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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?


Active member
zoltron said:
Ann Arbor in the late 60s? :bigeye: :joint: You were at the center of the universe, brother. Either there or Berkley, you were surrounded by the coolest peeps there were. :muahaha: :smoker: :biglaugh: :pimp3: :wave:

So I've come to learn... Berzerkeley always has felt like home, at least the campus; it's Ann Arbor's sister city in a lot of ways. Used to go there to find pot when I first moved to Cali in '70's, and was RARELY dissappointed! :D

Still enjoy a Top Dog when I get the chance...


Braniac said:
Art Linkletter's daughter...of course that was an LSD thing, and there were some other factors, nothing at all to do with maryjane...but truth was never a big factor in the WOD, from day one.

Another incident twisted around to fit an agenda...

Linkletter's daughter Diane allegedly committed suicide in 1969, under the influence of LSD, he says. An autopsy revealed no drugs in Diane's system, but that didn't stop the "killed by LSD" story, and Linkletter quickly became one of America's most prominent spokesmen for the War on Drugs. He was appointed to President Nixon's National Advisory Council for Drug Abuse Prevention.

Quoted from:


Interesting how it neither effected marijuana nor had any evidence of a drug at all, but gets made into a huge anti drug campaign.


14 smoked some Kush my friends brother got us...it was SOOO fucking great! I was paraniod as fuck...but that day I found MaryJane!!! im comming up on my 24 birthday and its tripping me out that ive been smoking for 10 years daily!! OMG! :smile:


Hank Hemp said:
I started March 14, 1970 in Viet Nam. So you do the math. Seem's like I was 19 yrs. I was turned on by my sgt. He was the old man 21.

I started August 20th 1970 but thank god i was still a freshman in high school.
I moved to Fairfield Cailifornia from england in 70. I had heard of pot but had no idea where to get it before that. I knew that hippies smoked pot cause my parents all ways warned me. So my first day of School i looked for some kid with long hair if he could get me some. The next day he broght in an oz and we cut wood shop and sat in some garage and got baked. I loved it and have smoked since. When i started it was $10 for an oz Kilos for 200
I have never really done a good grow and i am ready to do it right. This looks like a good site for gudance.

Uncle Jesse

Active member
Had to break out a calculator ..hmm..27yrs...it says

Had to break out a calculator ..hmm..27yrs...it says

i was a 15 sophmore on the wrestling team in the winter of 79 , a guy on the team that just moved from Cali got my so stoned after a match, next time i seen him i asked if he could get ahold of any more of that :chin:

exellent topic ,brings back all kinds of fun memories!


1975...just before school and the weather was coool then ... has never been the same since. I didnt even stop while in the Marines as an Aircraft mech.

DJ Twist

1986. I was 13. All my friend's older brothers got us high before, after and during a Dead show. I haven't been that high since. Pretty much daily since then.

The 20th anniversary of my first time will be this summer. I will also be smoking my first homegrown crop by then as well.

Here's to 20 more!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I'll be joining the 40-club in less than a year, so I'm warming up. My first joint was passed my way in a club in the early 80's. It was a poor man's joint, crappy cut Moroccoan hash, mixed with too much tobacco. It didn't do anything to me, and I wondered what all the fuzz was about. We were all punks back then. I did a lot of travelling in the later 80's, to the Middle East and North Africa, but somehow the good stuff never came my way, and since I didn't see the point in it all I often turned good offers down.
I passed through Amsterdam once on my trips and decided to try a hashcake. About an hour later, when my feet started feeling like I was walking on cotton, I knew I was stoned. I rented a bike and rode randomly along the canal streets of A-dam, enjoying the tingling sensation and detachement from the real world. It lasted the whole afternoon. I bought the cheapest seeds at Sensi's shop and brought them back home. Only one plant made it to adult age, I grew that poor thing in the window on the second floor, facing a back street where very little light got through. I knew NOTHING about how to grow, when to plant, didn't fert, didn't repot, I didn't even know that you smoked the flowers (not that my plant had any), I thought you smoked the leaves, since that's what people posted everywhere, on t-shirts, pictures etc. That plant grew about a foot high, they turned grey, then died. This was in 1989. Since then, I've worked on my grow technique, and has done everything from outdoor guerilla growing to indoor hydro growing. Today I'm proud of my skills, the quality and yield I achieve. Last week, a friend of mine got body searched on a train in southern France, and the cops found a 2 gram bag of my stuff (Sour Diesel) on him. The cops mocked him for smoking "bad" weed, they didn't like the smell of the buds, they thought the colour wasn't right. Boy, those pinhead cops must have been surprised when they smoked that bud later on.


Active member
Have'nt smoked in a while now,but i started 82.I was 15.The first time was some killer red hashish, :yoinks: with a hood that i fell in with.it was realy hard times for me, moved to a rich suberb my mom divorced the bum she was married to after some really bad shit @ my mom thought she was moving us to a better envirement,better schools and shit like that but all the people my age were a bunch of rich jocks(real pricks)well this hood went to an alternative school,his family was rich but he didn't let that go to hi head.he always had great shit.shortly after that i metr a 5th or 6th cousin that was like in his 30'sand all his friends were Nam vets.talk about babtism under fire.i don't think i was ever a lightweight.ifso that didn't last long.when i hear people say they didn't get high the 1st time they smoked,i just can't identify.i've seen it happen though,just to uptight about it i guess. :chin:oh shit i'm babelling again.(theres that euphoric recall kicking in again) :yummy:.



