. About 12-16 inch buds, tied together around the stalks with 1 of those 'twistees' & Saran-Wrapped all around the 4-6 buds...but they were HUGE!!:D....All for $25!!


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah I have 3 different oaxacas. thats the lowland. I have a smoke report of it on that other thread in here if you wanna see it.


Smoked the first Sept. 1971, never slowed down since. Its been great, had wonderful old school srains, as everyone calls them. Today I think its become even more exciting with all the new breeding advancements, flavors, love it!


New member
Tried Cannabis for the first time when I was 18. That was in 1985, so 21 years. However, I have been using Cannabis solely as medicine for the past 2 years.

A friend introduced me.


motaco said:
yeah I have 3 different oaxacas. thats the lowland. I have a smoke report of it on that other thread in here if you wanna see it.

Yeah I sure would love to read it, motaco...I'll go check it out. :wave: :joint:

Snot Poker

New member
Well it was the summer of 1968 on the Space Coast I burned my 1st joint.
and the answer to MINDS I question is because he didn't have the window payne.


New member
My first time was during a summer job (working for state government) in 1970. Didn't get enough to make much of an impression, so it was '72 when I became a confirmed toker. I was a long time cig smoker too, and gave that up 10 years ago. Even so, I became really tired of any kind of smoke, so I was seriously considering giving up getting high until I discovered vaporizing this year. Now my lungs are much happier with vapor and I'm mostly a non smoker again.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
My nerves were shot!

My nerves were shot!

....and I thought another part of me might be next. First weed? DEC 67...back in the Nam. I thank the weed, for my peace of mind.
Jeezus! I can't even remember last week let alone back then. LOL. I think it was the summer of 1970. :chin: ...................... My cousin acquired some black hash and the rest is history. :rasta:
This is funny

I'm not an old stoner by any means, but somehow the clicking links aimlessly ended me up here, under the influence of alcohol - (no ganja, trying to get a new job)

I'm only 20 and in this forum I'm a baby, but I just started smoking about 1.5-2 years ago in college. I've always wanted to smoke, as my dad did pretty much daily as I was growing up, I had always questioned it in the back of my mind.

So one night I basically got smoked up for free by some girl that I didnt know and never met again,... but initally I didn't feel anyting. Then I went to the bathroom and couldn't stop laughing... and after that I was hooked.

if my post doesn't make sense blame it on alcholol
For me I was 13, it was thanksgiving and my parents ordered me to go walk our poodle before the guest come.
as i'm walking the dog two girls i kinda knew called me over to "chat", they then asked me if i wanted to get high, i didn't know what they meant!
so they produced a pipe and we smoked three bowls..... it was great!
it felt like someone was bouncing BB's off my eyes. anyway i said goodbye and thanks then went home and did some major damage to that turkey.
good times. well i smoke when i can but sometimes it's hard to get away with it as my wife hates the thought of it *sigh* thats been over twenty years.
be cool.


Sloppy Seconds said:
well i smoke when i can but sometimes it's hard to get away with it as my wife hates the thought of it *sigh* thats been over twenty years.

You're kidding me? You can't be serious. My wife [of 22 yrs] doesn't toke either, but she would never even think of standing in the way of my weed & me. I provide a beautiful home, plenty of $$$, helping with household chores [since I've retired], helping to raise our son from infancy to now, the dreaded teenage years [he's 16].
She knows what I'd do/say if she even suggested that I refrain from toking :wave:<---- as she's leaving in the taxi. :woohoo: :joint:



