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Well old stoners, how long have you been smoking and what got you started?



:joint: :joint: :joint: one day when i was 17 in 6th period art class, one of the "Cool" stoner guys said "I'm comin by and gettin you high today".... I'm still high, and that was 18 years ago!! Good Times!! :joint: :joint:


isthatmylighter said:
:joint: :joint: :joint: one day when i was 17 in 6th period art class, one of the "Cool" stoner guys said "I'm comin by and gettin you high today".... I'm still high, and that was 18 years ago!! Good Times!! :joint: :joint:

Now THAT weed's got some hellacious legs on it!! :yoinks:


Now where were the 2 of you 20-25 yrs ago when I was looking to get married?:D


pieceofmyheart said:
You always make me smile. SOL hahaha Smile out Loud

Haha...well, it makes ME smile knowing that I make you smile :chin:...you do realize SOL means 'shit outta luck' too, right?
But not with you & me... :wave: :yummy: :joint:


LMFAO @ zoltron

LMFAO @ zoltron

How about chatting over the phone or video emailing to chat? Better check out the stoner club friends web page. :asskick: :woohoo: peaceofmyheart is very smoking woman. :hotbounce :hotbounce :hotbounce :hotbounce :rasta: :dance: :smoker: And one of my very best of friends. Peace.

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Well I'll be a monkey's Uncle! :D

:respect: Memy Selfandi :respect:

I aint seen that name in a coon's age! :canabis:

How ya doin' old timer? Good to see ya :wave:

:smoker: Welcome to the Stoned Geriatric rest area...:smoker:

Hopefully, you will treat us all to a thread or two of whatever you got cookin' in the garden. It's always an honor when a "Grow Legend" joins our small community to share da knowledge & wisdom....

Once again, Good to see ya & welcome aboard my man! :wave:
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