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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!

billy bob

To dutch grown;
regaining civility ! Thanks for reminding us ALL about how we should treat each other on the boards. I learned somthing today namely the 50 post requirement to be able to access chat rooms . thanks for letting us all know. no flames allowed here !!
lots of new folk around, hello to one and all. i'm just having a quick pipe of bubblehash, and a long listen to tom petty, going with the flow, feeling the drift into anti gravity....living in a lost world, from way back in my memory..


What happened to rudestdude? I've been noticing that alot...do they eliminate their account themselves? Or were they banned? :confused:


Hi people. Rudestdude is back to being Rudedude (same as on OG and CW). I had an attack of paranoa when Rez deleted his account and deleted mine. I'm much better now,lol. It's good to be home!!


new to this website ...

new to this website ...

I'm glad to find a Forum of folks my own age-group ... after hanging out at cannabis.com forums, I sadly discovered lots of 'kids' there ... I didn't like discovering I had been giving growing tips to 14 year-olds ...
I'm presently 54 years old, ... U.S. Army veteran, retired (disabled) longhaul truckdriver, 31 years on the road, 4,000,000+ miles, ... I am a devoted Christian, and member of Mensa ... I 'live' motorcycles ... I crash a lot, have broken every bone in my body, and near-fatals twice ... I broke my neck Sept. 2004 when I totalled out my road bike ... still ride when I can ... also am a photographer, and computer hacker ... I grow my own medicine, I am a California prescribed Med-User ... politically conservative, but socially compassionate ... I firmly believe marijuana should be legally obtainable by prescription, and I will fight for that right as long as I am breathing ...
anyway, hello, everybody, ... I'm just glad to be here ... :joint:
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Joint Date: Today.
I'm glad to know that people like you still alive...

I'm happy to be here with you guys...:joint:


I think weed should be legal for EVERYONE that's 21+...not just with a Rx, but sold in liquor stores or drug stores, but the person must be 21+ & treat it like booze.


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Hello, if you don't mind I'll throw my hat in the ring, 40+ over here

but could someone pick it up for me,
dam my back hurts but not for long :chin: :joint:


roadcam said:
I'm glad to find a Forum of folks my own age-group ... I firmly believe marijuana should be legally obtainable by prescription, and I will fight for that right as long as I am breathing ...

I agree on finding a forum with cats our own age [I'm 52], but I gotta disagree on the 'cannabis Rx' plan. I think cannabis should be available to anyone 21+ yrs of age & sold in liquor stores or drug stores.
If a person can obtain booze & cigs without a prescription, then weed should be treated just the same -- 21+ yrs old, no Rx. :joint: :wave:



Hey Zoltron

How the hell are ya bud? I remember you from the UFO thread a few months back, hehehe. Don't worry about your age man......I still got a few yrs. on ya!! And I agree with ya........should be able to stop in the 7/11 anytime & pick up a pack o' pot if you're 21. Gov. is really dumb.....just look at all the money they could collect from regulatory taxes & sales taxes.



Absolutely, Bipedal, & good to see you too, my friend.

The $$$ that the feds could make with taxes & the $$$ they'd save from trying to fight a losing battle, could feed the homeless, the poor little kids that are starving, & the economy in general. Their mindless War on Drugs could be & should be abolished!!

Father Time

Hay Zoltron,
how ya been mate good to see you aorund.
kindest Regards,FT :wave:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard


Just knocking on the door, to see if anybody is home. 57 years old soon. What a long, strange trip it's been.


Father Time said:
Hay Zoltron,
how ya been mate good to see you aorund.
kindest Regards,FT :wave:

Hiya Father Time...how ya been, bro? Good to see you around also. Hope everything's been great on your end too. :wave:


I'm just a babe in the woods at 41.
Been smoking for better than 20yrs with no plans on quitting any time soon. I plan to be an old fart in a rocking chair out on the veranda toking on my pipe.


ME262 said:
I'm a former corporate exec who bailed out at the tender age of 42. I met Mary Jane when I was fourteen or fifteen, and you could buy a nickle bag of seeded mexican for five bucks.

I started growing indoors last year. The great thing is having a reliable supply of primo smoke, and not having to dick around with dealers. I'm strictly small scale - one 250 each for veg and flower, and a little flouro cabinet for the babies. Keeps me and my buddies supplied.

I've been wanting to start growing indoors but am pretty much clueless other than basic put the seed in soil.