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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?



The Frog Pond said:
1978 for me. Was sum stuff called black sheeba or black shiva(best I ever had) Said he got it out of Chicago. Been burnin every since

We used to get excellent weed in Chicagoland in the early 70s, so I'm sure that whatever you had, was a stone-cold killer. It used to kill us to have to pay $25/4-finger lid. What does $25 get you now? 1 gram? :yoinks: :confused: :joint:


Fun thread! I started smoking at 15, but didn't actually get high smoking until after the first time I got high...on acid. We had 6 hits, a friend and I took one each. 10 minutes later nothing had happened, so we took the rest! What a day that was! 37 years later, I've given up the chemicals, but continue to smoke. That original tripping friend and I started growing only recently, and we're looking forward to our first crop!


1966, OakCliff side of Dallas Texas, Colombian Gold,,,,,,,,,UUUUmmmmmmmm those were the days. Oh yea went to High School with Stevie Ray Vaughn my Sophomore year. Sorta Part Of History I guess. Peace


I was growing before I started smoking.^^^^ Them little tight red/gold nugs^^^ Oh them was the dazes...

I grew my first good crop in 1978 at the ripe age of 14.My older brothers was pissed because all their freinds was comming to see me :D..Hell I figured I was on to something.27 years and still growing strong!!!,but much smarter in my methods.

When I started it took about 6-8 months from seed to harvest.1 crop a year. I had 6 full outdoor harvest last year.


Active member
Winter of '68, just missed out on the Summer of love, but found myself with the University crowd, and passing the joint was part of the scene.

First couple tokes didn't do much, so buddy and I took a joint out to the parked car, in the rain. 'bout half way through that, I got it. Stoned and watching the rain run down the windows, the skeleton trees waving in the wind, I got it. :D


i turned to pot to quit booze. it worked but now im addicted to good pot. oh well.


Sure beats booze...I've been sober 7 yrs now after about a 25 yr binge. Quitting was the best thing I ever did.:D


I am most fortunate that my stomach would not allow me to become an alcohol overconsumer, else I would drink more than my 2 glasses of cab in the evening.

First joint came from a matchbox full of green leaf purchased from an old man in a rocking chair on the front porch of a whorehouse in Clinton Oklahoma when I was 14. Parents called me a 'bad kid' when they beat me, so I figured that I should do stuff that 'bad kids' did, and one of the things that 'bad kids' did was smoke pot.

First good buzz was in Riverside CA from a $10 1/2 OZ in 1965. At 55, I have been consuming for 40 + years now. The grow makes it real fun. I have no plans to stop consuming or growing.



Its been 33 years now. I started with my cousin, I was 11. She was also growing pot to at the time though it wasn't very productive garden its where I got interested. As I grew older I became a boozer also and then started shooting herion for some reason:) I've been growing off and on for years and years. I no longer drink or use any other drugs. Cannabis has played a big part of me still being alive, for if it was not for tending my garden and consuming it's fruits I would surely be dead by now :joint:


Wanted to be a good ole rebel without a cause. Now Mary Jane and I sure got some really amazing history.
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LOL! I am an old stoner now.hehehehehehehehe!
What got me started was I was sick of drinking..YUCK!
Not back in the day though....never took to pot but loved me Morrocan hashish!
Imbibed for the summer of luv,1969.....next trials weren't till 94:biglaugh:
What really got me hooked was when pot saved my very life during a bout w/ salmonella ...damn near croaked too! ....but I didn't so the love of bud grew.
Did not like getting 'whatever was out there' so decided to grow,never looked back.
Thanks to my many friends at OG I learned to grow great bud,everyone loves it.
& that's all there is to it.:biglaugh:

High n Dry

61 here..over 40 years of MJ experience.

A bunch of thugs from L.A. forced it on me. I haven't been the same since.:bis:
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1971, I was fourteen. I worked on a traveling carnival during the summer, along with a bunch of other neighborhood kids. What a deal...other kids around the hood were stuck hanging around for the summer, working as yard slaves. We were out on the road for a week or two at a time with little adult supervision, beer and dope were easy to come by, and for some reason those cute little Minnesota farm girls had a thing for Carneys. :yummy:

My buddy and I scored a nickle bag, and after the carney closed for the night we started blazing. A nice warm summer night, adults gone home for the night, and a fresh bag to burn. We smoked until we tipped over.

Bed was a blanket on the seat of a carney truck; I never slept better.


My older brothers started getting me high,about that time we moved to south fla. and i got broke in smoking pr,smg,lb,all the good island and south american strains.(circa 71')and i can safely say cannabis leaves no permanent after effects.


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