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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?


started smokin when i was in the fifth grade, bong hits with my cousins,back when a lid cost 20 bucks :chin: i remember when my uncle caught me in his stash and he broke out a ball of hash an showed me how to hotknife.


1 day I'd like to try a vaporizer, but I'm still partial to my 1974 Toker II. A glass bong that's lasted me 31 yrs. It's been veddy, veddy good to me!!:D


just got myself a vaporiser and I'm hoping to stay around long enough to get my moneys worth.. Too much of a hack these days to keep smoking hash and weed strait from the pipe or doob.. I do love a good fatty though, and a joint aint bad either!!


I started in 74 with a $10 lid of Mex. But really didn't get off till 76 when I went to Montreal and tried some of the best Colombian weed on the planet! I been smoking daily ever since and I love Colombian weed so much I moved here and grow it myself.


redone said:
I started in 74 with a $10 lid of Mex. But really didn't get off till 76 when I went to Montreal and tried some of the best Colombian weed on the planet! I been smoking daily ever since and I love Colombian weed so much I moved here and grow it myself.

Hahaha, I think you might enjoy weed a little, eh? :joint:

You moved there? Now that's what I call 'dedication'. :woohoo:


I smoked 2 times when i was 14-15... Nothing when i was 16 i went to my friends house that had been a smoker for a while. hit a few bongs of some haze type weed and just giggled and did goofy shit in videogames n watched tv for 4 hours.

The first joint is always funny, i put my weed in, dident tighten up the joint, rolled it upside down, and over licked the paper. lol


I smoked my first joint of Mexican when I was 13 years old with a 19 year old friend of our family.
I did not get high but for Mexican the taste was tollerable.
Next time I toked I was 16 in high school.
Some 12th graders invited me to join a small smoke group on the side of the building.
I did not get high but I tried a few tokes and learned to hold it in.
I was selling mice I raised at school and traded some mice to the dudes that got me high for a couple joints to bring home.
Thats when I noticed the high for the first time.
I was 17 the next time and began buying nickle bags 1/8 for 5.00 bucks of Mexican and Brown Columbian.
Soon after I was buying 4 finger lids of Columbian for 40 bucks once a week.
All my friends smoked and I enjoyed smoking daily for many years.
I was 18 when I smoked my first joint of Columbian gold. a light yellow color with a smell and taste I long for to this day.
I noticed right away after the first toke of gold it almost took my breath away as it expanded in my lungs.
I was catching a good buzz that progressed and was ripping stoned after only one joint.
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I wasnt around when lids were 10 bucks, but shit even today you can get one anyone in socal for 30 bucks. Back when i used to smoke it u could tell something is wrong, laced with opium or something. Usually it had a heady headache high.
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New member
Good old grass

Good old grass

Well, I started loooooooong time ago in Santiago Chile , then continued in London , first stuff was from those big magic mountains chain called , CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES , :joint:

it was :abduct:

then :jawdrop:


i started smoking hooch when i was 17, just after i gave up smoking bannana skins! god dam i was pathetic! 'was'????? hahahaha. My mates who'd been smoking for a year or so used to love to invite me to their smoking ring, i'd get stoned & laugh totally out of control for hours at a time. I remember desperatly trying to supress the giggles one night when my mates mum knocked on his bedroom door, i'm sure u all know how impossible that is! Especally when 3 or 4 of your mates are trying to do the same thing! She sure gave us all a funny look! That was 24 years ago & tho most of my mates have long since stopped smoking i'm still toking away, now more than ever!


New member
I first smoked weed back when you could buy an entire ounce for $20.00 (U.S.). This was '71 ... '72, and I know we had killer dope back then because that first time I got high I got zoned off my ass and was nearly catatonic for awhile! Heheh Actually I got zonked like that the first several times. So anyway I stayed toking through the 70's and into the mid 80's then I pretty much became just a ..uh.. social toker, (but problem drinker lol ), as opposed to a full time pothead.
Now I have put the cork back in the jug, dug my old bong out of my toy chest and am fixin to get that Oldtime Reefer Religion again!

What got me started? My older bro, what else?
Been smoking for 25+ years.. Like some of the others, It used to be called reefer, grass, and other names..

It just gets better and better!


Whew!! Man no kidding!! I just smoked like 2 bong hits of this Super Skunk & I am blasted!! Weed has definitely gotten stronger & unless you grow it yourself, has a huge price tag anymore. I can't picture myself, age 51, & walking up to some droopy-drawered teeny-bop wearing a designer jogging outfit & scoring 2 grams for $1000 or some shit -- "Dude man...man dude, this is top-of-the-line chit...like, you just look at it & you're wasted!! I'm not kidding either!!" :D


I think my 1st time was like in 71, standing out in front of school smoken cigs when someone sparked a couple of joints and started passing them. You used to be able to get a 4 finger lid for 10 bucks back then, there was no such thing as buds it was all shake and was ready to roll. I was hooked from day one and they say weed isnt addicting..... :confused:

70s :joint:
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1978 for me. stole a joint from my brother 11 years older than myself. was sum killer stuff I remember not being able to stop laughing as he was beating my ass for taking it. Was sum stuff called black sheeba or black shiva(best I ever had) Said he got it out of Chicago. Been burnin every since


Active member
Wow, this thread has lived almost a year. My first time was in the woods on the way to school, 7th grade. Now the guy that got me started works for the FBI. Maybe if my name comes up he'll be cool and call me ahead of time. Scored my first bag in the bathroom at jr. high, dude drove to school, sold me a dime bag, I was happy! Here's a funny, my first try with joker papers was on the way to see REO. I roll one in the back seat to burn at the show. We get seated, lights dim, I pull out my skeezer, hit it with the bic, poof, the paper burns up in a flash, the weed falls in my lap. Looks like something from a cartoon. Now I use a 1.0 with just enough of an overlap to stick it together. I geuss 23 years now. Peace