The first time that I smoked was this summer with my cousin on July 4th(I am 19). I was raised to hate the stuff, and when my cousin offered it to me the night before I said no. Now I was heavy into cross country and track (hell i ran 70-80 miles a week during the winters/summers and would cut back some during the seasons) and I didn't know at all what getting stoned meant. Well as curious as I am, I said I'll try it. Me at this point, knowing nothing about mj, started asking questions. My cousin was smoking about 4-5 times a day and at this point I thought he was insane smoking that often. He starts explaining this new stuff he got and told me it was some decent blueberry that his friend grew in his hydroponics setup or whatever. I basically shook my head and had no idea what he started talking about after that and how potent this stuff was in THC. So he packs me an entire bowl and I say, " i doubt it even works" and my cousin just stared at me. So I take the first hit and start coughing for my life for about 2 minutes (those runners' lungs do have advantages :) ). I take 4 more enormous hits and then get on my mattress I was going to sleep on. A few minutes roll by and I say, "this just isn't worth it, i don't feel any different". As soon as I said different, I suddenly started feeling wierd. My legs looked 10 feet long and and my blanket started feeling funny. At this point I just said, "actually it's sorta cool I guess". My cousin threw on Beavis and Butthead Do America and as soon as it started, I remember my vision got soooooooo out of wack. It's very hard to explain, but the first and second time I got stoned, it were as if I was staring a picture on a table (my vision in front of me) and that picture would slowly slide to the left and a new picture would come. It was like I was living my life at 1 frame per second. I started freaking out and stood up but immediately fell because I couldn't keep my balance. I started getting paranoid and I asked about a thousand questions in about a minute to my cousin. He simply said, "just chill for a bit". Well he gets up to go the bathroom and my parents and his parents are in this house and I start freaking out thinking I'm going to die. My thought process was so messed up, I would think of something, then it was like for a split second I would think of something else, then back to being paranoid (hard to explain). I remember my concept of time got so slow, 1 minute literally seemed like an hour. At this point my heart was racing so fast I got concerned and took my pulse. All I remember is that it was really high. My vision started getting so choppy (slower than '1fps') that I remember slowly tipping over and hitting my head on the futon in slow motion. Then I was out. I woke up screaming my cousin's name about 5 times rapidly (coming back to consciousness) and he comes running back in. I start blabbing about this and that and I'm going to die and my family is going to hate me and whatnot and I told him I passed out for a few hours and he started laughing. I asked why he was laughing and he said, "man I literally just left to take a piss, I wasn't even gone for 2 minutes." That's when it hit me, I was stoned out of my wildest dreams. For the next 2 hours, I had the best time of my life. I specifically remember telling him about my "senses" saying that my arms and legs would pulsate toward me, sorta like a crowd does the wave at a game. We got some pizza and drinks... lots of drinks....I had the best time of my life and instantly fell in love. The next night we repeated the process only this time I had a jumbo bag of laffy taffy and never had such good tasting candy before, haha. Two months later after the first time I smoked, I bought my first pipe, Icabud Crane. After a week using a pipe I wanted to step it up a notch... a big notch. I went from spending 40 dollars on a pipe to spending 540 dollars on a volcano vaporizer, Darth Vapor (aka The Incredible Volc, like hulk). At this point, I still hadn't even obtained some herb for my own. Now, I typically use my volcano 3-4 times a day not to get really stoned, but to be uplifted and to feel good about myself and just life itself. On the weekends, I occasionally get ultra shelled off the volcano. I like to hang out at my bro's house and one night when they were all drinking and I just finished a few bags from the volcano, I was so stoned I half passed out on the couch. they were thinking of things to draw on my face and they were going to draw a tom selleck mustache on my face. I heard them saying that and instantly blabbered, "PLEASE, I don't want a tom salad" whatever a tom salad is. Everybody cracked up and now I'm known as Tom Salad around here, haha. Anyways, I hope to continue using this wonderful plant as it helps and does wonders for me throughout the day. When I graduate from college, my goals are to move out to California, own some beautiful property and a nice little house, and have a small personal grow going. Now I spend countless hours reading up on ICmag learning all sorts of cool stuff. -peace

wow, that post was exactly 1,000 words, haha. that's like an essay
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I can see that your new-found love of weed has left you speechless. :wave: :joint: :woohoo: :sasmokin:

Try this...............


yeah. some paragraphs would help a lot. anyhoo i smoked for the first time when i was 7 and got my first buzz at 8. my buddy's dad grew and my buddy's older bro thought it was fun to get us whacked and feed us cigs. took me 25 years to quit those damned things. we never complained. ill be 40 in 3 months,so ive been smoking a long time and iii ssuffferr noo iiill afffeectsssss....


Zipster, I left an avatar for ya at the other thread [title escapes me atm] that you can upload & use, if ya like.

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