Active member
Have'nt smoked in a while now,but i started 82.I was 15.The first time was some killer red hashish, :yoinks: with a hood that i fell in with.it was realy hard times for me, moved to a rich suberb my mom divorced the bum she was married to after some really bad shit @ my mom thought she was moving us to a better envirement,better schools and shit like that but all the people my age were a bunch of rich jocks(real pricks)well this hood went to an alternative school,his family was rich but he didn't let that go to his head.he always had great shit.shortly after that i metr a 5th or 6th cousin that was like in his 30'sand all his friends were Nam vets.talk about babtism under fire.i don't think i was ever a lightweight.ifso that didn't last long.when i hear people say they didn't get high the 1st time they smoked,i just can't identify.i've seen it happen though,just to uptight about it i guess. :chin:oh shit i'm babelling again.(theres that euphoric recall kicking in again) :yummy:.



This year will be my 40th year toking,lol. Damn,I have a hard time believing I'm this old,seems like only a couple years ago my friends and I were ditching school to go to the cemetary to smoke. I smoked for the first time the summer before 6th grade in 1966. A friend had some Michoacon and we smoked ourselves silly. I got blasted my first time, when I was good and stoned I ran into my mother as she was going to a friend's house and I remember thinking that she must know how blasted I was, I mean I was tore up, blasted to the max, I thought for sure anybody could just look at me and see I was an evil pothead. It's funny, I remember the first time I got stoned better than the first time I got laid!


Rudedude said:
This year will be my 40th year toking,lol. A friend had some Michoacon and we smoked ourselves silly. It's funny, I remember the first time I got stoned better than the first time I got laid!

37 yrs here, brother, & that Michoacan was some righteous weed, wasn't it? We were getting that in Chicago 69/70 for $20/'lid' & it always irks my ass when these youngsters try telling us that all we got back then was "stems & seeds" :confused:....I don't know why they're under that assumption, but I'll take a $20 lid of Michoacan over a $360 oz of, uhh, any $360 oz!! :yoinks: :chin: :joint: :wave:


I think at least some of the pot propaganda about the difference in potency from the day to present day is from old "retired" tokers who don't want their kids and grandkids doing what they used to do. By downplaying the potency of the pot they used to smoke they don't feel as hypicritical telling their kids not to smoke herb. No doubt there are some kick ass strains available today but good smoke has always been available somewhere.

I was lucky enough to get some Michoacon x buddhas sister beans off of detox before all the shit hit the fan. Not overpowering potent but a very nice smoke and a taste that is at least reminescent of the day. I am also trying another run of Odin's Hammer from reeferman.It's a cross of acapulco gold and kodiak gold but it's very prone to hermie,last run I had to cut at ten weeks and it had very limited potency and tasted like hay.This time I have two girls at 8 weeks,no nanners yet,I'm hoping to run them 12 weeks but I'll pull at the first nanner.Time will tell.


All that shit about less potent weed from the 60s/70s is because they stored the weed in an airy room with ventilation just sitting there for months before the tested it (harder to do that in the 60s/70s.) So of course the pot will be more brown and have less potency, thats common sense.


Rudedude said:
I think at least some of the pot propaganda about the difference in potency from the day to present day is from old "retired" tokers who don't want their kids and grandkids doing what they used to do. By downplaying the potency of the pot they used to smoke they don't feel as hypicritical telling their kids not to smoke herb. No doubt there are some kick ass strains available today but good smoke has always been available somewhere.

This makes the most sense out of anything I've heard or read.
Excellent point, Rudedude, I can see that happening. It's sad, though, that peeps from our generation have to stoop to that degree to try & stop their own kids from experimenting.
If their kid wants to try pot, telling them it's way more potent nowadays, would only give me MORE incentive to get my hands on a bag of "superior" pot. :chin: :joint:


zoltron said:
37 yrs here, brother, & that Michoacan was some righteous weed, wasn't it? We were getting that in Chicago 69/70 for $20/'lid' & it always irks my ass when these youngsters try telling us that all we got back then was "stems & seeds" :confused:....I don't know why they're under that assumption, but I'll take a $20 lid of Michoacan over a $360 oz of, uhh, any $360 oz!! :yoinks: :chin: :joint: :wave:
Hey Zoltron bro....
Looks like you're an old fart like me..hehehe :pointlaug
Best stuff we had back in 69/70 was thai stick or hash. :joint:
We got our lids fo 10 bucks. :wave:



smoking pot fairly steadily for roughly 38 years, ... never liked it much when young, I was after MORE ... I'm one of those people that did speed, barbituates, cocaine, heroin, opium, LSD, mushrooms, psylocybin, peyote, DMT, and whatever else was around, BEFORE really giving marijuana a chance ... after a few tries, it finally gave me the mood I was searching for my whole life ... :woohoo:

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