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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?



BudBuddha said:
First good buzz was in Riverside CA from a $10 1/2 OZ in 1965.

And I'll bet that was some excellent weed for $10 for a 1/2 oz. I imagine it was some Michoacan or Oaxacan or even some Acapulco Gold back in 65.
Of course, we bought 'lids'...either 3-finger or 4-finger. Remember those, Bud?
Even though the reefer nowadays is superb, we didn't do too bad ourselves back 35-40 yrs ago. Plus 1/8ths & 1/4ths were unheard of. A nickel bag was a shotglass full of weed put in a baggie.
We used to buy cars for the same price as ozs nowadays. :yoinks:


zoltron said:
I also started in the summer of 1969, but the Summer of Love was 1967. :joint:

I think that the US had theirs a different time than Canada!:biglaugh:
Up there w/ Thanksgiving ..I thnk.LOL!
1969 was THE summer of LUV for me & friends...took 2 years to get here,eh?
After all you guys do have 'San Fran'.:D


/\/\/\/\/\ LOL!! Hahaha, I can respect that. I forgot about the time-difference between the 2 countries.:D


New member
My :2cents: 51 here,

At age 13 got my first 5 finger lid the flap just covered it. :bigeye:
California Skunk.... :smoker:

Just sitting in my friends car looking at that Light on his 4 Track player. :woohoo:

Yep you read that right 4 track had to put a thing in it so it would play.. :laughing:

And no one had scales never heard of them, if checked it went by one to 5 fingers..lol
And only cost $10.00 hell you could by a Kilo 2.2 lbs for $85.00 if you had the connection.. :wink:

Yes Oh how I miss the Ole days.... :D


started in 72 found some weed and papers in my sisters car. I probably smoked a couple times before it really got me high haven't looked back since. I remember when 4 fingers was 5 bucks in the tampa bay area and nobody even knew what a gram,oz was. I still remember the first time I saw green dope I thought there was something wrong with it,I immediatly learned the truth! Been a long journey up to this point in time, I look forward to an even longer trip to the end of the line. Good luck,stay safe and bless you all.


gamefowl said:
And no one had scales never heard of them, if checked it went by one to 5 fingers..

We never needed scales, as weed wasn't the price of a nice used car yet.
Plus an 1/8th? unheard of...even a 1/4th, unheard of. Now it's sold like it's gold. :joint:


Active member
Lemme get two fingers of that big sur holyweed eh!
I hear ya, I miss being handed a baggie and told to stuff it full.
I started in 1973, age 11. listening to led zeppelin 3 my sis threw a sack on the table one day. I looked at it, back at her, to it, And she said "what"- "do you know what that is" I said "oh yeah (happily) that's pot"
I laughed so hard that day- the highschool boys threw me around calling me budweiser- playing catch with me. L.O.L.
I got 3 afghani strains- one a creeper sativa pheno, chocolate lumbo, ECSD, G-13 (from seed ha-ha-ha), NLxkush, Cali indicaxblueberryxafghani,romp-19, lavender, sinsie star.
most i have mothers going of, or will have soon.
Im contemplatin
butterscotch hawaiianxg-13
SD f2
but undecided as to which first.


My little pony.. my little pony
I got started pretty young when I had to kill the aftertaste from some sour tit juice.



New member
IMy first time around it, was at a Ramones concert in Jersey (small venue) at the Capitol Theatre. My buddy was smoking weed that was first soaked in wine that he got from his sister. Two weeks later I was helping a differant friend do his paper route, and we took a break behind a junior high school. He pulled out a joint and lit up. He passed it over to me and I decided to take a hit....... It was love at first high. Ever since then I have been a smoker. first for fun and now for other reasons.

That was 28 years ago.
An eighth was called a nickle = 5 bucks
a quarter was a dime = 10 bucks
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Storm Crow

Active member
Halloween night!

Halloween night!

I had gone to several pot parties, but just watched. Finally, good old Richard Ford handed me a joint and having an adolescent crush on him, I took it and toked. It was Halloween night in Pacific Beach in San Diego. This Halloween, it will be 40 years. Now I'm a MMJ user and still toking and enjoying the side effects. I can remember $65 kilos. Richard had about a hundred piled neatly in a pyramid in his livingroom.


Active member
17 yo and I was in the Navy stationed in Portsmouth VA. That was in '76.

I just arrived to the ship and to try and fit in I made like I smoked but one day they called my bluff.

Man, I have not laughed like that since that day-never had the same high as I had that day and never will, I know because I have spent all these years trying to get it back.



Bromd said:
Damn, I feel like such a later Bloomer.

I have two first times....

First time First time - Age 20 - I smoked out of a cheap hand carved wooden bowl and it was some really crappy dirt weed, I didn't get high and felt a little naseus. It was in the spare bedroom of a friend's parent's house and he happens to be the only Epeleptic I've ever met that is convinced that weed cuases seasures. I tried two other joints and didn't get high at all, ended up with a stoner roommate who couldn't get me high either for his few attempts with dirt brick.

First time I got High - Age 25 -Smoking Hash with my Ex-Fiance in her efficiency, it was amazing, all my back pain melted away. Things for me became a little sharper and calmed down. For the next 6 months the only thing I smoked was Rum Extract sticky-hash. I'll be 30 in Feb, almost 5 years.

wait your friend is epileptic and he thinks that weed causes seizures, but he smokes anyways? why the hell would he keep smoking pot if he thought it was causing his seizures? that guy must be pretty stupid

the craw

september 15th 1969........and i aint missed a day since..........what dont kill you can only make you stronger.....what was I saying....damn this short term memory loss....I think it must be the effect of some kind of drugs...shit I wish I could remember more..my name would be good for a start...arghhhhhhhhhhhh
i never wrote it down, my memory aint so bad, but i aint a clue when i first smoked. sumatra bud, super stuff, i said no but i was persueded to try, i liked it, was maybe 69..i said no in 65...


the craw said:
september 15th 1969........and i aint missed a day since.........

That's somewhat ironic, as I started tokin August 1969 & I haven't missed a day since either... :smoweed:



it's great to see so many long term abusers of the devil weed.

i started in 1969. it was rolled in an american flag paper. what got me started was a friend saying here, try this. i never even thought about it.

i've smoked steadily since then except for 2 years off when i worked at a place where random fucking piss tests and high pay made me do nothing but massive quantities of booze and coke. i left the job, smoked one joint and haven't had any more then a couple beers at a time or coke since.

reefer has always been my love. i remember wondering why my friends in high school would smoke and drink. i didn't get it. why blur the buzz. then i found desert parties and spanyada(sp) and ripple wine. it's then that i realized that girls loved wine and rum and coke. :)
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fatboyfromOG said:
it's then that i realized that girls loved wine and rum and coke. :)

And coke... :sasmokin:...I have never met a girl that didn't love cocaine. It's powdered courage & snortin self-confidence. Personally, I never saw the big attraction, even though the 80s it was everywhere.
I did my share & then some, but to me, it was an easy give-up. I never really ever bought any & wasn't too interested in it, but I have yet to see any female turn down a rail. :chin: :2cents:

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